• The VOIDRUNNER'S CODEX is LIVE! Explore new worlds, fight oppressive empires, fend off fearsome aliens, and wield deadly psionics with this comprehensive boxed set expansion for 5E and A5E!

Original Creations Compilations (contributions welcome)


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Okay this one I'm not sure about and would love any comments or critism. I can take it. :)

Ravenous Ghoul Level 5 Lurker
Medium Undead XP 200
Initiative +5 Senses Perception +8;Darkvision
HP 46; Bloodied 23
AC 19; Fortitude 17, Reflex 16, Will 14;
Speed 6
m Claw (standard; at-will)
+7 vs. AC; 1d8+5 damage; Paralyze (opponent is slowed, then dazed, then stunned and finally paralyzed. Each successful attack moves the opponent down the chain, each successful save moves the opponent back up one level).
m Bite (standard; at-will)
+7 vs. AC; 1d6+5; 3 necrotic damage (save ends)
a Stench (free; at-will)
Close Burst 3; +5 vs Will; target takes -2 to attack rolls (save ends)
Combat Advantage
b Feast (standard; recharge 5/6)
+7 vs AC; 2d6+5 damage; 3 necrotic damage (save ends) and Paralyze (see text above)
Alignment Any Languages None.
Skills Endurance +10, Stealth +10.
Str 16 (+5) Dex 16 (+5) Wis 12 (+3).
Con 16 (+5) Int 3 (-2) Cha 10 (+1).
Equipment None

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Hey VB, here's a link to the rough draft of my Knight class.


“I swear upon my liege’s honor, your life shall pay the forfeit of your treachery!”

Role: Controller
Power Source: Martial
Key Abilities: Strength, Intelligence, Charisma

Armor Training: Plate, Heavy Shield +others?
Weapon Proficiencies: Longsword, Lance +others?
Bonus to Defense: +1 Fortitude, +1 Will

Trained Skills: 4
Class Skills: Athletics, Diplomacy, Dungeoneering, Endurance, Heal, History, Insight, Intimidate, Perception, Religion

Hit Points at 1st Level: 12 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 5
Healing Surges: 7 + Constitution modifier

Build Options: Crown Knight, Order Knight, Knight Errant
Class Features: Cataphract, Chivalric Code, Declare Arena, Regal Aura: Frightening Presence, Regal Aura: Sunder Morale, Retainers

Knights are elite cavalry controlling the battlefield. They challenge their rivals to honorable combat in the midst of battle, intimidate masses of foes with their regal bearing, and use their warfare experience to leverage terrain to their advantage.

As a knight, though you face vicious rivals and slander of your family name, you know your honor will define you. You could be the loyal but dissenting voice in a tyrant’s court, upstart victor in the rigged annual jousting tournament, a squire prematurely dubbed in the wake of your mentor’s death, the persecuted heir apparent with a cadre of loyalists, or a romantic wanderer haunted by sins from a past life seeking redemption.

Donning your gleaming armor atop your proud steed, you survey the demesnes of your forefathers, ready to answer any stain against your honor on the field of battle. Will the bards not sing of your valor this day?

Characteristics: Exploiting your foes’ strategic weaknesses and numbers allows you the full benefit of your powers. Likewise, the more you can prepare for a battle, the more control you have over the battlefield.
Religion: Knights prefer deities of battle, honor, and nobility including Bahamut, Kord, and Erathis. Evil knights often worship Bane.
Races: Those who value personal honor and service to a higher cause make ideal knights, including dwarves, dragonborn, and eladrin.

There are three knight builds: The Crown Knight exerts the authority of the monarch’s office by intimidating foes. The Order Knight is sworn to uphold the tenets of a chivalric
military order. The Knight Errant wanders the land performing great deeds while pursuing an elusive quest.

