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Now Recruiting for WWDA: Weak Willed DMs Anonymous!


First Post
Hi, My name is Jonathan, and I'm a Weak Willed DM.

I just graduated High School, and I had ran a game at lunch. I shall read off what I allowed a player to have, just so he would play:

1st character: A half gold dragon/gargoyle, in a 4th level game. This character decided it'd be fun to kill an entire tavern. He was killed by the party Psion.
2nd character: A spellfire wielder. Used a touch attack on a stunned half-fiend young green dragon for 120 points of damage, subsequently destroying it. His 3rd character killed him, after I asked him to scrap the spellfire wielder.
3rd character: Half-fiend orc barbarian.

His DMing was equally munchkin.

My current, successful game has suffered these weaknesses of my person:

Right now, I've allowed a half-dragon monk, and a half dragon rogue. The monk wasn't in the paty long, but his character's sister, the rogue, is a good RPer and not a munchkin, thankfully.

I've given my party a little too much for their wealth limit. The party is 9th level, and the mage has a +4 Headband of Intellect.

I pulled the punch of a priestess who's Unholy Blight was going to kill a PC the NPC, the party's only tank, after I'd rolled the damage dice, and instead had her cast a Waterbreathing to excape.

I allowed a player (Who trashed this character to play a half-orc paladin, and then left due to work reasons) have a fighter/rogue with a Spiked Chain of Shocking.

When I was trying to get this group together, I almost had someone playing a Drow Paladin of Eilistraee, at a CG aligment, but she decided not to play.

I am a Weak Willed DM, and I need help.
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Tyler Do'Urden

Soap Maker
Hello, my name is Tyler, and I am a weak-willed DM.

I've allowed my players to play orc/half-dragons with 28 Strength.

I've given out 200,000 gp Magic Items to fourth level PC's.

I allowed a player to play a Lich.

I allowed a player to play a Paladin with the Berserker kit, and then proceed to wear the skull of a Baatezu into battle (complete with armor make from his cured skin!)

I broke down screaming when my PC's (a 6th level Wild Mage, a 6th level Paladin (the one mentioned above), and a 7th level Enchanter) single handedly defeated a 16th level Drow Crusader and his henchmen, six Level 6/6 Fighter/Mages.

After that they defeated his "Liutenant", a very well equipped 18th level Fighter.

I once allowed my PC's to murder a countess and frame a group of bandits.

I fudged die rolls to keep an idiotic Jedi from dying in a Star Wars campaign.

In another Star Wars campaign, I allowed a drunken bounty hunter with a beat up X-Wing to destroy the Death Star, kill Darth Vader, and then shoot down Luke Skywalker and Han Solo just for the hell of it.

I let another player in the same campaign play a massive cyborg who carried around the shield generator from a medium transport on a repulsorcart behind him, effectively blocking all blaster fire (except for ship weapons, e-webs, etc) from hitting him.

And, in the ultimate act of a weak-willed DM, I recently volunteered to run a game of drunken strip D&D for an attractive female gamer friend who is about to celebrate her 21st birthday... on the other hand, who couldn't resist that... :)

Of course, I've been at the DM thing for about six years now, and people keep coming back... so I must be doing something right. <sigh>


I'm enlisting... because of one very strange campaign I ran not too long ago. It all started with allowing one half-dragon, one half-celestial, and three 3rd level characters... and a tournament... and rewards... and a visit to the emporer... and a dead emporer... and a dead lich... Egad was I weak. Since then I have found that figuring out things before you start playing is helpful... but I guess I could be weak willed...

Let me site these two PCs I allowed in previous games... keep in mind that the second character got an innate +2 base attack bonus for being born under a certain "zodiac-ish" sign, and the 1st was allowed 0.5 spells per spell level as bonus spell for being born under another "zodiac-ish" sign.

Arcus Magister
Male High-elf Sor1: CR 1
Size: M (4 ft., 11 inches tall)
HD: 1d6+1 (7 hp)
Init: +4 (+4 Dex)
Spd: 30 ft.
AC: 14 (+4 Dex)
Attacks: +0 melee (+1 Masterwork Longsword 1d8), or +4 ranged (+6 Masterwork Composite Longbow 1d8).
Saves: Fort +1, Ref +4, Will +3
Allignment: Chaotic Good
Abilities: Str 10, Dex 18, Con 12, Int 16, Wis 12, Cha 16.

Languages Spoken: Elf, common.

