[OT] Sad news, help me mourn...

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First Post
My condolences to you and yours. Like many here I did not know him personally but I always found his posts to be some of the best here on the boards and I respected his views and opinions. He will be very missed.

At my next game I will make sure to raise my cup in his honor and to other gamers who could not play as he did.

God Bless.

:( :( :( :(

(sig turned off for this one)

Bass Puppet

First Post
I am very sorry to hear about your loss....

My prayers are with you, your son, and your family. I never drink before a game...but I will make a exception this sunday. It's horrible to hear about such things...it's even worse when it happens to a fellow gamer.

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Registered User
You have my deepest and most sincere condolences. I am sorry for you loss. He will be missed by many here and elsewhere. May the memories of the moments you have shared together remain indelible, so that you can pass them on to your son.

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Voidrunner's Codex

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