Crown Knight
You serve a monarch, either believing in the monarch’s fitness to rule, right to rule, or striving to minimize the tyrannies of the monarch’s rule. You rely on powers that intimidate your foes and break their morale. Many of your skills and powers are Charisma based, so keep that your highest ability score. Strength should be a close second – it increases your damage and it can determine other effects of your attacks. Intelligence is a good third ability, especially if you choose powers
Suggested Feat: Regal Aura: Mighty Challenge (Human feat: Human Perseverance)
Suggested Skills: Diplomacy, History, Insight, Intimidate
Suggested At-Will Powers: Disarm, Test of Grace
Suggested Encounter Power: Dominating Blow
Suggested Daily Power: Noble’s Challenge

Order Knight
You belong to a chivalric military order, and fight to uphold the chivalric code. Standing by your brethren through thick and thin, you have given your life to serving the order. You rely on powers that threaten large areas of the battlefield and disrupt your foes, allowing you to wreck havoc upon them in the aftermath. Charisma is important for many of your powers, so it should be your highest ability score. Strength and Intelligence are equally important to you; Strength because it will help you win in a “fair fight”, and Intelligence because it allows you to take full advantage of your threatening powers.
Suggested Feat: Arming Squire (Human feat: Human Perseverance)
Suggested Skills: Diplomacy, Heal, History, Religion
Suggested At-Will Powers: Test of Honor, Threatening Stance
Suggested Encounter Power: Majestic Charge
Suggested Daily Power: Onslaught

Knight Errant
You travel the land on a quest, ever invoking the name of your beloved who you shall some day be reunited with. You might be a young squire trying to prove yourself a knight or you might be on an extended quest for your liege. You rely on powers that use enemies against themselves and strip them of any advantages they might have over you so that you can prove yourself on equal terms. Strength is your most important ability, as your powers invite conflict. Intelligence and Charisma are equally important for you, as you rely on skillful planning as much as bravado against powerful foes.
Suggested Feat: Beloved (Human feat: Human Perseverance)
Suggested Skills: Athletics, Diplomacy, Endurance, History
Suggested At-Will Powers: Pressing Strike, Test of Mettle
Suggested Encounter Power: Even the Field
Suggested Daily Power: Foe Shield


You begin with an armored warhorse. When mounted, you gain a bonus to certain knight powers. Individual powers detail the effects (if any) Cataphract has on them.

Chivalric Code
A knight observes a code of chivalry. In battle, you may never flank, attack a flat-footed opponent, or deal lethal damage to a helpless foe. Additionally, you are expected to honor your oaths, serve as a shining example of etiquette and courtly love, and show courage in battle. Failure to do so results in a loss of the Regal Aura class feature until atonement is made, and may also have role-playing repercussions.

Declare Arena
You manipulate the enemy’s position to take advantage of the terrain.
At Will * Martial
Minor Action
So long as you are not surprised, at the beginning of the encounter you may indicate a number of squares equal to half your level + Intelligence modifier as difficult terrain or cover.
Cataphract: If you are mounted increase the number of squares to your level + Intelligence modifier.
Special: When you choose the battlefield or have ample time to prepare you may declare a number of squares equal to double your level + Intelligence modifier.

Regal Aura: Frightening Presence
You invoke the name of your liege and forefathers, striking fear into lesser foes.
Encounter * Martial
You can use Frightening Presence or Sunder Morale once per encounter, but not two or more of these in the same encounter.
Standard Action
All minions within a number of squares equal to half your level + Charisma modifier.
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Effect: Frightened; save ends.

Regal Aura: Sunder Morale
You make a stunning revelation to your foes, breaking their spirit for battle.
Encounter * Martial
You can use Frightening Presence or Sunder Morale once per encounter, but not two or more of these in the same encounter.
Standard Action
All lower-level foes within a number of squares equal to half your level + Charisma modifier.
Attack: Charisma attack vs. Will
Effect: Disallows use of Second Wind by lower-level foes; save ends.

