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Well, looks like your full up, by this point. But if I were to play I would have been a Tangler Spear Fighter. [Elf [Tangle] Martial Artist w/ the spear form.

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Whoa. For a thread that's only been up for two days, this is a lot of people. :D Uhm, any suggestions on when I should take the "RECRUITING" sign down, more experienced PbPers?

@ Zerth - Just so you know, the bloodline abilities are a class feature, so you only get them with actual Sorcerer levels.

@ Jolmo - Take this and this, mix together, shake well, and pour. Hopefully something that sounds elegant and hard-to-pronounce but with a barbaric edge will come out. Caeldwyste is like a cross between the Italian Renaissance and the viking hordes culture-wise, which makes for some... challenging... naming conventions. You might want to also decide where your family is on the traditionalist-cosmopolitan scale.

@ Peter - Hag bloodline? Why not! Will you be from the surface or the Underdark, though? For a human character, the surface is more likely.

@ rangerjohn - Glad it works now. Jolmo beat me to the punch there. :) This isn't a first-come, first-serve thing, though, especially since you were handicapped by computer issues. I'll probably be picking 5 people from here to make two threads with my home group from the other thread.

@ Isida Kep'Tukari - Sounds like a plan. However, you might want to look at the Unification Church (mostly cribbed from DragonStar):

Unification Church: Being so far from the Outer Planes breeds schisms in the various faiths. It seems that every Kellunan proxy has his, her, or its own version of a central faith, leading to a myriad of sects that no one person can keep track of. This leads to a great reduction in the relative power of individual churches, and of clerical faith as a whole. The Unification Church is not a church per se; it is rather a group of clerics dedicated to the concept of orthodoxy. They seek to resolve the various warring sects under one properly-organized pantheon, and will go to great lengths to do so. Since they incorporate a number of clerics from every faith and actively seek political power, the Unification Church is the group to go to for those who seek the services of a cleric of negotiable virtue.

Or possibly the fadacs, if you're at least good-leaning:

Freelance Adventurers’ Demihumanitarian Aid Corps: The Freelance Adventurer’s Demihumanitarian Aid Corps (called the fadacs by locals) are the closest thing Dromus has to an adventurer’s guild. Members wear a patch displaying the Corps’ symbol, a lammasu rampant on a field of white, and are the first group the city goes to with above-the-table problems. They were founded 11 years ago by their current leader, Assyrias (LG male lammasu Clr 11 / Hph 3), and are based in Kelluna. The Droman chapter isn’t as reliably good-hearted as one might hope.

I have a bit more on Dromus than the other planes, so I'll probably post that extra stuff later, as well as some (pre-)history. Thanks for slogging through all these documents, everyone! :)
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Isida Kep'Tukari

The fadacs sound right up my character's alley. I should be able to have a character up within a day or so. I have all the nuts and bolts done, I'm just buying equipment and writing out my background. :)


Oh yeah, almost forgot. Jelmo, the parry toll is basically modified by all of the applicable attack bonuses for the weapon. Thus, the balanced masterwork component allows you to add a +1 enhancement bonus to all attack rolls with the weapon, which also increases your parry bonus by +1 point of enhancement.

I'm rather curious about how you plan on going with this character, though. You have a phenomenal defense against melee attacks (essentially an AC of at least avg. 28 against melee attacks from one target) but a low-end AC versus multiple attackers and ranged attacks. Depending on the gear you buy, this could be a very dedicated duellist that does relatively poorly against massed attacks, or you could buy some nice bracers of armor and hedge your bets. Hmm...


First Post
Well, this is the equipment-list I'm looking on right now, giving me an AC of 20. Any suggestions are welcome :)

Swift (8335 gp) [6 lbs.]
Parrying Main-Gauche (312 gp) [1 lb.] (Style-Oriented (Combat Expertise))

Bracers of Armor +2 (4000 gp) [1 lb.]
Gloves of Dexterity +2 (4000 gp)
Cloak of Reistance +2 (4000 gp) [1 lb.]
Ring of Feather Falling (2200 gp)
Signet Ring of Protection +1 (2000 gp)
Handy Haversack (2000 gp) [5 lbs.] (takes 80+20+20 lbs.)
- Everburning Torch (110 gp) [1 lb.]
- Trail rations, 10 days (5 gp) [10 lbs.]
- Silk rope (50 ft) (10 gp) [5 lbs.]
- Spade (2 gp) [8 lbs.]
- Two waterskins (2 gp) [8 lbs.]
Explorer's outfit

