OnePeice Netflix live action


A suffusion of yellow

So I’ve never watched One Peice before, only knowing what it was via my nephew who was a fan. My impression from the few glances over his shoulder was that it was some goofy anime, where the pirate/villain of the week was defeated by the weird stretchy powers of the protagonist as they all raced to find a hidden treasure.

but after hearing some good things I decided to have a look at the live action version and I’m really happy I did.

Despite the goofiness this story is suprisngly layered, characters have complex motivations and relationships and there is some unexpected emotional depth. Even better the internationally diverse cast actually seem to be taking things seriously and the sets and effects help to sell the premise of this world of islands, pirates and apparently magic fruit? The stories are also more than just villain of the week, theyve been diverse and cover everything from a heist, to an all-out brawl, a budding romance with an NPC benefactor, a hell circus, a visit to a resteraunt and a naval battle. The bad guys are recurring and interact with the leads and also each other making the world seem a dynamic as the storylines tackle totalitarianism and freedom, intergenerational relationships and even touch on slavery and revolt.

Its got me thinking about Pirate campaigns again, maybe even playing a crew in the One Peice world

- so have you seen this live action version of One Peice, and what did you think? how does it compare to the anime, and how would you incorporate its themes into a RPG campaign?
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Shirokinukatsukami fan
so have you seen this live action version of One Peice, and what did you tnink? how does it compare to the anime, and how would you incorporate its themes into a RPG campaign?​
Yes, we recently started watching it. We're only a few episodes in so far, because—like a delicious cake—it's better to savor each slice than to gobble the whole thing down at once. I have zero experience of the anime and didn't know Once Piece existed before the Netflix live action release.

In terms of overlap with RPG campaigns, the series so far has been a delightful mirror of our current Spelljammer campaign, in the sense that it also involves visiting unusual places, then escaping from them, while gradually collecting an eclectic mix of unusual, talented but not necessarily all-on-the-same-page crew members.​


I have been reading One Piece for over 17 years, so I've been looking forward to and dreading the live-action version since it was announced. But overall I've enjoyed seeing these character brought to life by a cast and crew that seem to love the source material. As far as comparing it to the source (I prefer the manga to the anime, but both are in my thoughts as I watch) every change is a small pang to me, but I get that it's adaptation, not recreation. There have been good additions, good changes, and things that I understand why they couldn't adapt straight. And of course changes I haven't liked, but on the whole I respect the choices they've made, even if I could dissect (and have done so for someone already) every change and what I think about it.

For an RPG campaign, something like an island campaign really emphasizes self-contained adventurers. You can't call on help and you only have what's in this location to deal with a problem. There's also making sure each place is really unique, where as sometimes a typical campaign can get very samey with the medieval steretypical locations. On the note One Piece really lets its clothing and styles go for a wide mish-mash. You have typical villager garb, marines in suits and baseball caps, modern chef uniforms , and a wide variety of pirate clothes. It gets pretty wild.

The One Piece makes for a nice style of goal, as well. It looms over everything, but there's no time limit associated with it. There a lot of competition for it, but it's a vague enough prize to allow for other objectives to fit alongside it.


I never watched the anime as the animation style didn't work for me, but I've watched a few episodes of the live-action series, and am enjoying it so far.


Oh great, another Netflix series that will end on a cliffhanger...never to be resolved...ever.

Reminds me why I don't have a Netflix account.

(actually, it's more that I am still furious about the Dark Crystal series and how it was dropped. Until it is continued I plan to boycott Netflix. They'll never miss me, and never continue it, which probably means I'll never have a Netflix account in the future).


Front Range Warlock
I'm interested in this specifically because it might actually have a proper end (the anime sure as heck doesn't and the way they've buried the original premise, I doubt it will).


2 episodes in kinda liking it. Had no idea what One Piece is (comic?)

Watched the Netflix "trailer" and bit quiet atm (Ahsoka, Foundation, Wheel of Time).

Considering I'm probably outside itsvtarget demograph it's doing OK.


I need to catch it. I was aware of the anime, but had never watched it. The lead was one of the leads in "The Imperfects", a Netflix series that met the one season death.


A suffusion of yellow
I need to catch it. I was aware of the anime, but had never watched it. The lead was one of the leads in "The Imperfects", a Netflix series that met the one season death.
oh Chupacabra boy? I didn't recognise him from that show, but yeah Netflix doesnt have a very good record when it comes to second seasons


I'm interested in this specifically because it might actually have a proper end (the anime sure as heck doesn't and the way they've buried the original premise, I doubt it will).

The comic is in the "final saga" and is more focused on going after the One Piece than I think it's ever been. So it looks like it will happen in, say, five or so years. Right around the corner.

Live action was renewed for a second season, so that's nice. But I have no hopes for them covering the entire series.

Voidrunner's Codex

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