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Our Physical Fitness


OK, so who else here is starting to think that @Zardnaar is actually Peter Jackson in disguise? He's posted almost as much NZ scenery here as there is in the LotR trilogy.

Want more?

Nice day today so went to or usual spot but decided to impulse attempt the pineapple track. Interwebs said two hours return took us 2.5.



Entry though a forest. Get up higher though and you're above the treeline.


mah "city".


Alright view.

We didn't prepare well but there's more walks up top 1 hour, 3 hours and 6 hours return.

Waitangi day quite a few people were using the track. Mad bastards were running up the hill and we got lapped.

10000 steps.

Goal before winter. Hike up Mt Cargill.


4 hours apparently. Rock formation bup there called the organ pipes. That's up higher than our climb.

Didn't see any hobbits unless kids count.

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Blue Orange

Gone to Texas
There was a nerd fitness blog that had some fun routines with a D&D-style level mechanic, but they seem to have gone heavy commercial and I don't feel comfy recommending it anymore. Anyone else?


A couple of years back we had a fitness enthusiast in our office. He tried convincing me to join him in an upcoming Ninja 5K Run and kept pestering me until I finally told him I'd go. "And I'm going to totally commit to it," I told him. "I'll even show up in full ninja gear. In fact, I'll be so into the whole ninja thing, it's possible you won't even see me there!"

And I was right - he didn't.



My gym closed in 2019, so I was unprepared and gaining weight already right when Covid began. After getting my booster shot late last year I realized I had gained 15 pounds. So I found a Planet Fitness near me here in Beaverton, Oregon just before Christmas, and I started working out a couple of times week. I'm trying to work out at least 2-3 times a week. Feeling a tad bit better already...


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
46, always been naturally skinny and was fairly physically active into my 20s/early 30s (swimming, fencing & aikido as a teen, camping and LARP as a teen and into my 20s, dancing in my 20s-early 30s), but definitely added a lot of fat through sedentary life, rich food and drink. Still topped out around 185 at a fraction under 6 feet. During a period of unemployment for a few months in my 30s at one point I dropped down to 148 through eating and drinking less (especially cutting out soda). Most of my adult life I was in the 165-175 range.

The last few years I've been doing some mountain hiking, and about 15 months ago one of my oldest friends finally talked me into a regular gym routine with him. Lifting (and a few planks) three days a week, initially for a half hour on Tuesdays and Thursdays after work, and an hour Sunday mornings, and now still three sessions but around double the length. I've missed a total of six sessions for injury or other reasons; even when I injured my knee last summer and couldn't do leg work for six weeks, I kept to the gym (one-legged planks are just more challenging, right?) schedule.

I weighed in yesterday at 193 in my brand new lifting shoes, which was a surprise; I've been pretty well plateaued in the high 180s this entire time, though I only started seriously protein supplementing a few months ago. I really need to buy a food scale and start actually counting calories so I can nail down my proper maintenance level, but I've been too lazy to. I'd like to do my first planned cut this Spring.

Typical weeknight routine is three circuits of chest and arm work in the 8-12 rep range (or 15-20 for smaller isolation stuff like tricep skull crushers) with an occasional leg or back exercise added in, plus a 90 to 120 breath plank before each circuit. Sundays are usually 5x5s with deadlifts and leg press as well as chest, arm and back work, plus planks before each circuit. I'm now trying to get back exercises into every session. Yesterday was...

90+ plank x 4 + 120 plank
Deadlift 225x5, 225x5, 245x5, 250x5, 265x1 + 245x4 (tried to hit a new PR of 300 today but couldn't lift it; 295 was new PR last week)
Inclined Smith bar bench 90x10, 100x5, 110x5, 110x3 + 100x4 , 120x2 +110x2 +100x3 +90x5 (drop sets)
Cable lat pulldowns (neutral grip) 85x12, 100x10, 120x8, 120x7, 100x12 (injured my left trap a bit on that 3rd set; still hurting today)
Dumbbell lateral raises 15x12, 15x12, 15x12, 15x12, 15x12
Leg press 318x12, 368x6, 408x6, 458x6, 498x6
Dumbbell preacher curls 35x10, 35x10, 35x15, 40x5 +40x5 (switch arms halfway and back), 40x10
Cable face pulls 25x12, 25x12, 35x12 (just trying this one out; I think I want to add it to balance the rear delts)

Goals: More back work. Add in squats (have only experimented with them a bit). Do a cut this Spring and reduce the belly fat. Add some cardio eventually.
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I could really use a workout partner to help me show up more consistently, if anyone lives in the Portland, Oregon area. I tend to procrastinate and end up not going to the gym often enough. Also, working out alone is just kind of boring.

My fitness routine just got kyboshed by the government. I was playing drums in a rock band 4 times a month. That's lifting 250 lbs of gear in and out of cars and bars (both into and out of) and then running on pedals for 4 hours straight. Not sure what I'm gonna do now.


Scion of Murgen (He/Him)
I could really use a workout partner to help me show up more consistently, if anyone lives in the Portland, Oregon area. I tend to procrastinate and end up not going to the gym often enough. Also, working out alone is just kind of boring.
Man, I feel this. My workout partner was the guy who coaxed me into the gym finally, and got me hooked. He's had some health and family stuff get in the way over the last year and has had to take breaks here and there, but thankfully I had the habit established and have been able to maintain. It's definitely not as fun without that social aspect of collaborative effort and mutual support with a good friend, though.


He'll flip ya...Flip ya for real...
I'm a little different than most people in that I dont really like a workout partner. Earbuds in the gym, soundbar on the bike. I just shutoff the mind and go.


I started a New Year's resolution to do some push-ups and sit-ups every time I go to the bathroom (within reason). Nothing like my old army days, but find I need to do something. I also have a new golf membership to the local club where I want to go and walk for an hour a few days each week between league and tournaments. Just need the snow to melt.

Voidrunner's Codex

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