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Old i know but ... Mage Armor and Regular armor stack!!??

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First Post
AuraSeer said:
Does the world really need a "Gratuitous Bandwidth Hog" feat? ;)

But of course...and without further ado...

Signature King [General]
You like really big things, probably because you don’t have a really big…never mind.
Benefit: A character with this feat is granted the ability to have the biggest frickin' useless flashy bandwidth-hogging ego-boosting post-extending page-bumping I’m-so-cool signature known to man. Even God hasn’t seen a signature this damn big. You can put anything you want it, from a 50MB animated gif, to your entire senior thesis.
Normal: You are restricted to a normal sized signature, one to three lines of text, five at the most. This signature, surprisingly enough, gets the message across very clearly, and may even inspire a chuckle now and then.
Special: If you have a large signature and you do not possess this feat, it is quite likely that you’ll get the crap beaten out of you for it. Actually, this feat doesn’t do anything at all, so you’ll probably get the crap beaten out of you anyway.

...as always, comments and suggestions can be placed in the comments/suggestion trash can...urr...I mean box. :D (hopefully, everyone recognizes this as a joke)
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Man, I really dig his sig, and I don't even like Angelsboi.

Crazy liberal! Pttttt!!

BTW Mage Armor can still be nice on an armored guy, say when facing Etheral stuff.


Darkness said:
Of course he does - if you've served in the Legion of Caliban, you'll certainly have developed elite skills concerning D&D rules. :D


and our vigilance shall be eternal ...


Grow some...well you know.

IF you know a rule and you let them say otherwise. Who is to blame?

Storm Raven is correct.


First Post
Roland Delacroix said:
Man, I really dig his sig, and I don't even like Angelsboi.

Crazy liberal! Pttttt!!

BTW Mage Armor can still be nice on an armored guy, say when facing Etheral stuff.

Says the guy with the giant 12 line Sig.

Sorry man, you left yourself wide open.


First Post
i dont like roland either but he likes Cowboy Bebop so hes cool in my book. And thanks for the sig. I found it in one of the oddest places and the reason i have it is because of the angel wings. It kinda goes with my whole 'image' ya know.

And reynolds, no im not overcompensating.


Registered User
To clear up something:

This is a NWN problem. The armour enhancement bonus of magical armours in NWN is called armour bonus. Hence in the computer game an armour bonus stacks with the armour value of mundane armours.

That's why there is confusion on this matter.

Crazy CRPGers. Can't read enhancement bonus.


Actually, I rather enjoyed what NWN did with Mage Armor and am considering adding it to my games.

In NWN, Mage Armor does not put it as a +4 Armor bonus; they put it as a +1 Natural Armor Bonus, a +1 Armor Bonus, a +1 Deflection Bonus, and a +1 Dodge Bonus. That way, you always get at least +1 from it, but it is superceded by every other type pf bonus a mage is likely to receive by other items.

EDIT - AB, one more vouch for the book way of doing it - it is really an overlap, instead of a stack.
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