Befitting one of your station, you are served by retainers who tend your steed, sharpen your weapons, help you don your armor, etc. You may choose to bring a number of minions into battle equal to your Charisma modifier; they operate 3 levels lower than you (minimum 1st level) and each has a hit point total equal to your level. You may take a free action to direct these minions. However, the DM may rule that certain circumstances prevent you from calling upon your retainers.

Your powers are valiant exploits relying on your courage, strategy, and prowess. Some of your powers require you to use a weapon. If a power does not state “weapon” then you don’t need to have a weapon at hand.


Knight Attack 1
You send your opponent’s weapon hurtling out of their grasp.
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: Strength vs. Reflex
Hit: Target is disarmed, and you slide their lost weapon a number of squares equal to your Charisma modifier.
Miss: Target gains combat advantage against you.

Pressing Strike
Knight Attack 1
You put pressure on your foe, not allowing them a moment to regroup.
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: melee vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength damage,
Secondary Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: Cannot use Second Wind; save ends.
Cataphract: Gain +2 on your Secondary Attack.

Test of Grace
Knight Attack 1
You challenge the composure of your foes with your perfect poise.
At-Will * Martial, Challenge
Standard Action Area burst 10
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma damage if the target attacks you or your allies. If the target’s HP is reduced to 0 or less, they surrender.
Miss: Target is immune to your powers with the “challenge” keyword for the rest of the encounter.

Test of Honor
Knight Attack 1
You challenge your shameful foes to fight honorably.
At-Will * Martial, Challenge
Standard Action Area burst 10
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma damage if the target flanks, attacks a flat-footed opponent, deals lethal damage to a helpless foe, or flees the battle. If the target’s HP is reduced to 0 or less, they surrender.
Miss: Target gets combat advantage against you.

Test of Mettle
Knight Attack 1
You challenge your foes to prove themselves against your steel.
At-Will * Martial, Challenge
Standard Action Area burst 10
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 1d6 + Charisma damage unless the target attacks you on its next turn. If the target’s HP is reduced to 0 or less, they surrender.
Miss: Target gets partial concealment from you.

Threatening Stance
Knight Attack 1
You adopt a threatening stance, using wide arcs of attack to face off your foes.
At-Will * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Area burst 1 + weapon’s reach (centered on you)
Target: Each creature in burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Reflex
Hit: Subject to an opportunity attack.
Special: Your reach becomes threatening for that round, and you can sustain your threatening reach as a minor action
Cataphract: Your reach + 1 is threatening.


Dominating Blow
Knight Attack 1
Your terrible blow momentarily shocks nearby enemies.
Encounter * Martial, Reliable, Weapon
Reliable: If you miss with this power, you do not expend its use.
Standard Action
Melee weapon
Primary Target: One creature
Attack: melee vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength damage
Secondary Target: Close burst 2
Secondary Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: Dazed; save ends.
Special: If you reduce the target to 0 HP, bloodied opponents are staggered instead.
Cataphract: +2 on the Secondary Attack.

Even the Field
Knight Attack 1
Your perceptive strike strips your foe of a tactical advantage.
Encounter * Martial, Reliable, Weapon
Reliable: If you miss with this power, you do not expend its use.
Standard Action
Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: melee vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength damage, and the target loses one tactical advantage of your choice (e.g. flanking, combat advantage, cover).
Cataphract: If you are mounted, strip the foe of all tactical advantages.

Knight Utility 2
When you swear an oath, it rings with the grave sincerity of your honor.
Encounter * Martial
Minor Action
Prerequisite: You must uphold the Chivalric Code.
Effect: All present immediately realize your honest intention and do not doubt your ability to follow through on what you say you’ll do. Take 20 on a Diplomacy check.

Majestic Charge
Knight Attack 1
Your fearless charge sends the enemy scattering.
Encounter * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Prerequisite: You must be charging
Primary Target: All creatures in path of your charge
Attack: Charisma vs. Reflex
Hit: Slide the target 1 square, and they do not get an opportunity attack.
Miss: The target becomes your secondary target and your charge ends.
Secondary Target: One creature
Secondary Attack: melee +1 (for charge) vs. AC
Hit: 1[W] + Strength damage
Cataphract: +2 with your primary attack, and on a hit slide the target falls prone as they dive out of your warhorse’s way.

