D&D General One Piece of Art IV (Races)- What D&D Art Inspired You to Love a Race (Lineage, Ancestry)


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Artist: Larry Elmore
Source: Mentzer Companion Box Set (again)
Race: Elf
This is one of my favorite Elmore sketches. I know the 2e Complete Book of Elves is considered OP in terms of its mechanics, but I have a fondness for all the character sketches.

Noble, High Elf Female (2).jpg

Wizard, High Elf Female (1).jpg

Fighter, Elf Female (1).jpg

Artist: Todd Lockwood
Source: Dungeon Master's Guide 3.5
Race: Elf

As a fan of the old school elven fighter/wizard, this art is my ideal.

View attachment 257535
I used this one for my magic item (elven chain) pic! LOL.

Here's my selection:

Artist: Larry Elmore
Source: Dwarven Kingdoms of Krynn / Complete Book of Dwarves
Race: Dwarf

As much as I love the geometry of the modern dwarf look, I also love me some classic Celtic/Viking-style dwarves.

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This is one of my favorite Elmore sketches. I know the 2e Complete Book of Elves is considered OP in terms of its mechanics, but I have a fondness for all the character sketches.

Heh, as an optimizer and fan of the old school elven fighter/mage, I had fun with the 2e bladesinger kit.

Jacob Lewis

Ye Olde GM

Artist: Clyde Caldwell
Title: The Worm Has Turned
Race: Human
(Class: Fighter/Warrior)

Look at this picture and tell me again why playing a human (or a fighter) is "boring". Or better yet, tell her that. I think she may have some strong opinions on that subject.

Voidrunner's Codex

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