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Nothing to Read - Suggestions?


This relates to my recent post in the "Viridity and Saizhan" thread. I'm currently re-reading Sepulchrave's entire saga, but I haven't read any other sci-fi or fantasy in a long while since I've been spoiled by Sep. I've tried many times to find something to grab my attention. The last good "epic" book(s) I read was Alastair Reynolds's stuff until "Absolution Gap" ruined it for me. Oh, and I dislike excessive and/or gratuitous violence and sex. (I got about 100 pages in to "A Game of Thrones" before tossing it in the trash.)

So can anyone suggest something that might work for me, or am I just out of luck? :\

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"Jonathan Strange and M. Norrell", by Susannah Clarke Faeries, Magicians, Napoleonic era, all very good stuff. Recommended by Neil Gaiman!

Pay attention to the footnotes. I swear there is a sub-plot in them that ties into the background of the main storyline. My friends think I am mad, but I am right, dammit! :)


I'm a little teapot!
I picked that up the other day. It seemed unreasonably heavy for a paperback...

I had a flick through the Serenity novelisation in Waterstones yesterday. Looked quite well written, kinda in 'Firefly' speak. Might keep you occupied for a couple of hours!

At times like these I always recommend "Anything by Neil Gaiman".

To which the traditional response is "I've already read those".

I agree with you about Absolution Gap. I wish I hadn't read it. Alastair Reynolds' "Century Rain" is good - and only necessary violence, from what I remember.

I also enjoyed Sherri S Tepper's "The Visitor", even though it was a bit gory in places (but never gratuitously).

I got those two, plus "Jonathan Strange", on a 3 for 2 offer, and I have to say it was "Jonathan Strange" which I enjoyed least. Was still worth reading though, especially if you're a Jane Austen fan. Of course, now I've got to go back and re-read the footnotes, thanks to Particle_Man.

You could also read some Iain M Banks, if you haven't already. I especially enjoyed "The Player of Games".

Lobo Lurker

First Post
I am rather fond of Fairy Tale by Raymond E. Feist. Once you wrap your head around the fact that, despite the age of the main characters, it's not for little kids, it's a very good book. :)


I can recommend pretty much anything by David Weber. His Honor Harrington books are a rollicking good read. The first two books of his Fantasy series "Oath of Swords" are very good reads as well.

Glen Cook's Black Company series is a classic of the Genre. His Garrett PI novels are hardboiled detective fiction in a fantasy setting and are very entertaining. You'll have to look to find these , but "The Dragon Never Sleeps" is a great SF book by him. The Swordbearer is a terrific fantasy novel and really showcases his talent for creating an original and interesting world.

All are free of graphic violence ("A Game of Thrones" is one of the most violent and brutal series I've ever read). There's some sex in the Garrett novels, but nothing that rises even to a PG-13 level.


Thanks for the replies, everyone, but I've decided that I was right the first time. I've finally resigned myself to the fact that I simply don't enjoy fiction any more. I left a lot of my dislikes out of my original post, so many of your recommendations are things I know I would not like. For example, I hate military fiction and I want the hours spent reading "American Gods" back. I've wasted so much time in bookstores and searching the web for something that might appeal to me. Quite depressing, really.

Thank you all again for the time you took to respond.



First Post
How about Ishi In Two Worlds, the story of the last "Wild" Indian in North America, and how a "stone age man" dealt with the white man's technological world? Also tells about the fate of his tribe. Non-fiction.
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First Post
I also second Raymond Feist. If you want something more "classical", try "Magician" preferred Author's Edition if available. Just re-read this book and still find it great.


First Post
Justin said:
I simply don't enjoy fiction any more.
OK, but what actual novels have you enjoyed greatly, even if some considerable time ago?

Also, you might want to check out the thread (probably on Page 2 or so at the moment) I started requesting recommendations of fiction. Much of it will not appeal, but some of it might, as the suggestions are certainly varied in nature.

Best of luck, and I hope you find your love of fiction again soon.

edit: that thread is right here actually.
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