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Now Recruiting for WWDA: Weak Willed DMs Anonymous!

Dark Psion

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What I coulnd never understand was that he was a great player. You could give him any pregenerated PC from Assassin to Paladin and he would bring it to life, But as a DM :rolleyes:

I have never before or since encountered a wandering Caryatid Column.

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All those who allowed players to be Tieflings or Aasimar should automatically be here.

Half-Celestial and we'd have to lock you up. ;)


First Post
how about a half dragonic (Crystal mind you) that was a princess who was amnesiac and fell in love with a God and when she died, she became one too?

Does that count?

And the fact that she called upon the Gods help until i had him 'fall'


First Post
Hmm, lemme take that test. I feel I might be a little in danger...

Chriskaballa said:
By becoming a member of WWDA, you acknowledge that one or more of the following is true:

1) You have made special concessions for a PC or player just so they would stay in the group.'

Not recently, but when I think of the bunch of powergamers I DMed for at school... *shudders* Unless you count moving the date for the next session so somebody can attend.

2) You have given out an overpowered item, power, etc., and not taken it away and do not plan to, just because the PC is enjoying it.

Nope. I am more of a miser DM, PCs tend to be underequipped in my games.

3) You have ever cried because of something that happened in-game.

Nope, not even tears of joy;)

4) Your players have been able to persuade you to do something that you later regretted, but still follwed through with and kept it anyway, just because you are a crowd-pleaser. (See #1 and #2.)

If it would have been unfair otherwise...

5) You have refused to use Rule 0.

Nope, not with my extensive list of houserules.

6)You have overcome being a weak-willed DM and would like to offer your help to those poor, unfortunate DMs in need.

I think I have become tougher, but it is never good to let your guard down:p

WWDA- Weak Willed DMs Anonymous. Striving to Please PCs Around the World While Still Maintaining Game Integrity, One Group at a Time!

Great motto! When's the first meeting?

Originally posted by Krug:
All those who allowed players to be Tieflings or Aasimar should automatically be here.

This may open a can of worms, but:

At +1 ECL, they seem balanced to me...

*dons flameproof gear*

Sir Falke

First Post
Krug said:
All those who allowed players to be Tieflings or Aasimar should automatically be here.

I don't know... The tiefling in my party started the campign later than the other players, so he is one lvl behind... and when we take the +1 ECL into account (and his poor HP's rolling), it's no surprise why he keeps falling unconscious, botching his search and/or disable device checks and just falling dead...:rolleyes:

But maybe I qualify on some other topic! Heven't lost the hope... yet :D


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just because i have 1(o.k., 2) players with a few powerful items (o.k., relics) who aren't yet epic (o.k., 2nd and 3rd lvl) who slay big monsters occasionally (o.k., dragons, repeatedly) you think i have a problem?!?!?

up yours!


(i'm in i guess)

So many meetings...

*sigh* It seems that I'm going to be in more DnD-related Support Groups than I am games :p

Here Iwas thinking I wouldn't quite qualify as a member, until of course I remembered the Half Dragon (bronze)/ Drow Druid that I allowed, just cuz the player wouldn't have stayed in-game with her (admittedly well-played and 'usefull') Bard. I think it was her attempt at being a 'Goth' type character. That 'n she liked the idea of having (bat-like) wings of course.

On a (not so) related note...
The second time was just damn amusing--Sticks, one of our newer players wanted to try his hand at DMing. I just grinned from ear to ear when I heard that on the phone. To make a long story short, after a few hours he said, "Damnit! I hate this! I will NEVER DM, ever again! Fayredeth and I high-fived each other across the table. We will always and forever be the only DMs in our group. MWAAAHAHAHAHA!

Ok, no teasing the readers! I'm sure I'm not the only one that demands (pushy, aren't we? :D ) more details of just what it was you did to the poor kid. Was his DM'ing so terrible that you wanted to be that sure of his never wanting to sit behind a Screen every again? Rare indeed is the DnD'er that so strongly prefers DM'ing to playing, I know I'm certainly not of that type.

Hatchling Dragon


First Post
Yeah, I belong here. The party cleric (3rd level, mind you) has a artifact-class greatsword that has a reputation as a godslayer.
Do I get a nifty little button or bumper sticker or something?

Since the readers demanded it....*dramatic music*

What we did to Sticks when he DMed...

We were given tickets to a very prominent theatre house in the city that we were in. We had gotten them for saving the town from a big ooze monster or something (basically, he had strung a bunch of Dungeon side treks together into one story). I was playing a dwarven fighter and a human cleric, and Fayredeth was playing...ahh... i can't quite remember, but i think it was a druid and a rogue. Anyhow...

So we go to the show, I'm in my adventuring gear, and the druid is wearing a leaf--and only a leaf...one NOT strategically placed. And we watch the good show. Towards the end of the performance, one of the actors doubles over in pain, screaming and the other actors sort of look confused. He starts thrashing and eventually the guy is ripped apart from the inside Alien-style by this lizard thing. The auditorium empties as people run screaming to the exits while the thing breaks through the stage and drops down to below. We sit there clapping and cheering "GREAT EFFECTS! WOOHOO!" for about five rounds. Then my dwarf realizes that they aren't effects and charges down the aisle to the stage and jumps below. my cleric tries jumping over the seats and just going down to stage without using the aisle and just continues doing faceplants into the seats. the druid and rogue continue standing there clapping i think.

Metagaming the entire while, i go down and beat the hell out of the red slaad while all sorts of crazy antics ensue. We really gave Sticks hell while he was behind the screen with little out-of-game comments, and I think that's what made him snap... a pity i can't remember them all... hehe

Sorry that the story wasn't nearly as good as it sounded with just the teaser i used above!

As for why we did it...just to see if he could stand the rigors of DMing our group of misfits. He wasn't that bad of a DM...obviously inexperienced in the fine arts of some stuff that goes on behind the screen. And the flavor text...good GOD the flavor text :rolleyes: it wasn't the prettiest stuff on earth by any means.

And me? I like DMing and playing equally well. As far as our group goes I'll definately DM...we dont' really roleplay ...AT ALL. Behind the screen I can at least prod some of the ACTORS (and yes, several of them are Thespians with me) to roleplay like they're supposed to.

All well, we love Sticks, even though he failed our little test :D

And I do love my gaming group, with or without roleplaying!!! :)
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First Post

Come on people, this is not a joke. Stop treating it as one.

You don't need to do anything special.... if you qualify, just add a little "I am a Weak Willed DM: You might be one too!" or something to your signature. :)


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