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Original Creations Compilations (contributions welcome)


malcolm_n said:
My reasoning was from a flavor perspective, it's their human side which makes them more canny than the typical orc. That's why both sides of the half-orc heritage honor it; because it's got all of what they're missing. It's more tactical in combat than orcs (see fighter powers involving wis) and more powerful than humans (in general, considering they may be able to get +2 str).
Understandable where you're coming from. Let me tell you why I think WIS is improper.

The stat differentials on all races comes from the basis of Human. Elves are more dexterous than humans, so they receive a +2 DEX. So on and so forth, so saying that Half Orcs should be more wise than a human (12 instead of 10, if straight across) is working against you.

In fact, I think that is why Half Orcs are not a main race. In fact, I wonder if a +2 STR isn't over powered. Notice that in 3.5 a +2 STR is balanced by -2 INT and -2 CHA?

I'm speaking entirely flavor-wise, by the way. Mechanically it's all the same.

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neceros said:
Understandable where you're coming from. Let me tell you why I think WIS is improper.

The stat differentials on all races comes from the basis of Human. Elves are more dexterous than humans, so they receive a +2 DEX. So on and so forth, so saying that Half Orcs should be more wise than a human (12 instead of 10, if straight across) is working against you.

Particularly after hearing malcolm's reasoning, I like the idea of half-orcs getting a bonus to Wisdom. The archetype of the 'noble savage' is a common one in fiction, and I think it's perfectly suitable for stubborn, world-wise half-orcs to be wiser than the typical human.


Thank you for the backing khuxan. I do appreciate your input Neceros, but 4e doesn't look at stats like 3.5 did (the description you gave is exactly that). Instead, it looks at each race individually first and makes it whole and separate from the external influence of other races. Only then does it compare to other races for balance purposes. Elves don't get +2 dex because they're more dextrous than humans. They get it because they're elves. Humans can get a +2 dex, but it comes at a cost; which is to say the ability to train themselves in another stat like str or con.

My last real argument for half-orcs getting +2 wis is a bit of a stretch, but is actually why I even considered the stats as they are anyway. King Obold Manyarrows from FR. He was an Orc, yes, but he was also a leader and tactician. Sure, he didn't win all the time, but he knew when to yield and fight another day. Iconically, he's why I felt half-orcs should get more in the way of respect in addition to moving away from the stigmas placed on them in previous editions (a true-bred warrior race conceived by the machinations of two obviously different peoples; who wouldn't want to play that?).

With that said, I would have to leave it to you to decide when you play if you want to include the +2 Wis, or exclude the race until we get more word from on high about them. :) Cheers and thanks for a great debate on this topic.


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Barbarian feedback

Hi Malcolm.

I really like your write up for Barbarian.. But this would not be 4th Ed if debate was not encouraged!

Role: Striker no problems, but a defender just does not seem right. Controller maybe..
HP/Level: I think this is to high. It should be in line with the other strikers but use the awasome class ability tough as nails (maybe 2HP/level) to get higher.
Build Options: really nice - I like how different stats lead to different advantages.
Class features: seems a few too many.
Rage: good
+2d6 seems high... not really sure on the maths here. I dislike the marking requirement in this context. I think reduce the damage a bit and have it able to be applied everywhere.
Loose Primal challenge: see above
Bloodlust cool
Blood rage: very nice
Tough as nails: great.

Beastial roar - not needed - how about it being some fear effect or the like on an opponent - same attack, but -2 to AC.. till next round

Knockback - why no knockback? Dont need the increase at 21st level
Sweeping blows - very good, and why I feel the barb is more a controller - see whirlwind as well
Soak - I think this is the key ability for this class... Rather than have the barbarian have huge HP, etc.. Have her jump into combat and the opponents just can't quite kill them! Very cinematic.. An attack versus AC just misses.. But I feel that an attack versus fort is more the barbarian being hit (even on a miss) and just shrugging it off.

"It's just a flesh wound!"

Keep up the good work!



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The other thread's not just for me, Selah - I'm just kinda drowning it, so it made sense to split off this thread. I meant to respond to you... just like almost everything in this thread... where's my timeturner when I need it :)


Thank you for the great feedback; I'm actually revising a lot of the barbarian as it is now that I've got a better grasp of the system. I am glad to see that for my first draft, he's done so well. A few points:

I have been kinda pushing the defender thing in that I wanted to see the barbarian be kind of an off tank should the fighter go down. With that in mind, I built the entire structure. I'll be reimagining this concept and pushing him more to striker.

