[OOC] - Discussion for Kingmaker game

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First Post
Ah very cool!

We should work a few things out, like how long they've been traveling together, how they met and why they decided to travel together, how much they know of one another, etc etc...


First Post
I am going to Japan - my first time out of North America. I am accompanying my 15 year old as he plays in the Magic the Gathering Pro Tour (he won a qualifying tournament that gives air fare for the Pro Tour, lest you think that I just travel around the world on a lark). I will be back at the third week of June. I will have internet access but I will be touristing/parenting, so feel free to NPC me. Elurin is interested in all things fey and does not believe in killing except in self-defense or to satisfy the group's charter. He will always try a diplomatic solution first.


First Post
I am going to Japan - my first time out of North America. I am accompanying my 15 year old as he plays in the Magic the Gathering Pro Tour (he won a qualifying tournament that gives air fare for the Pro Tour, lest you think that I just travel around the world on a lark). I will be back at the third week of June. I will have internet access but I will be touristing/parenting, so feel free to NPC me. Elurin is interested in all things fey and does not believe in killing except in self-defense or to satisfy the group's charter. He will always try a diplomatic solution first.

Congrats (to you on the trip and your son for qualifying :) ) and have a great trip!


First Post
Ah very cool!

We should work a few things out, like how long they've been traveling together, how they met and why they decided to travel together, how much they know of one another, etc etc...

[MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] - can you post IC for Arcata and your meeting of Ironheart? You'd be traveling along the coast heading towards the Trading Post after reading the note from the Swordlords about the reward for "taming the Stolen Lands". As you need coin for the rebirth of your House it seemed a perfect opportunity. You will spot the large Wood Woad up ahead, apparently lost....



First Post
Probably the first you've seen, they are rare.

[sblock=Nature DC 19]
Wood Woads and Dryads share a common heritage. They typically seek vengeance for a tree (or each tree) that falls to an axe. To see one not protecting a forest is a surprise[/sblock]

Voidrunner's Codex

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