Ready Stance
Knight Utility 2
You alert for danger, and prepared to take advantage of the enemy’s mistakes.
Encounter * Martial
Standard Action, Personal
Effect: Until the start of your next turn, you gain an additional number of Opportunity Attacks equal to your Intelligence modifier. In addition, Opportunity Attacks are provoked from you by any movement within any of the squares you threaten, even just to enter or leave those squares.


Foe Shield
Knight Attack 1
You use nearby enemies as a shield against attacks.
Daily * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action
Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Hit: 1[W] + Strength damage, and all enemies within a number of squares of target equal to your Intelligence provide you and your allies with cover and partial concealment from ranged and reach attacks.
Miss: Slide the target you missed 1 square, and the target now provides you and your allies with cover and partial concealment from ranged and reach attacks.
Sustain: Minor Action, and you maintain the target(s) as cover and partial concealment.

Noble’s Challenge
Knight Attack 1
You call out to an enemy in the heat of battle, challenging them to face you.
Daily * Martial, Challenge
Standard Action Ranged 10
Prerequisite: Target cannot be immobilized or stunned.
Target: One creature
Attack: Charisma vs. Will
Hit: 2d6 + Charisma damage unless the target moves to engage you in one-on-one combat. All minions cease attacking you as long as none of your allies fight against the target with you.
Special: If the target refuses to engage you, regardless of whether you hit or miss, all enemy minions suffer 4 damage.

Knight Attack 1
You lash out against the enemy, driving them back in terror.
Daily * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Close: Cone 5
Target: All creatures within cone
Attack: melee vs. AC
Hit: 2[W] + Strength damage and target is frightened (Will vs. Charisma save ends)
Hit or Miss: Your reach is threatened for the remainder of the round, and you may sustain your threatened reach as a minor action.
Special: At the end of the maneuver you are positioned 2 squares forward in the direction of the attack. Push any intervening models up to 1 square.


Arming Squire
Tier: Heroic
Prerequisite: Retainers class feature
You are served in the field by a squire (a minion 3 levels beneath you, with a number of hit points equal to your level). Each round, you may perform a number of minor actions equal to your Charisma modifier as free actions – these tasks are handled by your squire. For example, a knight with a +3 Charisma modifier could have his squire take his sword, nock a bow, and equip him with the bow as free actions.

Tier: Heroic
Prerequisite: Power with the “challenge” keyword
When you win a challenge (issued using a power with the “challenge” keyword) in the name of your beloved, you may make an extra use of second wind.

Regal Aura: Mighty Challenge
Tier: Heroic
Prerequisite: Regal Aura class feature
Benefit: Discharge a use of the Regal Aura power for that encounter as a free action to boost a power with the “challenge” keyword, inflicting an additional 2d6 damage on a hit if the target refuses to meet your challenge, and increasing collateral damage to minions (if any) by half your level
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Verys Arkon

First Post

Hello OCC'ers!

I'm working on the next major revision for the PrRC, and I'd like to add the Warlord this time around. As I'm sure you are all painfully aware, we are missing 2 At-Will and 1 Encounter power needed to make a level 1 character. What I'd like to do is add an appendix with some fan-created content to fill in these three holes for now. Any volunteers?

I found a note about Warlord Favor /enc level 1 from advertisement in the UK

This is what was written:
Warlord Favor Warlord Attack 1
Your attack leaves the target opponent off guard, granting another ally an attack bonus against him.​

I'm guessing on the following:
Encounter ✦ Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Melee weapon
Target: One creature
Attack: ?Strength vs. AC?
Hit: ?2[W] + Str modifier, and one adjacent ally has combat advantage against the target of the attack?​


First Post
That sounds awesome Verys (cant wait to see it).

