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[OT]Morrowind, Morrowind, how do I love thee?

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Until finals are over, how about until summer is over. These precious few months a year are much too important to sit behind a monitor. It will be hard, because I have read about this game for months, but I cannot buy it until the days of late fall. By then I should be able to buy it cheap:)


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So far it sounds almost identical to Daggerfall, which puts me to sleep. Whilst that game appeared very open at fist glance, everything was just so samey that you didn't really have any choice. It all boiled down to wandering around identical dungeons killing identical monsters with zero immersion factor, then falling asleep at the keyboard. Has Morrowind got the elusive 'fun factor' that I found wanting in Daggerfall?


Actually, I've heard Morrowind has a much more focused (and forgiving) storyline, though if you want to stray from the path, the opportunities are still there.


First Post
Well, I'm on a 600 with a TNT2, and it lags like it's going out of style. The game is barely playable. Not only that, but the characters are all the same, and the plot is barely existent. The wilderness is great, I'll admit that. It really feels like you're adventuring. However, this game isn't half the game BG2 was. Gimme some more of that, and top it off with some Neverwinter.

I bought the game, I'm going to keep it, it's a fun diversion. It's just not the world-shattering game that some have made it out to be.

Tar Markvar

First Post
I have to disagree. The plot is there, the game just requires you to find it among the thousands of sub-plots that are going on at the same time. I've quite enjoyed the game, and right now the main plot goal seems the same as the other subplot goals (I won't say which quest it is), which is good because it'll eventually grow into something big and important from the tiny stage of coolness it's at now. This isn't a game you play to be led around by a story. You play this game to live in the world and do whatever you want to do, and in that light, it's on the world-shattering list :)

My orcish warpriest (custom class... something else you can't do in BG/2) just cleared out a hideout filled with raiders from a rival house, and I'm personally a little afraid of a Thieves' Guild retalliation, even though my Fighters' Guildmaster said it'd be okay. I've also found crypts guarded by vampires, fought mages and bandits and giant exoskeletoned hounds, become an Imperial spy, and helped a member of the Mages' Guild trick her way through a bet with a colleague. Not to mention that I've solved a murder mystery, recovered a debt for a townsman, traveled on the back of a giant bug, and gone mushroom hunting in the swamp. And I just got level 3 when I stopped playing today, after about five hours of gameplay time.

The plot will present itself over time. I like the feeling that I am making the plot as I go along, not being led around on rails like Dungeon Siege or Baldur's Gate. The game has its problems (I can't seem to figure out how to shoot a bow or repair my equipment, and combat's a bit too chaotic), but the last thing I'm about to complain about is a lack of something to do. :)


It's good so far.

I'm playing a dark elven sorcerer (Basicly, of the "premade class" list, this is kinda like a summoner... I felt it fit with the whole ancestoral guardian thing that that dark elves have going). I decided (Like in daggerfall) to basicly ignore the story, at least for the time being, so I took my release fee and, rather than going to Balmora like they suggested, made my way up to Gnisis, then to Ald'runh. I join the mage guild there, and my first task was to go locate a rare book, for which they gave me 250 gold for expenses. I finaly tracked a copy of the book to Vivec, which is a major city on the shore in the south. After getting lost for an hour or so and playing siteseeing tourist, I tracked down a book seller who had the book... but he seemed to not like me. He wouldn't talk, nor would he lower the price (almost 400 gold). Not having that much left (Only about 200, after travel expenses, and thats counting the 50 or so I had to start with), I was stumped. I made my way to a little out-of-the-way area or Vivec, and carefully slipped a few items into the folds of my robes. A few hours later, I was walking out the gates of the city, book in hand, and a few gold to spare in my pocket.

I like this game already :)


First Post
I'm on a 1Ghz Athlon with 256mb of ram and a TNT2 and it plays like crap. Very sloooow. Changing from 1024x768 to 800x600 made no difference. :(

Tar Markvar

First Post
So far my favorite thing has been ganking the lookout on the raider cave I had to clear out. When I approached him he had the same dialogue options as everyone else, and he didn't attack me on sight, so I figured he was a "good guy." Then I checked my journal, realized he was one of the raiders, and circled back to try and sneak attack him.

RAIDER: Boy, what a pleasant young orc w/skull helm! Maybe I was wrong about--OH LORD THE PAIN!!!

He kept trying to run away to shoot arrows, but I kept bearing down on him, and I trapped him in a furrow in the cliff and just wailed on him with my axe. When he fell I looted some chainmail and a longbow and left the clothes and the body until I had gone in and killed his friends.

One thing I don't like is having to switch to magic to go Berserk as an orc. It's their racial ability to go berserk, and I think that having to cast it as a spell is silly.

Oh, my second favorite thing is when I bought my troll skull helm from the armorer in Balmora and I traded him my nordic plate helm (it looks like an iron helm with ram horns), once I closed the transaction, the merchant immediately put on the ram-horn hat. I don't know why, but I thought it was supremely funny, and every time I go back there, he's wearing that hat. :)


First Post
Maybe its because of the slowness of the game, but I just attempted my first combat and it was frustratingly lame. She kept dodging back and forth and I don't think I got in a single hit. Bleah.

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