+2 hp for Tough is a good feel over the defender hp/level (again, the throwback). It'd be lower HP over all, but that's what his abilities are for (I'll probably also provide for Resist weapons when I redo the utilities based on our newer information).

The coolest thing about 4e classes, as of now, we're pretty much just designing 1st level with a few throw-ins here and there, yet every class gives you that epic feel just reading it. I really wanted this to be true for the Brb as well. That's why I kinda ran with the Utilities irregardless of level scheme. Knockback, btw, had a line cut from it in the pasting process, it should have said push target back 2 squares.

The number of powers reflect options. You can build three options with the Barbarian, so you get 6 dailies and 3 of each of the others to work with. Other classes (probably) will have just as many if not more on release.

Again, to everybody, thank you for the feedback, I'm gonna work on the barb today at work to get the kinks out and hopefully have a revision by tonight. Also, here's something to contribute to more than just post count ;)
Level 8 Skirmisher
XP 350
Medium Animate Humanoid

Initiative: +11
Skills: Perception +12, Athletics +16 (all skills +2 for each additional keeper)

AC: 25 Fort: 27 Ref: 27 Will: 17
HP: 66 Bloodied: 33 (see strength in numbers)
Resist: Magic 14
Saves: +5 vs. all

Speed: 8 squares

Basic Attacks: Slam (standard, At-will)
+11 vs. AC; 1d6 +7 damage

Attack: Dagger Sting (standard, At-will, Combat Advantage +2d6)
+11 vs. Reflex; 1d4 +7 damage

Attack: Sword Strike (standard, At-will)
+11 vs. AC; 1d8 +7 damage and make a second attack (standard, any target)
+11 vs. AC; 1d8 +7 damage

Attack: Axe Blow (standard, At-will, two-handed, +1d6 critical)
+11 vs. Fortitude; 1d12 +10 damage

Attack: Acid Spit (reaction when bloodied, then recharge (5, 6) ranged 2)
+15 vs. Reflex; 1d4 +11 damage; target is blind until start of next turn and ongoing acid 5 (save ends).

Strength in Numbers: Add the HP of all keepers in one encounter together. All keepers become bloodied at 1/2 total HP and die at 0 total HP.

Unified Mind: Unless the party has combat advantage against all active keepers in the encounter, they don't have combat advantage against any individual keeper.

Str: +7 (18) Con: +11 (26) Dex: +7 (19) Int: +11 (27) Wis: +3 (10) Cha: +0 (5)
Last edited:


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Here I've updated Ol' Sooty. I reduced his AC by 1 and lowered his damage by a little bit.

Ol’ Sooty Level 1 Solo Brute
Large animal (Bear) XP 500
Initiative: +2 Senses: Perception +11;
HP 150; Bloodied 75 See also Bloodied Frenzy
AC 18; Fortitude 17, Reflex 14, Will 13
Speed 6, Climb 6
Action points 2
M Bite (standard; at will)
+7 vs. AC; 1d8 + 3 damage, and ongoing 2 bleed damage (save ends)
M Claw (standard; at will)
+5 vs. AC; 1d6 +3 damage
Double attack (standard; at will)
The Bear makes 2 claw attacks
Bear Reflexes (immediate reaction, when a melee attack misses the bear; at will)
The bear uses the enemies opening and swats at the enemy that missed it: +5 vs AC; 1d6 + 3 damage and the target is pushed 1 square and knocked prone.
Maul (standard; recharge 5 6) M bite and claw; +7 vs AC; 2d8 + 3 damage and the target takes ongoing 2 bleed damage and takes a -2 penalty to attacks (save ends both).
Bloodied Frenzy (Immediate reaction, when first bloodied; encounter)
The bear goes into a frenzy when bloodied, +2 damage
Demoralizing Growl (standard, encounter) * Fear
Close burst 5; targets enemies: +5 vs. Will; the target is stunned until the end of the bear’s nest turn.
Aftereffect: the target takes a -2 penalty to attack rolls (save ends).
Alignment: Unaligned Languages: None
Skills: Athletics +10
Str 16 (+3) Dex 14 (+2) Wis 12 (+1)
Con 20 (+5) Int 6 (-2) Cha 10 (+0)


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Okay, I hate to seem slow on the draw, but there is a lot of change being discussed here so I'm gonna ask everything be made clear. If ya'll don't mind please post any changes you want made (other than ol'Sooty who I already got)

Neceros: Well as is aparent, I'm about to have to start hosting the files somehow (since atatchments can't be but so big). Any help is always great.

I'll get started on updates and everything tomorrow around noonish (eastern standard; got a lot of homework and classes in the morning). Anything ya'll need just drop me a line here between now and then.

Voidrunner's Codex

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