D&D 4E Official Unofficial 4E Rules FAQ


If someone is knocked unconscious by a sleep spell, is that a magical effect that can only be ended by a successful saving throw, or is it merely regular unconsciousness like non-magical sleep, so that the victim can be shaken awake by a buddy, or awoken by shouting, etc.?

Marc says:

[sblock=]Thank you for contacting us. That is a good question. When someone is knocked unconscious by a sleep spell, it is a magical effect that can only be ended by a successful save.[/sblock]

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James McMurray

First Post
Thanks for the official response. For the record though, you can just use the quote button instead of the spoiler. I don't think there's anyone here who's waiting for the movie to hit DVD. ;)


First Post
Bink of Xanth said:
Given the quantity of FAQ scraps floating around all over the place, I thought it would be useful to create a site to pull all these bits n pieces together. Here's the link:


I grabbed a lot of 4e FAQs out of this thread- hope thats OK. Also, given the site is brand new, Im looking for some people to be admins. Anyone interested? Hope you guys find the site useful. Please use the suggestions link liberally and I'll do my best to accommodate!

Wonderful, Bink. Thanks a ton.

Bink of Xanth

First Post
Boarstorm said:
Wonderful, Bink. Thanks a ton.

Thanks! this thread made me aware of how awkward it was to maintain a FAQ on a message board. With dndfaq.com I tried to create an easy-to-quote system that lets you discuss on a message board and then reference any FAQ entry easily. You can just click and a link to a FAQ entry is automatically copied to your clipboard, which you can paste into a message board post. i.e.,


or you can click another link and get the whole entry as plain text into your clipboard, like this:

FAQ #82 from DnDFAQ.com, http://dndfaq.com/showfaq.asp?faq=82

Q: Is Hunter's Quarry, Warlock's Curser, etc... maximized on a critical?

A: Hunter's Quarry and similar abilities (Warlock's Curser, et al) are extra damage, so no, they are not maxed on a critical.

source: http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=1044678

I think this is a lot more convenient than trying to shoehorn managing a FAQ into a messageboard post... plus you can search for stuff like "hunter's quarry" and get a list of FAQ entries.

Simon Marks

First Post
Bink of Xanth said:
Q: Is Hunter's Quarry, Warlock's Curser, etc... maximized on a critical?

A: Hunter's Quarry and similar abilities (Warlock's Curser, et al) are extra damage, so no, they are not maxed on a critical.

source: http://forums.gleemax.com/showthread.php?t=1044678

That's... flatly contradicted by the thread you reference as well as CustServ responses consolidated here;

both those threads state that Hunters Quarry and similar abilities are maximised - as do examples in the PHB.

Underage AOLer

First Post
Bink of Xanth said:
Given the quantity of FAQ scraps floating around all over the place, I thought it would be useful to create a site to pull all these bits n pieces together. Here's the link:


I grabbed a lot of 4e FAQs out of this thread- hope thats OK. Also, given the site is brand new, Im looking for some people to be admins. Anyone interested? Hope you guys find the site useful. Please use the suggestions link liberally and I'll do my best to accommodate!

I edited the first post with a link to this, definitely a helpful site!

I also added the Magical Sleep and Fleeting Ghost questions.

Yay for questions.


First Post
From Joe, the best CS rep of all:

Ranger powers such as Twin Strike list as requirements "two melee weapons or a RANGED weapon". The weapon table on p219 appears to listed Ranged Weapons as a particular set, and heavy thrown weapons (hand axes, javalins) aren't part of that list. Can heavy thrown weapons or light thrown weapons be validly used as part of ranged Ranger powers? Do thrown weapons qualify as "Ranged Weapons" wherever that keyword is listed, despite not falling under that category in the weapon table?

Throwing weapons are not ranged weapons, they are melee weapons that can be thrown. Though the Thrown weapon property does not specifically say so, these weapons may be used in ranged attacks as well as melee attacks.

Rogue area attack powers such as Blinding Barrage work with the crossbow, sling, or light thrown weapons. Sling and hand crossbow are "Load Free". Normal crossbow is not. p217 says "If a power allows you to hit multiple targets, the additional load time is accounted for in the power." This doesn't appear to apply to light throwing weapons. If shuriken or daggers are used with Blinding Barrage, are they limited by the requirement to use a minor action to draw each item, making Quick Draw a necessity to use these items with this type of power?

If you are using a Magic throwing weapon, it will hit all the targets and return to your hand (yeah Magic is that awesome). If you are using mundane throwing weapons, you will need one for each attack roll made and you will need three Quick draw feat to be able to draw and use them all.
-Joe, Wizards CSR, 06/25/2008


First Post
Came up in an argument on the gleemax boards, and got a CSR response.

Customer (WOLead) 06/27/2008 12:49 AM
The character has Concealment or Cover. An enemy npc sees the PC.

If the PC succeeds on a Stealth Check on his next movement action while maintaining cover/concealment during the entire move, is the enemy npc aware of the PC's exact location and is the enemy npc able to still see the PC?

[sblock]Response (Support Agent) 06/27/2008 12:11 PM
Hi WOLead,

Thank you for contacting us. The NPC would have to make a successful Active Perception check that beats your Stealth Result in order to still see you unless your stealth roll was below the NPC's passive perception. I hope this information is useful.

Good Gaming!

Customer Service Representative
Wizards of the Coast[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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