D&D General other possible elements?

Mind of tempest

(he/him)advocate for 5e psionics
I am bored of the four elements but I have all the inspiration of a brick and do not want to make the elemental planes of the periodic table regardless of how entertaining it would be.

does anyone know any other options that could add on to water, rock, air and fire that would be great both from old myths and more modern tales?

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the Incomparably Shrewd and Clever
Not exactly from myth or legend, but older editions of D&D had the Positive Energy Plane and the Negative Energy Plane connect with the 4 major elemental planes, as shown (from the AD&D Manual of the Planes):


This created the Para-Elemental Planes, where the major elemental planes met:
  • Smoke (between Fire and Air)
  • Ice (between Air and Water)
  • Magma (between Earth and Fire)
  • Ooze (between Earth and Water)
And the Quasi-Elemental Planes, where the elemental planes met the energy planes:
  • Lightning (between Positive Energy and Air)
  • Steam (between Positive Energy and Water)
  • Radiance (between Positive Energy and Fire)
  • Minerals (between Positive Energy and Earth)
  • Vacuum (between Negative Energy and Air)
  • Salt (between Negative Energy and Water)
  • Ash (between Negative Energy and Fire)
  • Dust (between Negative Energy and Earth)
Hopefully this inspires you some.

I've started using the literal Periodic Table. IMO I am a lot more interested in the Elementalist if it conjures Noble Gas Elementals and hurls Uranium Spikes through orcs.


I am bored of the four elements but I have all the inspiration of a brick and do not want to make the elemental planes of the periodic table regardless of how entertaining it would be.

does anyone know any other options that could add on to water, rock, air and fire that would be great both from old myths and more modern tales?
Smoke. In a webnovel called The Butcher of Gadobhra the author spends time developing it as different from prime in fascinating ways, pretty sure that starts in this chapter. TL;DR to get a grasp on a few details that might seem weird when jumping in almost 200 chapters in. The whole thing takes place in a mmo-like virtual world run by an AI a couple hundred years in a mildly dystopian cyberpunkish future & Ozzy is a "contract worker" playing the role of an NPC

Voidrunner's Codex

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