Our sci-fi adventure path


Well, that was fun
Staff member
Now that the ink is dry on the license, I can now announce our upcoming sci-fi adventure path for D&D 4E: :sant:. This is based on the novel by Mike Resnick, a critically acclaimed and award-wining sci-fi author.

We'll have more details soon, and the official website will be launched very soon, also. It will be shorter than :w: or :z: (likely six adventures or so) and include a free intro pack introducing the new classes, etc. This is slated for Autumn 2011.

For those not familiar with Mike Resnick's work, think Firefly meets Asimov's Foundation series, with the action set on the Inner Frontier of the Democracy. Resnick has been nominated for 34 Hugo Awards -- a record for writers -- and won five times.

See the announcement on Mike Resnick's website here.

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You guys licensed Resnick's Santiago: A Myth of the Far Future?!

Bravo, sir. Bravo and well done.

It's a fantastic novel, and a terrific backdrop for role-playing campaigns. The names alone are sheer genius, cf. Altair of Altair and the Jolly Swagman.


The Laughing One
Sorry guys, never heard of the property, never even heard of the writer (pretty sure I never read any of his work). Looks like you guys think it's a good series, so the writer will probably be decent as well (as if those awards would tell anything ;-), will look into the book series (so this adventure path might actually be good for marketing the books/writer), I really liked Firefly.

Why this particular property and not something 'new' in the same genre (space cowboys)? Is there really such a big crowd of Santiago fans on ENworld or just a fun project combined with an oppertunity (those are fun as well)?


First Post
Not being a big SCi Fi fan, I am not very familiar with Santiago, however, this announcement will probably make me more familiar with the series as well as the eventual AP.


Mike Resnick was the guest of honor a couple of years ago at COSine, the science fiction convention we run in Colorado Springs. He's a cool guy and has tons of experience as a writer. He practically invented the space cowboy idea, although he's far from the only one to have used the concept.

Congratulations on the license, it sounds like it will be a lot of fun!


Big fan of the first book, and just read The Return of Santiago last summer, also a fun book.

I was also a fan of a cool anthology series he edited called Whatdunnits (a bunch of Sherlock Holmes-esque mystery short stories that were all sci-fi based.)

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