Official status of deliveries?

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First Post
Hi Russ,

My family -- gamers one and all -- ordered this on April 22nd (the full-color edition) for me and I've been eagerly awaiting its arrival. Unfortunately, that hasn't happened yet.

We purchased through PayPal and I have all the order and shipping information, which I can share with you if necessary. Any idea what's going on here? I really want to start flipping through my copy.



First Post
More information on my missing WotBS 3.5 full-color order:

Placed April 22nd
USA shipping address
Paid thru PayPal

What else do you need to know? $199 is a lot of money for a product that is now 7 weeks out from the order being placed. How can we address this?

Any response and help will be much appreciated. This is my first buy through EN Publishing and I really want it to work out.


I've got you beat, Stormtower. I placed my pre-order on December 10, 2008--that is, over half a year ago--and I still haven't received it. Also shipping to US, also paid PayPal.

Hoping I can soon hear what went wrong here.




Well, I still haven't mine, and since I can afford it ... I re-ordered it through the Lulu link.

At that point I made an interesting discovery :
WOTBS : 125 € + delivery 130 € = 255 €.... I stopped.
Came back a few days later to order something from 0one games, and my book was still in the basket :
Module 0one games : 8€ + delivery 22 € was the initial proposition. WOTBS stayed in the basket, so it became : 8 + 22 + 125. No change in price. Really weird.

Anyways, if my first copy arrives some day, it will be the perfect gift for a friend.


Well, that was fun
Staff member
I finally heard back from Lulu - they say they got a few undeliverables and a few addresses not found. I don't think for a second that folks were unable to provide their own addresses, so "address not found" is a bunch of nonsense as far as I'm concerned.

Those that haven't yet received theirs - you should get an email from me in the next couple of days on how you want to resolve it, the options being either "try again" or "refund". Another option is, of course, double check the address you gave me, but I don't think for a second that's gonna be the issue. :)


First Post
I finally heard back from Lulu - they say they got a few undeliverables and a few addresses not found. I don't think for a second that folks were unable to provide their own addresses, so "address not found" is a bunch of nonsense as far as I'm concerned.

Those that haven't yet received theirs - you should get an email from me in the next couple of days on how you want to resolve it, the options being either "try again" or "refund". Another option is, of course, double check the address you gave me, but I don't think for a second that's gonna be the issue. :)

Thanks much for the response, and I'll look forward to that email. I hope you can track 'em down.

I definitely gave the correct address.

The USA sometimes has problems with the Channel Islands, but I've had stuff from Lulu before without any trouble.

Hopefully I'm on the list of undelivered copies; I'd be gutted if someone else has my copy!

Voidrunner's Codex

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