OGL: Kobold Press 'Raising Our Flag' For New Open RPG

Kobold Press has announced its plans regarding the upcoming new OGL v1.1, which involves a new, open game codenamed Project Black Flag.


Kobold Press has been and always will be committed to open gaming and the tabletop community. Our goal is to continue creating the best materials for players and game masters alike.

This means Kobold Press will release its current Kickstarter projects as planned, including Campaign Builder: Cities & Towns (already printed and on its way to backers this winter).

In particular, Deep Magic Volume 2 will remain fully compatible with the 5E rules. We are working with our VTT partners to maintain support for digital platforms.

As we look ahead, it becomes even more important for our actions to represent our values. While we wait to see what the future holds, we are moving forward with clear-eyed work on a new Core Fantasy tabletop ruleset: available, open, and subscription-free for those who love it—Code Name: Project Black Flag.

All Kobolds look forward to the continued evolution of tabletop gaming. We aim to play our part in making the game better for everyone. Rest assured, Kobold Press intends to maintain a strong presence in the tabletop RPG community. We are not going anywhere.


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Project Black Flag Friday: Publishing Partners​

Happy Black Flag Friday!

Project Black Flag aims to create a new game that keeps the 5E D&D flame alive for those that love it.

Project Black Flag is a set of open, core game mechanics that anyone can use to publish game content. It will fill in gaps in the SRD, improve existing 5E material, and ensure a 5E monster book and player book remain available for everyone.

We’re not doing this alone. Along with the support of the community, several publishers are committed to products that are PBF compatible 5E material or PBF originals.



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Definitely feels like power creep....but I never have an issue with that. Just give the monsters a few more hit points or 1 more AC or something....I like the idea of talents. I always wonder about feats / talents that are NOT combat oriented. Do many people take those (I think the answer is increasingly yes, but still, not many people I play with do).

Yup, looks decent. Talents are a Feat-replacement system tied to Class, with Baclground allowing a choice outside of Class restrictions. Slightly disappointed with Lineage/Heritage, though it looks fine mechanically: it's just Race/Subrace, I was intrigued that it may provide a way for Dwarves with Elven culture, or vice versa. Alas,Dwarven Heritahes are for Dwarves, Elven Heritahes are for Elves, and Human Heeitahes are for Humans.

I love that we get talents at level 1. I hate how samey characters feel. I also appreciate the bumps in the other parts of character creation. They all seem reasonable, though I REALLY wish we could find something for elves other than darkvision. Clear vision? They are +1 with ranged attacks? I don't know, something....because A: too similar to dwarves, B: I miss the days where characters needed a source of light.

Yup, looks decent. Talents are a Feat-replacement system tied to Class, with Baclground allowing a choice outside of Class restrictions. Slightly disappointed with Lineage/Heritage, though it looks fine mechanically: it's just Race/Subrace, I was intrigued that it may provide a way for Dwarves with Elven culture, or vice versa. Alas,Dwarven Heritahes are for Dwarves, Elven Heritahes are for Elves, and Human Heeitahes are for Humans.
That's not true at all on heritages....It says "most common", but nowhere does it say you can't mix and match (unless I missed it).

That's not true at all on heritages....It says "most common", but nowhere does it say you can't mix and match (unless I missed it).
Oh, my bad, that's what I get for scanning. The presentation really implied exclusivity to me: my input is going to be to delineate Lineages and Heritages in different sections, to make it more clear that they are fully interchangeable.

Oh, my bad, that's what I get for scanning. The presentation really implied exclusivity to me: my input is going to be to delineate Lineages and Heritages in different sections, to make it more clear that they are fully interchangeable.
I get that, but I also love that they give us the normal choices .... separating them is better, IMO, but keeping them like they are MIGHT be better for newbies (how many newbies will buy this?).

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