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Oh God! I think I've burned out...


First Post
It happened. I think I am completely burned out of traditional fantasy. Its been happening for a long time building now, at least 2 years, but I just now realised it. Typical fantasy doesn't hold my interest anymore. It started a little over two years ago when I started dreaming of ditching my ad&d game in return for a dark*matter game or a star*drive game - I even went as far as to buy all of the books and read _all_ of the source material for the settings. From there I went to Fading Suns - first reading the victory point system and collecting most the books before getting all of the new repent d20 stuff. Keep in mind, I'm yet to play any of it. I simply collect it and wish I was playing it. From there my fancy turned quickly to planescape then to darksun, picking up all the books on the while (at least these two are technically dungeons and dragons) but then quickly got swept off into a d20 modern WWII kick with an odd mesh of wierd wars and v is for victory. Again, I scooped up a few arm-fulls of those books, as well. Then recently I was turned to iron kingdoms, and now I am on a wheel of time binge. I've spent, come to think of it, well over 1,000 and probably closer to 2,000 on gaming material in the last two years that I will never play, perhaps only because "normal" D&D doesn't hold my interest anymore. Should I see a doctor? I'm very worried about this. What do you all think I should do to handle this and curb my out of control spending?

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Librarian, Geologist, and Referee
aurin777, you and I have to be brothers. Man, I am in such a similar position. Okay, maybe I am not burned out on fantasy yet but boy do I want to play other settings. I too have baught just about every book for all the other settings I want to play, Alternity, Wierd Wars, d20 Modern. Hell, sometimes I wish I had my old Shadowrun and Gurps books.

I am still waiting for the last Wierd Wars splat book from Pinnacle, Hell Freezes Over. Will I play it, probably not. Do I have to own it, absolutely!

Do I have any behavioral recomendations, nope. But when I am down in the dumps, I go buy a book. :)


Re: Re: Oh God! I think I've burned out...

d20Dwarf said:

Buy Midnight. Play it a lot. :D

I agree! The best cure for burnout is to take a new, somewhat darker path for a while:D

I think that Midnight may be a great way for you to address the issue. I'll be making the leap myself when I get my copy (I'm picking it up in person at the Arlington book-signing).
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Hi Aurin,

I'm getting more from your message than just burnout. It sounds like your overspending and trying to find something that can satisfy you, even if it's only for a short while. Personally, I don't think a new system is the answer. Buying too many Rpg's can be addictive like any kind of chronic spending. It's potentially addictive behavior in a already addictive passtime.

If you are routinely going over budget to the tune that it's hurting you financially, I would suggest walking away. Cold Turkey. You can still game with others, but don't buy books. RPG's are potentially one of the least expensive hobbies around; a few books, dice, paper and pencil and you can have hours of fun.

To share one my own experiences, I quit smoking about 4 years ago, but didn't think I could never go back. And, of course, about 8-9 months later I started back up. It took me two more years before I could quit for good. I had to resolve myself to never smoking again. Recognizing this took longer than the actual physical withdrawal.

Anyways, my point is: if you feel you have a problem, take action and do the courageous thing. If it's only not having the right system, than I would take the advice of the guys above. And BTW, if you are seriously wondering whether or not to go see a doctor, make an appointment. It can't hurt.

PS: If you really aren't going to play any of those other games, how about selling to those of us who are needy? ;)

Jody Butt

First Post
aurin777 said:
I've spent, come to think of it, well over 1,000 and probably closer to 2,000 on gaming material in the last two years that I will never play, perhaps only because "normal" D&D doesn't hold my interest anymore. Should I see a doctor? I'm very worried about this. What do you all think I should do to handle this and curb my out of control spending?

I've spent more than than that in the last three months, dude. Relax, and keep buying RPG books. You're only going this way once.

Lord Zardoz

If you want to play, then play dammit!

If you want to play the alternate settings then play them. However, I would guess that you will have to be the DM for it. If you are not into DM'ing, then your simply screwed.

If you want to get into something different, the only sure way to do it is to DM it. And since you already emptied your wallet, the battle is half won. Just offer to DM a non typical session as a one shot to start. Your DM will get a break, which he may or may not welcome depending on where you are in your current game.


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