As far as filling it out, I'm sure some of these talented folks can accommodate you.


Here's a preview of my take on the Monster Entry. I'll finish it later.

Particularly notice the color use and font outline.


  • NEC_D&D4_SampleMonster.pdf
    29.2 KB · Views: 140


First Post
nice look neceros. My very first version of Keterys' files was kind of like that, though I didn't use it.

I like it though, and prefer the softer (lighter) text highlights as they take up less printing resources (an important thing for me)


First Post
Hey VB, here's the 3rd draft of the tinker and the Bot. I think this version is pretty playable and am looking forward to trying it out. I'd love to see it up in your fabulous formating. Thanks man. Note this is all just for a level one tinker.


"Just give me a second to get my ratchet out. A little twist here and a crank there. Alright, now lets see if this ray gun works on you."


Role: Controller. You use your gift as an inventor and your knowledge as a tinkerer to create and use devices to blow up, destroy, hold down, slow, and generally cause mayhem to your enemies.

Power Source: Tech. Your talents depend on your extensive tinkering with gadgets, studying tech blueprints, and inventing devices.

Key abilities: Intelligence, Dexterity

Armor training: Leather
Weapon Proficiencies: Wrench, Ray gun, Bomb, Light Hammer

Bonus to defense: +2 Will

Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + Constitution score
Hit Points per Level Gained: 4
Healing Surges: 6 + Constitution modifier

Trained Skills: Tinkering (Intelligence) plus any three from the class list below.
Class Skills: History (Intelligence), Dungeoneering (Wisdom), Insight (Wisdom), Perception (Wisdom), Diplomacy (Charisma), Streetwise (Charisma)

Build Options: Bot Builder, gadget user
Class Features: Tinker Focus, Repair Machine, Tinker weapon talent, Build gadget.

Tinkers are creative individuals who have a love of machines and gadgets. They build things to help society as well as building things for use in war. They use whatever power source they can get their hands on for their devices from magic to steam to souls for some of the more morally challenged Tinkers out there.

When in battle you use the devices you've created to combat whatever problems may arise. You may throw a bomb to blow up your enemies, blast them with a ray to slow them down or squirt the floor with an oil slick to cause your enemies to fall to the ground.

As a Tinker others think of you as being strange as you build devices that seem to fly in the face of all that is reasonable. People are more understanding of magic than they are of your inventions. Still you could be an eccentric living on the outskirts of a society that doesn't understand you, maybe you are part of a think tank of Tinkers coming up with inventions and have left with knowledge of devices that has you marked for death. You could be a genious that powerful people want to work for them, someone who wants the world to know there name for the inventions they build.


Characteristics: Your gadgets give you the ability to control the battle field. Using them you can damage, slow down, push around, and position your enemies where you want them. You can also build devices that you or your friends can use.

Religion: Tinkers prefer deities of luck and ingenuity.

The Bot builder and Gadget user are the two Tinker builds,
one relying on the Bot he builds by customizing it, the other on building more gadgets and being able to use them with more precision and efficiency. Intelligence, Dexterity, and Wisdom are the Tinker's most important ability scores.

Bot Builder
You like powers that enhance your Bot to do more than a normal Tinkers bot could. Your bot is more durable and deadly acting in a defender role while you direct it in combat. You support it by controlling the battle field with the other devices you have at your disposal.

Gadget User
You enjoy having as many devices as possible on you. They can do anything from blasting a group of enemies into cinders to cloaking yourself in a field of warmth that doesn't allow any cold to get through. Not only that but your have a better understanding of how to use certain devices than other Tinker Gnomes.

Tinker Class Features

Tinker Focus
Tinkers generally specialize in certain types tinkering. At this time they either pick Bot building which allows them to build a bot companion or Gadget guy which makes the tinkers gadgets work better.

