[OOC] House Millithor in City of the Spider Queen II

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So, I guess this is the question we are all thinking about right now. How do we feel about converting?
As far as our characters know Lolth might never come back, and if she does return she will almost certainly be weakened. Tens of thousands of her worshipers and hundreds of her clerics will have abandoned her, and she won't have the resources to punish them all.
Our characters are Chaotic Evil, their greatest loyalty is to themselves (and their family-members). Their primary reason for worshiping Lolth was probably fear and convenience. Those two reasons are now much reduced. They have greater reason to fear Kiaransalee, and joining her would certainly be more convenient. Their position in Menzoberranzan would be compromized, but they don't really own anything there anyway. The Company of the Coiled Whip is now nearly worthless, reestablishing it will cost almost as much as building a new company elsewhere. They might be able to flee from Sith Morcane via Shadow Walk, but then what? Our clerics still won't have any spells. I'm personally leaning towards conversion, I'm not entirely sure about Ki'Willis.

I'm doing my best to role play this situation accurately, but I might be too pragmatic about it. I'm not a religious man, and I don't really claim to understand the power religion holds over some people. Ki'Willis is a High Priestess of Lolth, but is her religion worth more to her than her own life? Many christians would make that claim about themselves, many jews died in the concentration camps rather than forswearing their religion. I can't personally imagine that kind of faith. What are your thoughts?

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The largest problem with conversion to Kiransalee (from an IC standpoint) is that it only works if all three priestesses simultaneously and independently arrive at the conclusion to convert regardless of the consequenses.

Even if she were leaning that way, Carcelon would never state that she was willing to convert in front of either Matron Ki'Willis or Narcelia unless they had already converted.


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I guess Ki'Willis could order them to convert, if she arrives to that conclusion herself. Would they resent her for that, or be grateful?


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In order for your cleric abilities to be re-activated with another Goddess, you will have to participate in a religious ceremony (essentially an Atonement spell) performed by a high level cleric of that other Goddess. Your guess is that Dorina and her nieces are clerics of high enough level to cast an atonement spell.

The advantages of conversion are immediate access to spellcasting power as well as sharing in all the power and wealth that the forces of Kairansalee gather.

The disadvantages of conversion are that the worship of Kiaransalee is currently prohibited in Menzoberanzan (prohibited with penalty = death by torture). So going home would require stealth (not that there is much left to go home to).

With regards to whether or not Lolth will punish those who stray, you are uncertain. Obviously, she can't punish anyone if she never returns. Lolth generally manages to punish those who stray, but she has somehow never managed to punish Drizzt Do'urden (although the entire Do'Urden house was destroyed so that might be considered punishment).


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Not to mention that it's entirely possible that by agreeing to convert that House Millithor will cease to exist as an independent entity, instead being absorbed into (or required to swear fealty to) House T'Sarran


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Pyrex said:
Not to mention that it's entirely possible that by agreeing to convert that House Millithor will cease to exist as an independent entity, instead being absorbed into (or required to swear fealty to) House T'Sarran

I think Ki'Willis would actually have a much greater problem with that than with converting. I guess we're going to have to discuss the terms with Dorina.


Narcelia would definitely not say anything about converting without hearing Ki'Willis's reaction (and preferably Carcelon's) first. Obviously, if so ordered, she will make some sort of answer to Ki'Willis, but she is definitely too afraid to state a direct opinion without knowing how the other two feel.

Out of character, let me say that I think Narcelia would convert in a heartbeat if she thinks it would gain her more than she might possibly attain otherwise. In order for her to find out, she'd need to have a chat with someone and find out exactly what Kiransalee's deal is. Somehow, though, I doubt she'll get an honest answer from anyone here and so I don't know how she'd react (we'll just have to see :D).

If House Millithor is absorbed, Narcelia would not agree to convert. If there is some way to appear to convert and yet still be a priestess of Lolth (a la Shakti), that would probably be a good option.

I don't know how much I should tell you guys about what I'm thinking. :) And sorry for rambling.


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Another OOC comment. Narcelia, Ki'Willis, Carcelon, and Quertus all know that there are other Gods and Goddess besides Lolth and Kiaransalee.

Selvetarm is the only God whose worship is allowed by the Clerics of Lolth. He is essentially a subserviant god of war who fights fanatically for Lolth. The silence has not affected his clerics.

Other Gods (all of whom hate Lolth) inlcude:
Kiaransalee (CE)

the various Demon Lords of the Abyss(CE)

Ghaunadaur (CE, That Which Lurks, the Elder Eye) ... a Cthulu type Elder God of slimes and tentacles who predates the existance of elves

Vhaeraun (CE, The Masked Lord) ... Drow God of Rogues, a son of Lolth

Eilistraee (CG, The Dark Maiden, Lady of the Dance)

various other Gods and Goddesses of Faerun
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Endur said:
I knew Kilcif's attack bonus didn't include everything. I read through the character sheet, added everything up, and came up with a number. :)
Yeah sorry for the delay between declaring combat and my out of topic post... A) I was and am at work. B) I got called to the phone for family matters, but you did a good job in my absence. :)

Endur said:
I think I had Kilcif raging, using the morning star with two hands, and at +23 to hit (BAB, weapon focus, +2 weapon, +10 str) and 1d8 + 17 to damage (+15 str, +2 weapon).
Sounds about right to me... I didn't plan on raging just yet but it is a good use IC wise. :) Kilcif no like puny humans... Puny humans leave Kilcif alone. HULK (err) KILCIF SMASH!!!

That about sums it up for me. :D

So did Leonon bite it, or did the chicken run?

Seonaid said:
If there is some way to appear to convert and yet still be a priestess of Lolth (a la Shakti), that would probably be a good option.
I so doubt you could fool a good and an atonement spell.

Endur, also did the old wise bugbear just bind my wounds or did he heal my wounds? I'll post IC when I get that answer. :)
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