(p. 152 in draft06)A condition inflicted by a spell is a persistent condition that lasts throughout the duration of the spell that inflicted it.
(p. 175 in draft06)Duration and conditions. Conditions can be shaken off as normal with an opposed attribute check.
(p. 196 in draft06)Each round, creatures affected by condition shake it off as normal for a condition.
(p. 202 in draft06)Conditions. As always, an inflicted condition can be shaken off.
(p. 176 in draft06 - emphasis added)Casting Time (Reduction). Spells normally take 1 action to cast. By increasing the casting time, you can exceed your normal maximum MP limit—you can reduce the effective MP cost of the spell for the purposes of determining the maximum MP you can use on one spell, but you still need to actually spend the original MP cost.
Hey Morrus, what's the status of v1.2? Do we have a release date?