[OOC] - Discussion for Kingmaker game

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I did as Scotley. Each time I need a character sheet, I google: L4W PC CharacterName PlayerName. It appear in the top 3 nine time out of ten.


Thanks, guys. Scotley, you were a little bit slower than Velmont, and much more of a jerk about the whole thing. :p Guess you're entitled after 30 years of friendship.

After 30 years, I feel a moral obligation to seize such opportunities when you offer them up. Besides, I know should I present you a similar opening you'd do the same.


After 30 years, I feel a moral obligation to seize such opportunities when you offer them up. Besides, I know should I present you a similar opening you'd do the same.
I am encouraged by the fact that you still have SOME morals, questionable though they be.


First Post
Ok, so we'll need to get the party back from the front lines and back to Oleg's (not that they're far out). I will NPC Ruarc to lead the party back to the Trading Post. I'll likely have them encounter Razam on the way and Shay's PC can perhaps meet them at Oleg's. Ironheart can also join up there... sound like a plan?

I'm going to post the conversation in the tavern thread for Ironheart, probably tonight.
Umm, Elurin is the scout and has high Nature. So I am not sure that Ruarc will need to "lead". Isn't he sick on a litter anyway. Elurin will be glad to have his fried along in any case.


First Post
I said lead to just note what my thoughts were, as in, "hey, I'd like to get everyone back to the Trading Post, and it's easiest by having the now NPC do it so we can move one sooner, rather than subtly drop hints and wait for the party to return". As you probably figured out, my thoughts changed since that post and thought it easier to just have him fall ill and require help.


First Post
Speaking of getting people together, Ironheart is ashore and will be wandering around looking for civilization - some way of directing him to the party would be good.


First Post
Sounds good. I think I'll have [MENTION=4936]Shayuri[/MENTION] 's PC traveling to the coast and run across Ironheart. (Shay - you're still retiring Ezmerelda right?).

Voidrunner's Codex

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