D&D General On the subject of Hobgoblins


One thing I’ve never quite understood in these set ups is if Hobgoblins (or Orcs or etc) are as civilised as humans and have Prussian levels of effeciency and Roman levels of organisation then why do we not see vast Hobgoblin Empires?
The Romans dominated their neighbours - why do we not see Hobgoblins doing the same?

(At least with Orcs they have the day blindness and savage flaws holding them back)
In my world they DO have an empire on par with elves, dwarves, and humans. Orcs have more space but less infrastructure.

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From what I know about Eberron, the Dhakaani Empire wasn't ruled by any specific type of the goblinoids. I may be incorrect, though.
If only there was a linked wiki article on the Dhakaani Empire with reference citations that you could check quickly. :)

Some pertinent quotes:
"The Empire of Dhakaan was founded by hobgoblins"

"Hobgoblins formed the basis for society in the Empire of Dhakaan. Bugbears were bred as shock troops, while goblins served as slaves."

Here is a WotC Dragonshards article on Dhakaan

"Hobgoblins have always formed the foundation of Dhakaani society, from its beginnings to the present day. They are the most disciplined of the goblinoids, both in battle and in court. The hobgoblins rule Dhakaani society, and their power is rarely contested; their leadership skills have been proven over the centuries so that the bugbears and goblins accept their respective roles in society."

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