[OOC] House Millithor in City of the Spider Queen II

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The creature is commonly known as "Death" or the Grim Reaper. It is not known whether Death is a singular creature (that rejuvenates after being destroyed and can copy itself) or a race of creatures.

In game terms, the 3.5 monster manual has stats under Wraith, Dread.

In terms of what you know about the creature, your best guess is that one hit is sufficient to kill most people and anybody that is hit by it more than once is definitely dead.

More Info that Knowledge Religion and Knowledge Planes reveals about "Death."

Death … Once it selects a target, it does not stop until the target is dead or the death is destroyed. A target may flee, but Death is relentless. Death is rarely fooled by illusions.

When others intervene and attempt to prevent the Death from pursuing a target, Death might copy itself and create more Deaths to slay the interveners.

Death's Scythe never misses.

Death is not known to use transportation magic (teleport, gate, etc.), but it can be summoned.

A powerful spell caster can keep Death at bay and/or dare to command Death, but Death always has the last laugh.

Combat on the Shadow Plane

The only way off the plane is for Quertus to take the party with him. If you seperate from Quertus (or if Quertus dies), the other characters have no known way of getting off the Shadow Plane (i.e. you can wander around until you starve or are killed or are lucky enough to find a portal).

Movement is enhanced: A 5' step is equal to 250'. A 30' move is equal to 1500'. Flight and other movement rates are also enhanced (by x50).

Shadow Spells are enhanced, as are Shadow/Negative Energy creatures.

Light and Fire spells are reduced in effectiveness.

Quertus can take the party off the plane by focusing (standard action ending the Shadow Walk spell, but the party members have to be close by.)
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Brother Shatterstone

Dark Moderator of PbP
Xael said:
I was planning to address that in my next IC post, but now that you mentioned it: Analyze Dweomer, Permanency, Dominate Person, Contingency, and the rest can be figured out later.

And we seriously need to change the traveling order in shadow plane. I now have 3 hit points left...
I agree, but doesn't the person casting the spell have to go first? The spell is vague about this so I guess it's Endur call.


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You can have someone else lead the way across the Shadow plane, but if they don't know the way, it is going to seriously cut down on travel time. Right now, only Quertus knows the way (thanks to his vast knowledge skills and the rest of the party's general lack of knowledge skills other than Know Relig).

Xael said:
And we seriously need to change the traveling order in shadow plane. I now have 3 hit points left...


Dawddarnit, it took a lot of time to read through the whole IC thread, especially when you don't have connection at home.

Anyway, expect to Torrellan to speak every now and then from now on, but with a bit of a different tone than before.


Heh, tell me about it. And you had a lot more to read than I did. ;) Glad to have you aboard! I have a feeling Narcelia isn't exactly the same as she used to be either . . . :)


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I'm not going to resolve this round of combat until I hear what Quertus is going to do (not sure his prior post was meant as an action for a round).


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So has Dariel's. It now no longer shows the old weapons, but shows the new ones instead. That assumes I gave Narcelia her own sword back after shopping.

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