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Omega Pathfinders Game Thread


Cromm10k said:
Cyrill fires to more shots at the bug.

[I guess Cyrill's 2nd shot from the previous round should have missed the bug, because his 2nd ranged attack bonus is only +5 (=4Dex+1BaB) not +10]

Oops... let's just say Cyrill made use of an action point. :)

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Upon hearing Bishop over the intercom Carl shouts out in his best Sothern accent “Yeeehhhaaa lets go Bug hunt’en”. :p

Carl will ready an attack with the twin 50’s and shoot at anything that shimmers.

Off topic: (I am starting a new job tomorrow and do not know if I will have Internet access right away. Mariusm will you please play for me until I am back online.)


Mission 4. Encounter 1. Round 3.

Bugs still are unsure of the location of Omega so the squad is effectively invisible allowing Cyrill flat footed shots against them.

Cyrill wanting to make full use of his hidden position squeezes off two more shots at the mantis bug, (Modified ranged attack roll of 13 + 10 (AB) – 2 (Range of 500’) = 21, a hit (20% miss chance due to concealment rolled a 45%) doing 12hp damage modified ranged attack roll of 2 + 5 (AB) – 2 (Range of 500’) = 5, a miss), catching the bug with one of the slugs in the face. Once again the bug fades in and out as it is hit.

This time however the bugs seem to get a bearing of where the shots are coming from and three of the contacts move to the South Western side of the transport (on the same side as the troopers), visually it is difficult to ascertain what they are doing but Bishop can definitely see that they have moved. The forth contact has however remained on the eastern side of the transport.

As no one has responded to the hysterical woman she simply continues to scream into her radio handset but this time Jake hears more than the loud thud but rather a crashing sound of metal giving way.

OCC: I ruled that Cyrill still got his bonus to damage due to the bugs loosing their dexterity bonus.


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"Umm sarge, request permision to engage the bugs around the transport. it sounds like they just cracked the hull and the people inside are gonna get thrashed if we dont do something soon." Jacob will radio to sarge. if sarge ok's the order, jacob will make full speed to the top of the hill and open up on any targets he can discern near the transport.


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Private Cyrill Kowaltzki

Cyrill fires to more shots at the bugs (if the wounded bug goes down he switches aim to the bug that is closest to the transport).

Via com: "Now we have their attention, a bit of heavy weapons support wouldn't hurt, Kowaltzki over!"


First Post
"Someone want to answer that poor lady?" Mel calls as she aims at the incoming bugs and prepares to open fire. "I'd do it, but I'm kind of busy covering our sniper here."

(readying action to open fire at 100 feet, firing single shot at the first bug she can see well enough to target at that range)


First Post
Bishop hears the woman screaming on the radio and recons that waiting around isn't going to help her situation.

Over the comm to the squad: "I'm gonna try and get line of site to those bugs!"

He floors the buggy (attempt a dash stunt to street spead) keeping close the ridge as he makes his way around it checking the scanner periodically for any new contacts.

OOC: Bishop's wants to stop 150 ft. from the transport - this should be a good distance for Carl with the twin 50's and Bishop's SAW


Mission 4. Encounter 1. Round 4.

Initiative for combat is as follows:
Mantis Bugs

Cyrill and Mel can vaguely see three shimmering objects spread out and start moving towards their position, the bugs are approximately 400’ away. The forth bug can not be seen at present.

Carina waits for further orders from Sarge.
Shin revs the egine impatiently of her buggy.
Raul double checks the twin fifty to make sure he is ready.
Mel remains ready to open fire while aiming at the approaching bugs.
Carl wonders why he is missing all the action and double checks the twin fifty he is manning.
Cyrill takes aim at where he thinks the bug #1 is that he has been hitting and squeezes the trigger, (Modified ranged attack roll of 1 … :\ oops a miss, and modified ranged attack roll of 10 + 5 (AB) – 2 (Range 400’) = 13, a miss), but the round fails to fire so he quickly cocks the rifle again and fires but misses in his haste.
Sarge yells, “I wanted to prevent close quarters combat! Jacob, Carina get up that ridge and lay down some suppressive fire. Shin, Bishop lets circle this ridge and provide the transport with some support.
Jacob jumps up the 40’ to the top of the ridge in a couple of steps and opens up with the “Ape special” twin moritas on Mantis bug #3, (Modified ranged attack roll of 17 + 11 (AB) – 6 (Range of 400’) = 22, a hit doing 16hp damage!), catching it squarely in the right shoulder.
Bishop floors the buggy before he even heard the “ok” from Sarge, (Drive skill check of 6 + 11 (Skill) = 17 vs DC 15, success), and pushes the buggy up to Street Speed and moves north 90’.

Squad actions please.


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