[OOC] [AU] Stone Bones - Recruiting Replacement Player!


wohoo! definitely going for Spryte Magister 5. he uses an energy blade almost exclusively and often puts himself directly into melee.

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Count me in.

Maybe this is my only chance.

Someday I might run a Plague of Dreams pbp when my tabletop one is done.

I'll play whatever. Probably a human. Runethane or Mageblade.

Peace and smiles :)


Isida Kep'Tukari

Ok, dead_radish and Erekose - if you want to burn a feat to further enhance your weapons, I'll let you.

dead_radish, you'll be taking:

Blade Manifestation Enhancement (Ceremonial)
After a ritual involving a duel with three other witches with the blade manifestation, you can enhance your witchery blade manifestation with additional magical powers.
Prerequisite: Truename, must have witchery blade manifestation.
Benefit: [See Hands as Weapons]. The caveat is that if you already have an enhancement bonus on your blade, you have to pay the difference if you wish to enhance it. I.e. if the blade is naturally +1 for you and you want to make it a +2, you have to pay the difference between +1 and +2 weapon. Etc, etc, you get the idea.

Erekose, you'll be taking:

Signature Spell Enhancement (Ceremonial)
After a ritual involving casting your signature spell in many kinds of conditions, you are able to enhance your signature spell.
Prerequisite: Truename, Signature Spell (the same spell being enhanced)
Benefit: [See Hands as Weapons]. The caveat is don't add anything to your signature spells that's nonsensical, silly, or broken. DM has final say, so on and so forth.

How do those look? Erekose, the energy blade enhancement feat I made more difficult because that spell is more versitile.

Jaws, glad to have you aboard.

Ok all, the faster you do your characters, the faster we can play. If everyone's a much as a raging psycho as I am, I can be ready to put up the game thread this weekend. :D
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will have to see about how fast i can get the character up tomorrow is gonna be a busy day for me. as far as the feat. looks great ill take it. might not have enough feats to have it yet though cause i definitely want to be a spryte. but i will take it at some point :)


First Post
I'll play a male human runethane 5.

His name is Wil Restat. Thats a start.

Post more after I get some sleep and dream.

Peace and smiles :)



First Post
If at all possible, I'd like to play. Forgive the low post count. Longtime lurker.

I'm thinking a Sibeccai or Litorian Mage Blade. Probably Mage Blade 5, but I might take a racial level or two. I'll glance over my books and come up with a more formalized character in the morning if you'll have me. Been looking for an AU Forum game that I can post to while at work. Graveyard shift gets quiet. ;)

If I play a Sibeccai, it'd be entertaining to be a vassal of sorts to the Giant, should the good giant be willing.


Edited for Spelling.
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First Post

I'd really like to get a chance to actually play a character in AU, but I'm busy enough as is. I guess I'll have to pass. :(


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