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Now, I don't mean to go off on a rant here...

Dark Psion

First Post
The Gun Munchkin is so detached from reality in his worship of firearms that if you offered him (a) One hour with an AK-47 assault rifle at a firing range or (b) One hour with the bikini-clad Olsen twins in a hot tub, he would, without hesitation, take the AK-47. Strange. Sad, even.

I gotta go with the AK-47 myself.

A lot less maintenance I hear.

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Von Ether

d4 said:
you know, the kinda guy who interrupts the GM every two minutes arguing some point of rules minutiae, except he's DEAD WRONG. all the time. i hate that.

"I bought the book, why do I have to read it?!?"
That folks, is a real quote, I [beep] you not. You can claim there are exceptions to stereotypes, but this fellow gave 15-year old gamers a bad name. At the end of the campiagn he "admitted" that he argued with me at every turn simply to annoy me (and see if I would simply cave in), regardless of how it ruined the game for everyone else.

... I am not psychic, but more got the feeling that he claimed to do it on purpose simply to seem "cooler" than if he had been socially inept. Which made him insecure AND dumb in my eyes.

Posted by Kesh

Okay, I'll admit to doing this a few times myself.

Basically, they always create a character that's the opposite of the SPECIALIST. This character has at least a couple points in every skill, meaning they're not actually good at any of them. Usually gets upset when their low skills keep failing checks.

Originally Posted by Sherlock
The Doomed One!
After missing or failing his first attack roll, skill roll, or what ever, the player goes into a deep funk and for the rest of the game constantly complains about how weak, useless, or underpowered his character is.
*raises hand*
Hi my name is Von Ether and I am a Doomed Dabbler.
"Hi Von Ether."


Sigh, on occasion my lovely wife can be a Doomed One. Not always, just on occasion. Fortunately she is currently asleep and doesn't read these boards, so I can say that. Otherwise, more trouble than its worth.

No, the real problem in my group, as far as d20 Modern goes, is the guy who thinks when anything weird happens you call the police. See something suspicious? Call the police. Threatened? Call the police. Need to go into the creepy guys house and poke around? Nope, that would be against the law, call the police. Ever tried to play Unknown Armies, let alone d20 Modern with someone who does what they would do in real life?


We don't play modern games any more. :( It was just to unsatisfying all the way around.


There's a simple solution for that; have the police keep arresting him. :D

Years and years ago, I may have loved Twilight 2000. I still have no idea, though. The GM was a gun nut and only talked about guns for the first two hours. I got up and left.


First Post
Piratecat said:
There's a simple solution for that; have the police keep arresting him. :D

Years and years ago, I may have loved Twilight 2000. I still have no idea, though. The GM was a gun nut and only talked about guns for the first two hours. I got up and left.

I ran a Twilight 2000 game years ago. Several of my friends were modern military fans of one kind or another. Most of them were reasonable... save 'Stumpy McGirr'. He was a major gun nut, and was usually the one pushing the hardest to run things like T2K or Aftermath.

Anyhow, I finally broke down and started a T2K game... set the whole thing up as a NATO era Seven Samurai... local Polish people wanting protection from the SovPac bandits, etc.

All went well until the first major gun battle, when due to a couple of lucky (or unlucky) rolls, Mr. McGirr's character lost his left leg from the burst of an AK-74.

I've never seen someone switch from realism and lethality to the playability side of the arguement so quickly...


The players that used to get to me were the ones that want you to run a modern day post-holocaust game (in your hometomw) so they can then run around and loot all of the various stores nearby.

I've never figured that one out...

Bran Blackbyrd

arkham618 said:
"Sanskrit? You're majoring in a 3,000 year-old dead language?"

"You can major in GameBoy if you know how to BS."

THE BACKSTABBER: This player will abandon the group at the slightest hint of danger, put them in jeopardy without a twinge of guilt and work with the enemy if it suits his purposes. His defense of this behavior is that he's just roleplaying his character. The problem is, he does this with all of his PCs.

THE SOCIOPATH: This guy responds to every RP situation the same way; by muttering under his breath (probably because he can't think of anything useful to say), he mistrusts every NPC and everyone in the party, he won't go out of his way to help his "comrades" when they are in trouble but if they don't help him it's just further proof that he shouldn't trust them. It's easier to automatically distrust everyone he comes in contact with than to actually roleplay sane reactions so it's not uncommon to see inexperienced players pulling it.
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First Post
Piratecat said:
Years and years ago, I may have loved Twilight 2000. I still have no idea, though. The GM was a gun nut and only talked about guns for the first two hours. I got up and left.
you know, i must be the exact opposite of the Gun Nut.

i'd be perfectly happy if the equipment tables ran something along the lines of: "Small Pistol, 2d4 damage", "Medium Pistol, 2d6 damage", "Large Pistol, 2d8 damage", etc. i don't need to know the make and model of every piece of equipment my character carries, especially in a not-very-granular system like d20 Modern where there most likely will not be any game mechanical difference between different models of handguns or whatever.


First Post
Biohazard said:
(b) One hour with the bikini-clad Olsen twins in a hot tub, he would, without hesitation, take the AK-47. Strange. Sad, even.

That is sad. I would have chosen the twins in a hot tub. TWINS IN A HOT TUB! And it's only for one hour.

However, if it were some HK submachine guns and a heavy machine gun I may choose the driving range...

Who am I kidding: TWINS IN A HOT TUB!


First Post
cybermonkey said:
That is sad. I would have chosen the twins in a hot tub. TWINS IN A HOT TUB! And it's only for one hour.

However, if it were some HK submachine guns and a heavy machine gun I may choose the driving range...

Who am I kidding: TWINS IN A HOT TUB!

Aren't the Olsen twins still under age?

Now, if you said the Hilton sisters, without the ability to speak, mind you, THAT would be different!

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