[OT]Boycott Disney!


First Post
I think it’s the height of hypocrisy for Disney to slam anyone or anything for being addictive and cultish. Look at the way Disney programs children with their marketing. Every movie has to have a big fast food tie-in with toys and more toys to buy in the story. Disney is quite effective in programming children to be good little cooperative conspicuous consumers.

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Been here a while...
There are some other reasons to think about supporting Disney or not. Disney uses a number of other corporations to produce projects that really don't jive with their family friendly image.

For example, Disney did (and I believe still does) own Zomba Records. That's the label that records the Insane Clown Posse. That's right, you're kids get a DVD of Aladdin from one hand and a CD of murder and other anti-social behaviors from the other.

I think they also own the Mirimar movie company. That's where any less than squeaky clean script gets sent.


First Post
Re: CNN Headline News / History Channel

(My 2 1/2 year old daughter couldn't care less what was on TV. Though lately she has been very interested in Enterprise and Smallville. I think she likes the theme songs ???)
Ha-ha! My 2-1/2 yr-old daughter loves the Enterprise theme song as well. Any time it comes on, she runs out to the TV and dances to it.:) All part of a father's joy.:D


First Post
mhensley said:
I think that a lot of people here have young children and thus are forced to watch a lot of kid's shows. From now on, I will stick to Nickelodeon - SpongeBob rules!
I don't mind that show, but my 2-yr-old daughter likes the TeleTubbies, Jay-Jay and Elmo (in that order) much more.

Rashak Mani

First Post
What you described seemed more like the story of a drug addict and drug dependency related crime !!

Maybe it was an analogy for drugs... who knows...


First Post
From what you described, I'd be more bored than upset. The show they did has been done before. Name your format of entertainment, TV, Movies, Books, all have done that same scenerio. If anything, this just further cements that fact that Disney has very little origonality involved with the organization.


Didn't we have this "dwarf lord" grousing months or years ago, somewhere between the angst at "Gilmore Girls" and "Jessie."

Actually I think the movie company you are thinking of is Touchstone which is where Disney puts out its adult oriented movies.

Greatwyrm said:
There are some other reasons to think about supporting Disney or not. Disney uses a number of other corporations to produce projects that really don't jive with their family friendly image.

For example, Disney did (and I believe still does) own Zomba Records. That's the label that records the Insane Clown Posse. That's right, you're kids get a DVD of Aladdin from one hand and a CD of murder and other anti-social behaviors from the other.

I think they also own the Mirimar movie company. That's where any less than squeaky clean script gets sent.


First Post
Actually a well written letter(s) from EN Worlders might do something for future programming. They are not going to re-shoot this episode, but they might make note that they have offended a good number of parents, ie: potential clients ($$)

Earlier in the hear when Sony was debuting PSOne (the mobile playstation) they had a print ad with two kids using it in the library.

My wife is an English professor and she just about exploded over this (it was in one of her magazines of all places). She fired off a letter to Sony exclaiming her disgust that they would push the notion that kids would hate the library and want to play games instead of finding and reading books. The message was anti-reading and pro-vegetable gamer. The letter was well worded, civil, but clear in the tone of the advertisement being a bad plan.

She received an apology from Sony. It was pulled from future promotions. The PSOne ads continued, but no more shots of kids being saved from the horrors of the library by the PSOne were published.

Just from one person.

That's your daily moment of empowerment. :)


Sniper o' the Shrouds
How to do this without being political...

Disney's just trying to recapture a market that is upset with it for other reasons? Sure picking on a small guy together with someone else doesn't make it right.

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