D&D 3E/3.5 Opinion question light/dark 2e vs. 3e


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Does anyone here like the 3e versions of the ruless for light and darkness spells better tahn the 2e version, particularly the lack of a continual version of darkness and not being able to use light spells to blind an oponent?
I happen to like the 2e version better, but want to hear others opinions on this.

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First Post
khyron1144 said:
Does anyone here like the 3e versions of the ruless for light and darkness spells better tahn the 2e version

I'm fine with them.

khyron1144 said:
particularly the lack of a continual version of darkness

I hadn't really thought about it. It would be easy enough to make one up if I really needed one.

khyron1144 said:
and not being able to use light spells to blind an oponent?

That's why you use flare, not light. Besides, you can't blind someone with the light of a torch either. :cool:
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OH yes you sure can blind someone with torchlight.......but it would be hard, I will give you that. Sit in a dark room until your eyes adjust to the darkness,about 30 minutes, then without blinking light a cigarette lighter directly in front of your face...presto.. instand blindness with less than torchlight.


First Post
LGodamus said:
OH yes you sure can blind someone with torchlight.......but it would be hard, I will give you that. Sit in a dark room until your eyes adjust to the darkness,about 30 minutes, then without blinking light a cigarette lighter directly in front of your face...presto.. instand blindness with less than torchlight.

Well, of course, but it's not relevant at all. The topic is in regards to the spells, not reality.

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