Swift: This long, heavy sword is masterfully designed and imbued with magic. The size of it gives it far greater power than an ordinary longsword. Thanks to the exquisite crafting though, those specially trained in it's use can still use it with the speed of a smaller sword. The runes inscribed in the blade keeps the edge ever perfect, letting it cause more damage and making even glancing hits penetrate armor to cause a more fatal wound. (Style-Oriented (Bastard Sword Focus) Keen Bastard Sword +1)

Btw, the new name I thought of is Cagthail Minaesmart [Cag-tháil Mi´naes-mart], you think it fits?

Also, I think you missunderstood me when I mentioned languages, I wondered about what language-skills to pick for the character, i.e. what are the prominant races on Caeldwyste? (Though the name-links came to good use as well ;) )
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Argent Silvermage

First Post
Working title/Name is Dashan Khurz
Human Ranger 7/Wizard 1 (staff Master concept)

Still working on the details there's so much to read and so little time I had today.

He hails from the city of Dormus itself but his parents have always had a home on the positive energy islands plane. (name escapes me at the moment.) He is trained to hunt down and kill Aberations and Undead. His animal companion is a wolf (Shadowsbane) and his Familiar will be a hawk. (Mornelite) He hires himself out as a body guard to adventuring parties.

Mad Hatter

First Post
Hey, potential players! I look forward to playing with you guys. I'm one of Kell's original players. He's the one that got me hooked on the dnd craziness. :D I figured I'd post just so you can see who and what you'll be playing with.

I'll be playing a technologist named Feiran who has three animal companions. She has a tiger, an owl, and a ferret. The ferret and owl will not be in combat, but since the tiger is a big, mean beast it will be in combat. I tailored my devices to augment them for specific functions. The ferret is my trap finder since I don't posess that skill with any level of competence. I equipped it with the Technologist's Magnifying Glass, which is in the device doc Kell attached. The owl has sound related devices equipped on it, and it is my spotter. It's equipped with Jabberblast, Shout and Animal Messenger.

Here's the first draft of Feiran information

The ferret and owl will have only 2 HD. I didn't like them so powerful, that would be too disruptive. Can you imagine it? A medium sized ferret trying to slink into the uber secret panel of doom? I can and it's pretty funny actually, but it's only funny until the party forms into a once in a lifetime cohesive group all with the purpose to kill me. ;)

Here's what Kell had to say about the first draft of Feiran

I noticed that Sollir Furryfoot desired to play a technologist. I can help with that if you need it. If you want the device to benefit others, you'll have to upgrade it. It's not specifically mentioned. The class is still pretty new, and for some odd reason I haven't mastered classification. So a new perspective on the class would be greatly appreciated.
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Isida Kep'Tukari

This is the mostly-final version of my character.

Narine Valborg, The Luminous Arc
Female Maenad Wilder 8

Patron Deity:
Region: Kelluna
Height: 6' 3''
Weight: 150lbs
Hair: Dark Blonde
Eyes: Blue
Age: 50

Str: 10 (+0) [2 points]
Dex: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Con: 12 (+1) [4 points]
Int: 16 (+3) [10 points]
Wis: 14 (+2) [6 points]
Cha: 20 (+5) [10 points, +2 level, +2 headband]

Class and Racial Abilities: Naturally psionic (+2 power points), energy ray 1/day sonic only, outburst (1/day, up to 4 rounds, take –2 to Int and Wis for a +2 to Str). Psionic powers, wild surge +3, elude touch, surging euphoria +1, volatile mind (1 power point), proficiency in all simple weapons, light armor, and all shields but tower shields.

Hit Dice: 8d6 + 8
HP: 39
RP: 39
AC: 17 (+5 armor, +2 Dex)
ACP: 0
Init: +2 (+2 Dex)
Speed: 35ft (45ft when psionically focused)

Fortitude: +3 [+2 base, +1 Con]
Reflex: +4 [+2 base, +2 Dex]
Will: +8 [+6 base, +2 Wis]

BAB/Grapple: +6/+6
Melee Atk: +7 (1d8+1/x3, +1 lucky spear)
Ranged Atk: +8 (1d6+1/x2/20 ft range, javelin)

