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I only printed to XPS so far (as a printer device that should be standard with Windows 7), and that didn't seem to create any issues, I though the printing was pretty fast.


Pretty much the same speed it was for me today as it was yesterday...

Yesterday I only had 2 crashes and both of them were from me playing around with the zoom in/out function.

Aside from that no other crashes... I didn't have the weird printing issues some have reported, although I haven't tried printing to a pdf.
I have found that it works best (at least from my limited experience so far) when using chrome. However - I still had a couple crashes when using the retraining options, and it seems to get progressively slower as you level up a character. It was more pronounced when leveling up 1 level at a time instead of just creating the character at a higher level. The speed still isn't up to where I would want to use this - although the alternate access referenced on these boards does seem to bee faster.

I have printed to PDF - which took almost as long as printing out the character sheets and it looks like the top and bottom margins are zero. I haven't printed the PDF to see what gets cropped, but it is annoying. Also, looking at the printed character sheets - the formatting is off for some of the items - ends of words getting cut off.

Is there an option to not display any weapon stats on the power cards?


Nyronus said:
Actually, yeah, yeah it is. Basically he is abandoning a perfectly functional game system to go to a competitor out of spite. Its further made absurd when you learn that hero labs has 4th Edition support. Changing to Pathfinder is an act of pure spite meant to punish WotC for not meeting his demands. Of course, such an action means almost nothing since spending money somewhere else hurts a company no more than if the money was not spent at all. Its irrational and stupid.

People support companies with their money. If a company over time does not meet your expectations in some area it seems only logical that you are going to want to stop giving them your money. There may even be parts of the product you like, but the parts you don't like out weigh the parts you do.

People abandon perfectly functional products all the time for a competitor's products because they think company x does something better than company y even though both are making functional products. Look at automobiles - they all get a person from point A to point B - but some people feel better about spending their money on one brand versus another because of their perceived value. That value may be in customer service, where the cup holders are at or how close they are to the local dealership.

As for spending money elsewhere versus just not spending. I have to disagree. Continuing the car analogy again - if I spend money with Toyota and not Honda then you are right - in both cases Honda does not receive money from me. *But* Toyota now has a little extra to keep paying those customer service people or invest in R&D or possibly even run with their margins a little lower because they are moving more product. On a single person scale, not a big difference - but if you get more people doing this then that scale suddenly starts to matter.

But really, why bother wasting time or energy worrying about how people handle this online CB release? If you are happy with the game and the optional tools provided to you - then have fun! Enjoy the game and the time you get to spend with your friends playing it. A person leaving your system of choice does not condemn your system and should not impact your enjoyment.


First Post
De-Level = Change XP Total

More crashes. Paragon path etc. Now recovering the character causes it to crash immediately.

Also doesn't seem to be a way to "delevel" a character. That's annoying if true.

Testing seems weak. Features are okay if the bugs get fixed.

Change the XP Total and the Level Up / De Level box changes.



First Post
I have found that it works best (at least from my limited experience so far) when using chrome.

Maybe that's it? I'm on Chrome.

However - I still had a couple crashes when using the retraining options, and it seems to get progressively slower as you level up a character. It was more pronounced when leveling up 1 level at a time instead of just creating the character at a higher level. The speed still isn't up to where I would want to use this - although the alternate access referenced on these boards does seem to bee faster.

See this one gets me.. I don't know what it is, but it doesn't seem slower to me then the old CB did... In some ways it feels smoother and faster.

Is there an option to not display any weapon stats on the power cards?

Don't think there is anyway to change the cards at all.

I also actually like the layout of this one beter... It feels, like.. easier to flow through for me if that makes sense?

I didn't make extensive use of the old CB though, as I mainly DM... so maybe if I was more used to the old one I'd notice a bigger problem?

That said... They need to add some of the missing elements REAL soon.


I crit!
I have had enough of 4e and WotC. I have always liked 3.5 and Pathfinder even more. Paizo is a fantastic company run by great folks with wonderful products. I was playing Pathfinder WHILE I was playing 4e. I'm just done with 4e, largely because I'm done with WotC. Am I irrationally angry and doing it out of spite? No. I'm doing it because enough is enough.


First Post
This isn't the first time we've seen this line of "reasoning", and it won't be the last. This is the consumer mentality at its worst. WotC doesn't need customers who think along these lines, anyway. I wouldn't fret over it.

Your sterling judgment of who is and is not qualified to give Wizards of the Coast their consumer dollars is much appreciated, and I am quite sure it's entirely justified. Who am I to vote with my wallet, anyway? Such temerity I possess, to dare to complain. Pfui on that.

My comments are not really intended for your consumption anyway, Dannager, but you are of course free to comment to your heart's content since you seem to enjoy judging who is and isn't qualified to be a WotC customer. I think you can win the internets this way... keep trying.

It is a known fact that WotC employees read these boards and as a Day-1 DDI subscriber (concurrent, consecutive since launch, cancelled this week) I felt the company which I have supported since the beginning of 4E might wish to hear that their recent business decisions have aliented certain of their paying customers.

Good day, sir.

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