WOIN Old, Now, New - which is most popular?


So I was just curious who all are playing this system and which flavor is the most popular? Now if you are using O.L.D. to handle some aspects of your N.E.W. game then you are playing N.E.W. in my opinion.

I get the impression from drive through that N.E.W. is the most popular. I know it is the one I bought the hardback for from the start. I do own the pdfs of the others though.

Any thoughts? Maybe @Morrus will weigh in?

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Awesome! Thanks for answering.

I think science fiction is the second most popular genre for gaming and a lot of people play one of the really big boys like D&D for fantasy. So that might explain it. I was surprised to see how much support there was on drive thru though. So good job on that. I'm going to have to pick some of this N.E.W. stuff up.


I used to own all the Top Secret stuff but it never seemed to work well as a group game. I would think if you have a really small group it could work better. So if you had one or two players and a GM then a moderns game might be better.

Now if you were playing an exploration game using N.E.W. then owning the others like N.O.W. and O.L.D. can help for populating planets that aren't at a high tech level. Think Star Trek type exploration.


In the games I've run the first was a campaign that was thematically closest to NOW but used parts of all 3 as it was a modern day world which had dungeon entrances (the magic gem absorbs some spacial area and spawns monsters and stuff to lure in victerrr adventurers) that lined to OLD style magic worlds and NEW style systems. Then a couple of (primarily) OLD one shots.


In the games I've run the first was a campaign that was thematically closest to NOW but used parts of all 3 as it was a modern day world which had dungeon entrances (the magic gem absorbs some spacial area and spawns monsters and stuff to lure in victerrr adventurers) that lined to OLD style magic worlds and NEW style systems. Then a couple of (primarily) OLD one shots.
Yeah. That is the beauty of a universal system. If you want to play Urban fantasy you can take the magic from O.L.D. and use it in N.O.W. That would work also if you wanted a more fantasy themed science fiction game with N.E.W.

It is a big advantage to have all three games which is why I bought the others as pdf just in case.


Just a tourist passing your way...
I dm both NEW and OLD with a touch of Chi from NOW as one of my OLD players doesn't want to read the magic rules (also he plays a martial artist so it's a great synergie anyway).

In NEW my party seems to be much weaker for fighting; I think it's all about equipment.
I like space fights but don't really get into the rules so far (only had three space encounters so far); it feels like you never get your enemy into range. Eventually it's better with specialized characters.

But I agree, NEW feels best, OLD feels very good (I don't like D&D anymore for its lack of character customization). NOW seems ok but I don't use it so far as modern isn't our setting.


I dm both NEW and OLD with a touch of Chi from NOW as one of my OLD players doesn't want to read the magic rules (also he plays a martial artist so it's a great synergie anyway).

In NEW my party seems to be much weaker for fighting; I think it's all about equipment.
I like space fights but don't really get into the rules so far (only had three space encounters so far); it feels like you never get your enemy into range. Eventually it's better with specialized characters.

But I agree, NEW feels best, OLD feels very good (I don't like D&D anymore for its lack of character customization). NOW seems ok but I don't use it so far as modern isn't our setting.
I'm not of the school that thinks most popular is best. Unless someone means best for the company selling the product. I think N.E.W. competes in a space (forgive the pun) that is less competitive and for which the style of the game is more popular. I like the games and they are similar enough that they are compatible. Morris is competing directly with GURPS in many ways. Though the game has a more interesting character generation process in my opinion which I like. I also like the way skill advancement works a lot.


I'm always hoping NOW will get more popular. Current day modern genre RPGs are always a mere fraction of the overall RPG market. :(
I think it is wide open as a market but traditionally hasn't been strong without some extras tossed in. Still if you wanted to play something like Vampire or Urban Fantasy using the system, then the N.O.W. rules would be essential.

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