[OOC] House Millithor in City of the Spider Queen II

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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Endur said:
I'm assuming that all whips have essentially the same game stats, whether they are metal, rope, leather, dragonhide, etc.
They range from subdue damage, aka the normal whip, to real damage like a scourge…

Well I had hoped they described one in detail in a drow forgotten realms novel, but maybe they haven't.

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None of the PCs have ever heard of House T'sarran.

The two houses in Maerimydra that were important to House Millithor were Morcane (your trading partner) and Chumavh (the most powerful house).

You know that Maerimydrya had nine major noble houses (the first of which was Chumavh), and that T'Sarren wasn't one of them.

So either 1) House T'Sarren was so minor that nobody noticed it--i.e. no noble compound just a building on a street in the city 2) House T'Sarren is actually from another city, 3) House T'Sarran is a former noble house (i.e. thought destroyed), 4) House T'Sarran has never previously existed, or 5) You are being lied to.

With regards to lies and sense motive, Matron Ki'Willis basically believes that Dorina is attempting to tell the truth. Dorina may be twisting various things to fit her viewpoint and she might be insane, but the vast majority of what she is saying are things she believes to be true.


First Post
A new noble house is typically a split from an older, established house. It happens occassionally. Obviously the older house loses some power when it happens.

Alternatively, a powerful rich commoner might "declare themself" a noble and form a house.

In either case, newly formed noble houses struggle quite a bit in the early years, and most are destroyed within a decade or two.

Any questions on the maps I posted?
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Endur, Kilcif's BAB is correct (or at least it should be :D ) but his melee attack is probably off as I know I didn't incorporated the belt of giant strength in it. I will fix that tonight when I get home from work.


First Post
I knew Kilcif's attack bonus didn't include everything. I read through the character sheet, added everything up, and came up with a number. :)
I think I had Kilcif raging, using the morning star with two hands, and at +23 to hit (BAB, weapon focus, +2 weapon, +10 str) and 1d8 + 17 to damage (+15 str, +2 weapon).

Of course, near the end, you had a -4 to hit from four lost levels that were drained.
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Are the maps large enough images that they are readable/viewable?

I'm still experimenting with image sizes, so I can make them larger if people can't read them.


First Post
Maps look fine to me, but why post parts of the Narcelia/Carcelon/Matron map twice? (if there's something in the NW corner of the map you don't want us to see yet that's fine, just curious)


First Post
The answer is yes, there is something I didn't want to show.

Pyrex said:
Maps look fine to me, but why post parts of the Narcelia/Carcelon/Matron map twice? (if there's something in the NW corner of the map you don't want us to see yet that's fine, just curious)

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