Autohypnosis +14 [11 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 synergy]
Concentration +12 [11 ranks, +1 Con]
Control +15 [11 ranks, +4 Cha]
Diplomacy +7 [0 ranks, +4 Cha, +3 touchstone]
Knowledge (Psionics) +16 [11 ranks, +3 Int, +2 synergy]
Perception +13 [11 ranks, +2 Wis]
Psicraft +15 [11 ranks, +2 Wis, +2 synergy]
Tumble +13 [11 ranks, +2 Dex]

Planar Touchstone (bonus)
Speed of Thought (1st level)
Up The Walls (3rd level)
Outgoing (6th level)

Languages: Common, Maenad, Draconic, Aquan, Elven

Powers Known
Save DC +5 – Power points available – 80
1st – energy ray, mind thrust
2nd – energy push
3rd – energy bolt
4th – death urge


Elune Restat, Heart of Inner Peace – Informational contact – Narine met Elune during her time with a Proxy of passion. Usually found in her Proxy’s temple, Elune is devoted to sharing passion with all the temple’s worshippers. Many speak far more frankly than they intend when visiting Elune. Narine has gone back to spend time with her several times since, and Elune usually has some interesting tidbit of information to share.

Lynnara, Sight of Inner Mind – Skill contact (knowledge: religion) - Narine met Lynnara during one of her more introspective intervals with a Proxy of wisdom and knowledge. It was here Narine learned some excellent meditative techniques that helped her develop her power, and Lynnara was the one that helped her. It was also from her that Narine learned of several other Proxies, as the study of other religions was one of her areas of concentration.

Tasi, Templar of the Ready Blade – Influence contact – Tasi is one of the guard captains for one of the more militant Proxies. Narine was involved with her several years ago, and learned the basics of weaponry and armor from her, though it was clear she would never be the kind of fighter Tasi was. Tasi is in good graces with several mercenaries and weaponsmiths, and if Narine needs to talk to someone on the military or weapons side of things, Tasi can usually get her in.

Mitan Degern, Templar of the Straight Path – Skill contact (profession: barrister) – More than once Narina has run afoul of one law or another (or whole books of law). And more than once Mitan Dergern has helped her out of a bind. One of Narine’s oldest friends, Mitan is a skillful barrister often consulted by some of the leaders of the more lawful faiths. He doesn’t always have time to help her out of her latest scrape, so Narine is willing to wait and help him ease his “itch” until he can.

Lorad Steed, the Barley Brother – Information contact – Lorad can be found in the Fountain of Beer tavern on any day (or hour) of the week. A drunk with unparalleled capacity for ale, and a mind like a steel trap, he’s not too hard to find. Of course, getting what you want to know is rather difficult, as Lorad generally rambles through four or five subjects before getting around to your original question. Generally paying off his current bar tab is the easiest way to get him to talk. Narine met him through a very minor church, lead by a Proxy of drunkenness. It was a rather fun two-month binge, but eventually the headaches were more trouble than they were worth, so Narine moved on. However she remembered Lorad, as he was one of her sponsors (and taught her how to drink ten shots in a row and still look mostly sober).

Regetto, the Silent Hand – Influence contact – Regetto is one of Narine’s most dangerous contacts. A high-placed agent of a thieves’ guild, he’s a dash hand with a lockpick, and a quick hand with a dagger. During her one and only stint with a Proxy of questionable morals, she met Regetto. She stayed with him for several weeks, posing as his wife so that he could get close to a man that he meant to rob. He also killed him, but Narine didn’t find that out until later. Regetto actually grew rather fond of Narine, though Narine still holds some fear of him. She’s reluctant to go to him for assistance, as he often asks for her help in some shady dealings as payment, but occasionally has been forced to when things have looked rather bleak.


Wearing or carrying
Swiftkill, +1 mithril chain shirt of quickness – 5,100gp
Charmed, +1 lucky spear – 8,302gp
Fireproof Traveler’s outfit - 50gp
Bottomless Quiver (as Quiver of Ehlonna) – 1,800gp
~18 Javelins – 18gp
Dagger - 2gp
Boots of landing – 1,000gp
Headband of Charisma +2 - 4,000gp
Gate compass – 2,500gp
Dorje of detect psionics – 750gp
Power stone of psionic dimension door – 700gp
Power stone of body adjustment – 375gp
Power stone of energy burst – 375gp
Backpack - 2gp
~Bedroll - 5sp
~Waterskin - 1gp
~Trail rations (20 days worth) - 10gp
~Fireproof explorer’s outfit - 60gp
~Winter blanket - 5sp
~4 sacks - 4sp
~Tent - 10gp

