D&D (2024) One D&D is one D&D too much (-)

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Micah Sweet

Level Up & OSR Enthusiast
OK, but it isn't about trusting them. Just trust what is in front of you and don't jump to conclusions. At least that would be my advice.
That doesn't make sense to me in this context. They don't indicate which of the rules changes in their playtest are subject to customer input, but we know it isn't all of them. How do you trust what is in front of you in that circumstance?

did they say the changes to races are official? why make these changes in the newest books and then backtrack out of them (dragonborn breath attack was recently changed is an example).

is there new leadership running this? related-watching a video on the new starter set and it doesnt build on the 2nd starter set. they had a great idea for sidekicks but if you didnt pick that set up you would have no idea.

it feels like pieces are being lost on the way with changes made


Limit Break Dancing (He/They)
This conversation has taken a turn for the truly weird.
It really has! Which is not entirely unexpected, I guess...we've seen this happen before.

For some folks, change is always a bad thing...it's either immediately bad, or it's a portent of bad things to come, or it's an indictment against things they enjoy, or some weird combination of the three.

But I must have gotten a lot older since 2008 and 2009. Or maybe the pandemic etc. has given me more perspective on such things? Not sure. I just can't get as engaged as WotC needs me to be. I've been trying to get excited about it, but all I've got are cartoon memes and jokes, or the occasional, unhelpful "doesn't Tasha's already do this?" It feels like just an extra-noisy Unearthed Arcana to me.
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That doesn't make sense to me in this context. They don't indicate which of the rules changes in their playtest are subject to customer input, but we know it isn't all of them. How do you trust what is in front of you in that circumstance?
All of the rule changes presented are subject to customer input, why would you think otherwise? It will probably become more clear in the survey I guess, but why would you assume some of the changes are not up for customer input? I mean, how do you: "...know it isn't all of them."

For example, people where that Tasha's racial ability score revisions we definitely going to be the 2024 standard. No change, that was it. Yet, the changed it it in the very first playtest UA. It seems to me anything is up for grabs.

I bet they currently feel more confident about some changes more than others, but I am sure that if a change gets a really bad reaction it will be revised or dropped.

Voidrunner's Codex

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