Skills, Feats, and Special Abilities: +4 Alchemy, +4 Concentration, +4 Knowledge (Arcana), +4 Knowledge (The Planes), +4 Spellcraft; Weapon Focus (Longbow); Mental Warmth.

100 Arrows (5gp)
280 gold coins (280 gp)
Masterwork Composite Longbow (400gp)
Masterwork Longsword (315gp)

Character Class Progression: Levels 1-8 (Khanduran Sorcerer); Levels 9-12 (Elemental Savant: Air), Levels 13-14 (Arcane Archer), Levels 15-21 (Elemental Savant).

Skill Progression: Levels 1-12 and Levels 15-21: Alchemy, Concentration, Knowledge (Arcana), Knowledge (The Planes), Spellcraft. Levels 13-14: Cross-Class Alchemy, Cross-Class Concentration, Cross-Class Knowledge (Arcana), Cross-Class Knowledge (The Planes), Listen, Cross-Class Spellcraft, Spot.

Feat Progression: 3: Point-Blank Shot, 6: Empower Spell 9: Energy Substitution 12: Precise-Shot, 15: Energy Admixture, 18: Spell Focus (Evocation), 21: Greater Spell Focus (Evocation).

Special Ability Progression: 8: Lighting Mastery, 9: Elemental Transition, Electricity Resistance 5, 10: Elemental Focus +1, 11: Elemental Penetration +1, 12: Elemental Transition, Electricity Resistance 10, 13: Enchant Arrow +1, 14: Imbue Arrow, 15: Elemental Focus +2, 16: Elemental Penetration +2, 17: Elemental Transition, Electricity Resistance 15, 18: Elemental Focus +3, 19: Elemental Penetration +3, 20: Elemental Perfection, Electricity Immunity, 21: Elemental Focus +4.

Caster Level: 18th Caster Level

Caedere Barbarus
Male Orc Sam1: CR 1
Size M (5 ft., 10 inches tall)
HD: 1d10+4 (14 hp)
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Spd: 20 ft.
AC: 17 (+2 Dex +5 Armor)
Attack: +9 melee (+10 Katana 1d10+9, +9 Battleaxe 1d8+6), or +5 ranged (+5 Throwing Axe 1d6+6)
Saves: Fort +6, Ref +2, Will +1
Allignment: Lawful Neutral
Abilities: Str 22, Dex 15, Con 18, Int 6, Wis 8, Cha 6.

Languages Spoken: Orc, common.

Skills, Feats, and Special Abilities: No Skills; Armor Proficiency (Heavy); Ancestral Daisho, Darkvision 60ft., light sensitivity.

100 gold coins (100 gp)
Battleaxe (10gp)
Battleaxe (10gp)
Katana (400gp)
Masterwork Chain Mail (300gp)
Throwing Axe (8gp)
Throwing Axe (8gp)
Throwing Axe (8gp)
Throwing Axe (8gp)
Throwing Axe (8gp)
Throwing Axe (8gp)
Throwing Axe (8gp)
Throwing Axe (8gp)
Throwing Axe (8gp)
Throwing Axe (8gp)

Character Class Progression: Levels 1-3 (Samurai); Levels 4-21: (Hida Defender).

Skill Progression: None

Feat Progression: 2: Power Attack, 3: Weapon Focus (Battleaxe), 6: Ambidexterity, 9: Two-Weapon Fighting, 12: Improved Critical (Battleaxe), 15: Improved Two-Weapon Fighting, 18: Weapon Focus (Throwing Axe), 21: Improved Critical (Throwing Axe).

Special Ability Progression: 4: Critical Focus (Battleaxe), Smite 1/day, 5: Rage 1/day, 6: Damage Reduction 1/-, 7: Rage 2/day, 8: Damage Reduction 2/-, 9: Rage 3/day, 10: Damage Reduction 3/-, 11: Rage 4/day, 12: Damage Reduction 4/-, 13: Rage 5/day, 14: Critical Focus (Throwing Axe), Smite 2/day 15: Damage Reduction 5/-, 16: Rage 6/day, 17: Damage Reduction 6/-, 18: Rage 7/day, 19: Damage Reduction 7/-, 20: Rage 8/day, 21: Damage Reduction 8/-.
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weak willed DM

Ok, I'll admit it. I let a PC be a teifling. I also allowed a gnome rogue and a half orc Barbarian in a Rokugan campaign. I have mended my ways, but as a DM I make myself sick how nice I am to these people. I try not to kill my PCs, even my husband who is a PC says to let the dice do what they do. Ouch!

Jennifer Younts

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