Choose one of the following options:

Bot Builder: You build a bot to assist you.
Gadget Guy: You can use a gadget that you can only use once per combat a second time in the same combat.

Repair Machine
You can fix machines that have broken with the Tinker skill.

Tinker weapon talent
When you use any weapon with the tech descriptor you get +1 to hit with it.

Build gadget
You can build gadgets to use or let your friends use.


The tinker gets to pick two at-will ray guy powers but can only calibrate his gun to use one at a time. A tinker can recalibrate his ray gun during a short rest.

The tinker chooses one encounter power, one daily power, and one utility power.

At - Will

Freeze Ray
Tinker attack 1
You blast an enemy with a cold ray which slows them down.
At-Will - Cold, Tech, Implement
Standard Action
Ray Gun
Requirement: Your ray gun must be calibrated that day to discharge freeze rays.
Target: One Creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 1[W] + Intelligence modifier damage + the creature is slowed until the end of your next turn.

Fire ray
Tinker attack 1
You blast an enemy with a fiery ray which deals a little extra fire damage.
At-Will - Fire, Tech, Implement
Standard Action
Ray Gun
Requirement: Your ray gun must be calibrated that day to discharge fire rays.
Target: One Creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 1[W] + Intelligence modifier damage +3 fire damage

Shock Ray
Tinker attack 1
You blast an enemy with a ray of electricity which stuns your opponent.
At-Will - electricity, Tech, Implement
Standard Action
Ray Gun
Requirement: Your ray gun must be calibrated that day to discharge shock rays.
Target: One Creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Fort
Hit: 1[W] + Intelligence modifier damage + Target is dazed until the end of your next turn.


Blinding Flash
Tinker attack 1
You pull out a metal rod with a clear crystal on the end of it. When you press the button on the side a bright flash blinds everyone around you.
Encounter - Tech
Standard action, Burst - 2 squares
Target: Each creature in the burst
Attack: Intelligence vs. Fort
Hit: Target is stunned for one round and blinded until a save is made.
Miss: Target is blinded for one round.

Force Grenade
Tinker attack 1
You throw a blue pulsing metal ball which discharges a pulse of force when it hits a surface.
Encounter - Tech, Force
Standard action, range 5 + strength modifier , Burst 1 square
Target: Each creature in the burst
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 2d6 + int damage and target is knocked prone
Miss: half damage
Gadget Guy: Add 'and target is pushed 1 square from center of burst' to hit

Tinker attack 1
You pull out a thin box that fits in the palm of your hand. When you press a red button on top of it two wire fire from it and sink into your target. You then shock your target as electricity conducts from your box to the target.
Encounter - Tech, electricity
Standard action, close 5
Target: One Creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Effect: 2d8 electrical + Int damage and the target is stunned until a save is made.
Miss: nothing
Gadget guy: Saving against stunned is -2


Walking Bomb
Tinker attack 1
You place a small bomb the size of your fist with mechanical legs on the ground. It takes off into the middle of your enemies until you tell it to blow up.
Daily - Tech, Fire/shrapnel
Standard action, Burst - 1 square
Target: Each creature in the burst
Attack: Intelligence vs Reflex
Effect: Your walking bomb has a speed of 3 squares, AC of 14 plus your Intelligence modifier and blows up if it takes one point of damage. You can command it by verbal remote using a minor action. when commanding your walking bomb, you have two options. You can direct it's movement or you can blow it up.
Hit: 3d8 + Int fire/weapon damage and dazed until target makes a save.
Miss: Target takes half damage and is not stunned
Gadget guy: Bomb has a a speed of 4

Oil Slick
Tinker attack 1
You press a button on your belt and fire out Oil in a strait line in front of you.
Daily - Tech, Implement
Standard action, Blast - 4 squares
Target: Each creature and square in blast
Event: All creatures covered in oil, who begin their turn in an oil square, or who enter the squares must make a save or fall prone.
Condition: The oil can be ignited with one point of fire damage and deals 1d10 fire damage per round. Anyone on fire can spend one round to put it out but doing so gives combat advantage to anyone who attacks you. Anyone standing next to a square that is on fire at the beginning of their turn sufferers 1d4 fire damage. Standing in a fire square at the beginning of your turn or passing through one deals 1d10 fire damage.
Gadget guy: The blast is 5 squares instead of 4


