D&D General Not gonna worry, Will just keep playin (+)


The leak is obvious nonsense. The sky is not falling. And it won't spell the end of D&D.
But if it did, nothing would change for me. I'm used to running unsupported versions of D&D. I have everything I need to keep playing the D&D of my choice for the rest of my life, as does anyone else. D&D Beyond might end, but it's not like a digital toolset is vital for playing the game.

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I already have more material than I could ever hope to run. I'm still looking at 7 Paizo APs, a host of old Dungeon magazines, Necropolis, and a whole bunch of other adventures/campaigns that I'm itching to play. Plus my own home-brew ideas. And that's just 3rd edition/Pathfinder. I have plenty of 1e and BECMI material I never got to, as well as pretty much all of 5e that's been published so far. Plus I'd like to try playing in some other systems, maybe start a Car Wars campaign, and other random ideas. Considering I get through a campaign about once every 3-4 years (at best), that should take me out until I'm 6 feet under.

TL;DR - I'm not too worried.


It's all so silly.

3E was "open"... 4E was "closed"... 5E was "open"... 1D&D was "closed"... yadda yadda yadda.

There's absolutely no reason to think that the "Official" Dungeons & Dragons game won't "re-open" again somewhere down the line, so being worried about anything having to do with this game is unnecessary. Even if the money people at Hasbro kill 5E's momentum with an attempt at monetization, all that will happen is that the game will slow down, the D&D team at Wizards will get gutted, a new group of folks will be hired to come into the design room, and then 6E/7E (whatever naming convention suits you) does what Mearls did with 5E and get the game back on its feet in a bunch of years.

Second verse same as the first.

My issue is that, having played countless RPGs over 30+ years, and having found relatively lighter ones with less prep play pretty great, I probably wouldn't want to run D&D without digital tools supporting it. They've been really helpful for my main group particularly. I'm not just talking about VTTs, but a probably integrated character builder, searchable rules databases, and so on. Currently for 5E only Beyond offers that (4E's offering was slightly better, weirdly, in terms of what it could do, but was much clunkier-looking and relied on Silverlight lol).

Without all that, I'd be willing to play D&D, but I wouldn't be willing to run it. Also, all my 5E "books" are on Beyond, because I don't have space in my stupid London flat for a whole ton more books. I haven't bought a physical RPG book for like, four or five years? Maybe longer.

On the bright side, I haven't got a bunch of 5E adventures/campaigns I want to run, because I've largely run my own campaign/adventures in 5E (like 4E), so it's not like I'll be stamping my foot and cursing!

So I think my main idea would be to just run a different game. Maybe PF2, maybe Worlds Without Number, maybe DIE, who knows!


The 5E system works reasonably well for me and I've always run campaigns that I created and, if I buy modules it's only for inspiration. I don't see anything changing. While I prefer in-person gaming we do currently include my nephew and his SO in a game my wife runs, I don't see that changing. People are still playing variations on D&D from decades ago, why would it change?

As long as I can continue gaming, I will. For the foreseeable future it will be D&D. I may have to go back to a spreadsheet I created before DndBeyond was released. I might write an app to do some of the work for me, like I did in the past. But as long as I can find even a couple of people to play, I'll be rolling those D20s.

It might be good to point out that nobody is going to force you to use any VTT or other online tools, libraries, wikis, or whatever. Playing D&D is actually entirely voluntary, and you are free to use whatever tools you like. :sneaky:

In our group we play at a table, use the PHB, MM and DMG (books made of paper) and we recently bought new dice! So our group definitely entered the Age of the Fruitbat.

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