D&D 5E [OCC] Against the Slavelords PBP

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I was planning on rushing them from 25ft, since I can't see them abandoning their position.

The only other thing I could think of was to use all our available invisibility options and walk up to them.

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[actions]Levanna summons her familiar again. :p She dismissed him in case it would interfere with her stealth roll. She'll command him to Help Uthred. I'm not sure exactly when that can happen.
Levanna's Initiative [roll0]
Ciymthrax's Initiative [roll1]

I am pretty sure he can help this round and as you beat Uhtred's Initiative it could work this round.


First Post
Does that have an Area Affect? I don't have my books here (just the PDF open doc) and that is one of the spells not listed I think (I looked it up before). Sorry I only assumed it hit one orc so if it hit more let me know so I can update.


Spirit Guardians must be in the SRD, as it shows up in the spells list at DnDBeyond: see here

Summary: (in case the link doesn't work)
15 feet around Tirion. "When you cast this spell, you can designate any number of creatures you can see to be unaffected by it." 3d8 radiant damage, Wisdom save for 1/2 damage.

while the beta is limited to the SRD, I'm finding DnD Beyond to be a great resource when I'm away from my books. (quicker to use than the SRD pdf)

Voidrunner's Codex

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