OK, we're gettng a little annoyed here!


Well, that was fun
Staff member
megamania said:
Is there any way to creat a thread that is locked out from posters to just ONLY list confirmed or highly likely 4e news?

Much of the problem is getting clear uninterrupted information without all the varying opinions involved. For those on the fence or climbing onto the fence (like myself) this may be very useful.

Thankyou and may the dieties bless you for dealing with this ... chaos.

I thikn what you're looking for is a news page.

I and the newshounds search through the chaos here and elsewhere on your behalf. :)

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I registered just so I could quote this because around the same time people over at WotC started threatening to leave their forums to come over here. :p

Morrus said:
Folks, this is an ultimatum: calm down and be civil, or we're gonna boot you.

We're barraged with complaints that we're creating an anti-4E forum from those who like it. We're barraged with complaints that we're "anti-grognard" from those who don't. Somehow we're both.

What is clear is that people on both sides of the issue are being equally uncivil; and the result is the forum isn't fun for either camp, each of which is convinced it has been overrun by the other. And we get the reported posts by the truckload. We get emails accusing us of being biased towards both sides. We get people notifying us that they're leaving because the other camp (whichever it is) is too strident.

We're brainstorming some solutions (and you're welcome to suggest any bright ideas you may have), but we're not going to tolerate the astonishing lack of civility in this forum any longer.

I'll make it clear: this forum is not for 4E optimists only; it is not for 4E pessimists only. Use some basic common sense. You don't have to barge into everyone's conversation and declare that you don't like what they're talking about; you don't have to barge into anyone's conversation and declare that you like the thing they dislike. There's a massive difference between valid debate and threadcrapping. Do not threadcrap.

That's all for now, but we'll add more later.


First Post
I find the bright red "threat" text of an angry moderator to be very, very exciting. You know, exciting in THAT way. ;)

Anyone want to disagree with me so I can call you a moron? HUH??? Anyone?! Come on, ya big wussies!....

Charwoman Gene

Driddle said:
I find the bright red "threat" text of an angry moderator to be very, very exciting. You know, exciting in THAT way. ;)

Anyone want to disagree with me so I can call you a moron? HUH??? Anyone?! Come on, ya big wussies!....

Clearly EVERYONE agrees with you.


First Post
Personally, I've attained my own "separate peace" so to speak. I did it by placing about 20 people on ignore. One comment that's dumb to the point that I think its offered insincerely, and Ignore time!


First Post
Cadfan said:
Personally, I've attained my own "separate peace" so to speak. I did it by placing about 20 people on ignore. One comment that's dumb to the point that I think its offered insincerely, and Ignore time!

Sadly, this sort of attitude has become pervasive in society overall. People have learned it's easier to ignore anything they don't like, even at the risk of missing otherwise useful information or learning to develop social skills to work through differences with others.

I think it does a disservice to any message board to allow more than three "ignore" markers at a time, and I allow for that number only because I recognize the possibility of extreme cases of duress.

(Ironically, the people I might have directed this at have already blocked my messages.)


First Post
Cadfan said:
Personally, I've attained my own "separate peace" so to speak. I did it by placing about 20 people on ignore. One comment that's dumb to the point that I think its offered insincerely, and Ignore time!
Be careful to not accidentally attain your own "separate world" by ignoring too many ppl.
Oops, 21? :p

Geron Raveneye

Driddle said:
Sadly, this sort of attitude has become pervasive in society overall. People have learned it's easier to ignore anything they don't like, even at the risk of missing otherwise useful information or learning to develop social skills to work through differences with others.

I think it does a disservice to any message board to allow more than three "ignore" markers at a time, and I allow for that number only because I recognize the possibility of extreme cases of duress.

(Ironically, the people I might have directed this at have already blocked my messages.)

Just speaking from personal experience here, but I guess that's what everybody here does...sometimes it's not about ignoring being the "easy way out".

I've placed a few people on my ignore list as well since the whole 4E thing started. Mainly people that I had the continued impression that, no matter what they posted, they were either trying to blow sugar into my eyes about 4E (no matter WHAT topic), or those who were spewing nothing but bile about it. Also, there is one or two people that no amount of social skill can manage to work around because they've made being annoying and obnoxious an art and their favourite pastime, and with whom the signal-to-noise ratio is far too high, even if they are able to post interesting comments now and then.

Using my ignore list has made reading (and participating in) the interesting discussions easier. I don't expect it to stay that long for the rest of my stay on ENWorld, and I expect the baseline to get back to "normal" after 4E has hit the stands, and people can stop going to extremes about it...or those who DO will start finding different pastures. But right now, a little bit of filtering does a whole lot of good.

Voidrunner's Codex

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