193pp, 6gp, 5sp, 10cp

Appearance: Narine is a flamboyant woman, with a waist-long mane of wavy, dark blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and a heart-shaped face. Her naturally shimmering skin enhances her beauty and feeds her sense of vanity. Tall and statuesque, wearing colors of blue, green, and gold to compliment her coloring, Narine tends to look more like a lady of wealth on a holiday than an adventurer. She tends to keep her weapons out of sight, having had her bottomless quiver decorated to look like a pretty, if oddly-shaped, purse. Where possible she will hire someone to carry the rest of her things. She doesn’t like beasts of burden, often complaining of their smell.

Personality: Flamboyant in personality as in appearance, Narine is given to grand gestures and broad declarations. She often professes great and undying loyalty… to whichever Proxy attracted her attention at the time. When in the thralls of a new Proxy to worship, she throws herself into it fervently, often putting other, more devout worshippers in the shade for a time. She’ll expound on their virtues at the drop of a hat, until she gets bored with them, and then she’s off to find another.

Narine has a great appreciation for the beautiful, the powerful, and the spectacular, as reflected in her psionic powers. She loves storms, and will often stay out in them to watch their wonderful fury. She likes to emulate them with her powers, stinging others with electricity, and shouting and roaring like thunder.

Background: Growing up in Kelluna, one almost always is in service to a Proxy. Narine was as well when she was little, to one of the wilder ones, but one with a good heart. This helped shape her heart and mind. While most of her people tended to be very reserved to control their inner spiritual anger, Narine resolved to accept it, and embraced it. This tended to manifest in her extremely wild and chaotic nature, as well as her inability to settle on only one Proxy, but instead to sample them all like wine.

Her powers manifested appropriately, in the form of powerful bursts of energy. Narine loves the feeling of using her powers; it makes her feel closer to her Proxy of the moment. She will willingly use her powers in service to her current Proxy, delighting in serving them in that way.

Narine’s own parents and two older sisters are securely tied to service with a very proper lawful proxy, driven there by the chaos of their daughter. Her parents speak very little of her, embarrassed by her Proxy-jumping, and her sisters just pretend she doesn’t exist. This seems to bother Narine very little, and she fills the need for relationships with a wide range of lovers of all shapes, sizes, ages, genders, kinks, and races. Through her network of lovers she learns about the different Proxies, and who might welcome her at the moment.

About a year ago Narine joined the fadacs in hopes of finding some new adventures to have. She’s still a member, which is a personal record for her in terms of commitment.
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Isidia is your spear a longspear? I also thought a spear did 1d8 but discovered I was wrong. While working on my spear fighter. I decided to go with the longspear since I was going to two-weapon style route anyway. So that lets me go 2 handed for reach or draw up on the haft and do two-weapon style for close in work. Also looks like we had the same idea with the quiver and javelins. :)
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@ Jolmo - Wow. That's an intimidating name. As for languages, there're basically all the racial languages, plus a common tongue for each of the six original planes, plus Common, which is a trade tongue that most well-travelled people speak.

@ Argent Silvermage - "Staff master concept"? The plane you're thinking of is Tila'kun.

@ Isida Kep'tukari - Hrm, I was hoping you weren't inclined to a pure blaster concept. I've been tossing around nerfs for the energy powers and mind thrust, just so you know. They aren't in the house rules because I haven't decided yet.

Basically, mind thrust will do d8s, not d10s. The Will negates is not worth 2 die increases, and just forcing a Will save for a damage spell is good in and of itself.

The energy powers require you to pick a specific one when you get the power, and you must manifest that energy type unless you pay 2 power points to select another. The 4-for-1 nature of the energy powers, combined with the fact that they're all actively better than 1d6 of X energy, makes me leery of letting you freely pick what you want to attack with.

Chain Power strikes me as a very weak feat. Chain Spell is +3 levels and works on a larger variety of spells to boot. Besides this, I was under the impression that the "expend your focus" requirement reduced this by 1. On top of that, you don't get the damage boost with the extra points you spend to chain the power. On the whole, pretty weak; an energy ray that strikes 8 targets for half damage with 6d6 already taken off the top seems very weak. I'd drop the power point cost to use Chain Power to +4, or maybe even +2.

Feel free to make with the commenting; I think this is what I will do, but it's not set in stone by any means.
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