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Not With a Bang, I: Its Own Reward

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"Great. It looks like we're all agreed. So shall we take the gem per Arnis' request? We might ask for some of that cash in advance as well."


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"I'm sure Arnis will offer some of the pay in advance," Baril says as he drops his gear on the floor. "I guess we have a new employer, then. Well, at least until we know more. None of us seems eager to continue working for Melian and it doesn't surprise me. We all have our reasons, but Arnis' offer is simply far better - and I'm not only talking about the extra gold. Hey, if it's fine with the paladin, it has to be a good decision," Baril says with a smile to Grunlor.

"But right now I could use some rest and I'm sure I'm not the only one. Let's work out the details in the morning. Good night."


First Post
"I still think crossing wizards is dangerous business," Grinder says. "But, I'll go along with everyone and fulfill Arnis' request for now."

He mentally encourages his familiar to hole up for the rest of the night and then finds a place to sleep for himself. In the back of his mind, he continues to try to find a way to hedge his bets in case this deal goes sour.


First Post
You finally get to sleep and some rest. In the morning, you are awakened by a knock on the door. It's a halfling who seems very interested in the party. She says, "Arnis awaits you in the common room, along with a hot breaskfast. Whenever you're ready." The smell of bacon wafts down the hall.

OOC: If y'all wanted to do anything before breakfast, let me know--I'm going to make some assumptions here to get you moving.

The common room is slightly more full in the morning. The late guard, whom you met the night before, seem to be taking dinner, and several other humans are at the breakfast table--along with Arnis, and the goblin cleric. Arnis says, "Come, have some breakfast. We can discuss business after we've eaten."

OOC: I assume... You eat a bit of breakfast--perhaps not the best meal ever, but much better than trail rations. Arnis finally asks: "So, have you come to a decision? Will you take the gem to our headquarters?"

You look at one another. Arkan, speaking for the group, says, "We will take the gem. Though you should know we do so with reservations."

Arnis nods. "I can understand that. Melian is a master of deceit." Arnis motions to the halfling who woke you. "This is Selene. She's one of our best scouts--and more importantly, she knows where our bases are in Alten's Rock, and in Colinna. Though I cannot come with you, I will gladly send her along with you.

"If there is nothing else... I suggest you be on your way. If you hustle, you may be able to reach Alten's Rock by midday tomorrow."

OOC: If anyone else wishes to add anything, this is the place to do it. :) The DM has one addition though:

Tuli steps forward, rather timidly. "Master Arnis? I... think I would like to stay with you."

Arnis looks curiously at her. "Are you certain? We do not live a glamorous life here, young one. You may find more drudgery than anything."

"I assume," says Tuli, "that given the nature of your organization, I am welcome to change my mind."

"Indeed you are. And if you wish to stay and join the Irregulars, and your compatriots are not averse to it... then you are welcome here."

OOC: Exit Tuli, stage right.


First Post

OOC: I appreciate your assumptions to keep things moving.

Arkan eats heartily, having decided the irregulars, for all her misgivings, will not poison them. "Arnis," she asks, " can you tell us anything else about this trip we are taking? Who are we taking the gem to? What is to become of it? When will we be paid? Do you have any advise in case we accidently run accross Melian? Do you forsee additional work for us after after we complete this trip?"


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LazarusLong42 said:
"I assume," says Tuli, "that given the nature of your organization, I am welcome to change my mind."

"Indeed you are. And if you wish to stay and join the Irregulars, and your compatriots are not averse to it... then you are welcome here."

OOC: Exit Tuli, stage right.

Baril is glad, that Tuli has found a new home. For some reason he trusts Arnis and the Irregulars more than he is willing to admit. "You take care of yourself, little miss," Baril says with a smirk and gives Tuli a hug. "I'll come see you later when I'm traveling in these parts again, I promise."

At breakfast Baril turns to the newcomer: "Greetings, Selene. I'm Baril Kibizin, a bard and an adventurer, collector of lost relics, even. It's been awhile since I last traveled with a halfling, a pleasure to have you with us."

As Arkan seems to be busy asking Arnis some questions, Baril will let her do the talking. But if nobody mentions the items given by Melian the party is carrying (the coin and the map) he'll suggest to get rid of them as soon as possible. It still troubles Baril, that Melian's true intentions considering the party are not known.


First Post
Manzanita said:
OOC: I appreciate your assumptions to keep things moving.

Arkan eats heartily, having decided the irregulars, for all her misgivings, will not poison them. "Arnis," she asks, " can you tell us anything else about this trip we are taking? Who are we taking the gem to? What is to become of it? When will we be paid? Do you have any advise in case we accidently run accross Melian? Do you forsee additional work for us after after we complete this trip?"

"You will be taking the gem to my superior, Calemon, who runs our station in Alten's Rock. Selene knows the way there, and should be able to gain entrance for all of you. Calemon will take it and put it into safe-keeping; we'd hoped to use it to bait Melian, but your arrival makes that possibility unlikely.

"If you run across Melian, I recommend you give him this fake gem. He may not be entirely fooled by it, but hopefully by the time he realizes his mistake, you and he will be long separated. If you do not wish to risk his ire, I suggest you simply avoid him, discard that token of his, and play dead for a while. Perhaps move toward Colinna--anywhere where he will not find you easily.

"As to additional work: those who help the Irregulars are often helped in their turn. I'm certain Calemon will have something for you to do, if you take the gem to him. And as for your payment--" Arnis opens his coat and removes six small purses, each of which contains, as you open them, two gold ingots and fifty gold pieces. He hands them to the six members of the party. "Here is half of your payment. I've placed a note in with the gem for Calemon to pay you the other half." He hands Arkan another small package: an unlabeled leather pouch with the gem inside. "Keep this safe, all of you. Do not let it slip away from you." He hands Arkan another small package--a well-ornamented leather pouch with another gem. "This is the fake gem, should you find you need it."

"If you have no more questions, then I would bid you farewell, and good luck."

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