Bursting Boots
Tinker Utility 1
Your boots have explosive power which allow you to get an extra boost when jumping.
Encounter - Tech
Free action
Effect: You gain +5 to any check involving you jumping or where a boost from the bottom of your feet would be appropriate.
Gadget Guy: +7 to check instead of the normal +5

Grappling Claw
Tinker utility 1/attack 0
You pull out a hand crossbow with a spool of thin steel wire and a crank attacked to the spool. To top it off it's loaded with a grappling hook.
Encounter - Tech
Standard action
Effect: You can fire your grappling claw 10 squares where it's hooks will then close and grip if possible. You can then use the crank to pull yourself up easily as the pulley system that was built into the spool does all the work for you.

Encounter - Tech, Implement
Standard Action
Target: One Creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. Reflex
Hit: 1d4 damage
Effect: Target is grappled by the claw.

Weapons and Equipment
Ray guns - always Dexterity vs Reflex

Type / + to hit / damage / Range
light raygun / +2 / 1d6 / 10/20
medium raygun / +1 / 1d8 / 15/30
Heavy raygun / +0 / 1d10 / 15/30

Wrench - Same as club
Gadget Pack - This back pack carries your tools and spare parts to fix and maintain your gadgets.

The Bot

Building your Bot - The mechanics

You get three sets of points to build your bot with. With these points you can add armor on, a weapon, or build in a special ability. The bot functions mechanically like a monster so its powers with have the recharge mechanic associated with them.
As you level you gain access to more abilities and get more points to spend on building your bot. You can take off old pieces and devices which gave your Bot special abilities to reclaim them to add on new parts and powers.

Base attack progression and defense progression - same as PC's

Hp at first level is 15 + constitution modifier
Healing surges 0 + constitution modifier.

Your Bot can be Small or Medium
Small bots get +1 to AC and reflex defense for size and -2 to Constitution for having a smaller frame.

Basic Stats - Str, Dex, Con
All three abilities start out at 10. You get 12 points to assign with no one score exceeding 16 as you don't have the knowledge to make your Bot any stronger, quicker, or tougher with your current knowledge.

Skills - Trained in any two of these
Acrobatics (Dex), Athletics (Str), Endurance (Con), Perception (Wis), Stealth (Dex).

Add ons - These are devices that you can build onto your Bot to give him static bonuses that are always active. You get 10 points for add on's

Name - Cost - Description

Armor Plating - 1 - Armor plating is attached to your Bot at a cost of 1 point of AC for one add on point. The maximum amount of armor you can put on your Bot where it can still function is 4 points plus 1/2 your tinker level.

Shield - 2 - Your Bot is designed to be able to wield a shield. You need to purchase the shield to equip him with it.

Weapon - 1 - You design your Bot in the use of a weapon. You can design your bot to use more than one weapon but each addition weapon design costs another add on point.

Optic Lenses - 1 - You build lenses into the Bots optic receptors enhancing it's ability to hit with ranged attacks by +1 and its perception check by +2.

Hydraulic leg Pistons - 2 - The leg pistons give your bot a +1 to Athletics, +1 to Endurance and make him faster increasing his base speed by 1 square.

Ball Joint Servos - 2 - The servos make your Bot more agile, quieter, and better able to maneuver its body. Your Bot gains +1 to acrobatics, +1 to stealth, and +2 to its reflex defense.

Reinforced Plating - 2 - You've re-enforced your Bots internal structure granting it +4 hp, + 2 to Fortitude saves and +1 to endurance.

Hydraulic arm pistons - 2 - The pistons in your Bots arms give it some additional pop when attacking and some added strength in other situations. Your Bot gains +2 to melee weapon damage, +1 to acrobatics, and +1 to athletics.

Special Designs - These are designs and devices you've built into the bot which are similar to powers. You get 4 points for designs

Name - Cost - Description

Whirlwind - 3 - Recharge 6 or short rest * Standard * Str vs AC * Melee - Your Bot spins around like a whirlwind attacking all enemies around him. This grants your Bot one standard attack against each adjacent creature.

Flame Blast - 2 - Recharge 5,6 or short rest * Standard * Dex vs Reflex * Blast 3. - A plate on your Bot drops open revealing a nozzle which sparks and unleashes a blast of Flame.
Hit : The blast deals 1d6 fire damage + 1 ongoing damage (Save ends)
Miss : Nothing

Shield Push - 1 - Recharge 4,5,6 or short rest * Standard * Str vs Reflex * One Target * shield required - Your Bot shield bashes its target and uses the momentum of the strike to push its target back.
Hit : 1d4 + str and push target 1 square

Charging Swing - 1 - Recharge 6 or short rest * Charge * Str vs AC * One Target * Melee - Your Bot uses its momentum to deliver more powerful blows when charging.
Hit : 2[w] + str

Powerful Strike - 2 - Recharge 5,6 or short rest * Standard * Str vs AC * One Target * Melee - Your Bot is built with a mechanism that allows it to deliver more power.
Hit : 1[w] + str + 4 damage

Dazing Strike - 1 - Recharge 4,5,6 or short rest * Standard * Str vs AC * One Target * Blunt Melee - You've designed your Bot to hit vulnerable spots with blunt weapons to daze his opponents.
Hit : 1[w] + str + dazed for 1 round

Surprising Strike - 2 Recharge 5,6 or short rest * Standard * Str vs AC * One target - you must have combat advantage to use this ability on the target * weapon - Your Bot is built to take advantage of an opponent who is not able to readily defend itself and strike vulnerable spots.
Hit : 1[w] + str + 2d6 damage

Leveling your Bot

It Levels with the Tinker
The tinker gets Points to build his bot with every level. (I'm working on that part still)
HP per level gained is 5

Using You Bot

- You can control your bot each round with a minor action which gives your bot a Standard and move action.
- Healing Surges are used between fights to repair your bot.
- It is immune to all mind effecting effects, it's just an object, considered a gadget.
- Your Bot is disabled and can only move as if slowed when dropped to 0 hp. When your Bot reaches his max damage threshold he needs to be repaired and can no longer move.


First Post
That class gets better and better. Hope to have the OCCs up soon, I've just had a few setbacks over the last two weeks.

I'm gonna play one of these.


I agree with VB; I do like the Tinker and think it's getting better as we go. Just be sure it doesn't begin to overshadow the core classes; that's always a sign of being overpowered. :) I too will likely try one some time.

So, I was working on a Mimic (jack of all trades) class; Almost got the kinks worked out so i'll post soon for review then move it to here. Right now, I'm running into the exact problem I warned against above. The class's powers are fun, but currently I couldn't see a reason not to at least start as a mimic before Multiclassing. Hopefully I'll find the happy medium.

Also, I'm really hoping for some more crunch to work with soon. I'm beginning to hit lag in refashioning powers/classes. I may move to monsters but beyond the keeper, I don't know which to try out.
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First Post
Okay, I am about to put up the new Monstrous OCC and Equipment OCC versions. Delgar, you are really piling them up, hope you like the pics I chose. (a note that I am very willing to use suggested pics if ya'll supply them)

I took Fitz out of MOCC as I will be doing his own project (FFF-coming soon) as soon as we get the formatting worked out.

Right now I have to finish Keterys' RGBoM and then am on to ClassOCC and will be there for a couple of days.

After those will be Fitz's FFF and RyukenAngel's Final Fantasy themed OCC

As always, keep up the good work people.


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