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Outcasts Forever: Issue #1 - Red America

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Rogue Warrior
Captain America (6/6 HP, 1 lethal, 2 stun)

Madison and 43rd Street
Early afternoon

Battle Before the Baxter Building

“Hello, Jack,” Comrade Russia commented causally as he dodged attacks and stepped to the side of Captain America. “How’s the resistance effort going these days? . . . Natasha tells me she finally got to sting that Moon Knight . . . that probably put a crimp in things. Of Course, you being dead won’t help, either.” Comrade Russia slammed the edge of the shield toward Cap’s head,(c) having distracted him with his taunt, catching him in the chin and cutting a line along his jaw.

“Allow me, Toverich,” a deep, yet feminine voice of Colossus called. Stepping to the other side of Captain America, Colossus delivered a devastating swing to Cap’s mid-section.(d) Cap tried to roll with the blow, but the shear strength behind it took his breath away.

Captain America recovered from the assault and delivered to quick jabs to Comrade Russia's chin.(f) Comrade Russia took both jabs with only the slightest recoil of his head, and appeared unfazed.[
Captain America took the pounding from the Russians and kept going. He moved like a practiced athlete, his body doing what he wanted before he told it what to do. The blows from Comrade Russia and Colossus had slowed him but he did not stop. "Is this how the Commie's taught ya how to fight, Steve? The big hero attacks from the front while the troops attack from the rear? Yeah, you still got it, old man. As long as you got someone to finish me off for ya!"

Jack swung again at Comrade Russia. He focused all of his efforts on him, blocking out the next blow he expected from Colossus. These weren't his Avengers but they were still Avengers. ...Iron Man, Wonder Man or Binary should be taking down Colossus any second...

OOC: Spend 1 HP to get rid of a stun hit (changing HP total to 5 and Damage total to 1 lethal, 1 stun), All Out Attack against Comrade Russia (-4 dodge, +4 attack), and a little taunt at +3.

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First Post
Keia said:
"I may have one suggestion . . . depending on your haste, of course," Vision IV responded. "The Supreme Soviet have here at their compound a point-to-point teleportation device - designed by Reed Richards . . . by locking onto their signal, I could teleport us directly there. With your permission of course."

"It would seem that we have little choice in the matter," Vision states as he gestures to the blank monitor screen, "but if our teammates are in as much trouble as you suggest then haste is prudent."


I aim to misbehave
Supreme Soviet Compound – Computer Room
Early afternoon

Vision IV hustled the trio to a nearby room and activated a free-standing ring, after punching some buttons on a nearby keypad. The air shimmered within the ring and Vision IV ushered them through.

Stepping through the ring, it took but a moment for everyone's eyes to clear. The group emerged in the plaza before the Baxter building (a molten hole in the side of the building), fire trucks and police cars (lights flashing) ringing an open area where a conflict was taking place.

Standing fifteen feet away was Captain America fighting Comrade Russia and waht appeared to be a female version of Colossus. Wonder Man lay on the ground at Colossus's feet. Red Hawk stood five feet further away, facing a direction where no opponents seemed to be. Iron Man hovered in the air, thirty feet off of the ground and forty feet away.

Falcon lay on the ground twenty feet away, unmoving, with Redwing squawking furiously. Numerous armored forms lay on the ground, including that of Titanium Man and Crimson Dynamo.

There was no sign of Binary, Mr. Immortal, or Moon Knight anywhere.

“It appears we arrived in the nick of time,”
Vision IV commented. “What does that make us?”


I aim to misbehave
Madison and 43rd Street
Early afternoon

Battle Before the Baxter Building – Second Half, round three, continued

Wasp said:
"Wonder Man, Captain America's in trouble! Help me with the Russian girl!" she shouts, even as tiny wings buzz furiously to bring her closer to Colossus and bio-electricity gathers in her fingertips.
Wasp closed to within forty feet of the group and attacked Colossus.(a) A dazzling electrical burst flashed directly in front of the metal woman, who blinked once, and shook it off. Noticing the small flying (Spot roll 27), the woman smiled and called out to her. “MIlaya moyA, if you wanted me pay attention, you only had to ask,” Colossus replied to the Wasp’s attack.

Red Hawk scanned the area, looking for targets. Janet felt his eyes bore into hers as Clint Barton drew and fired.(b) The arrow flew straight at her but instead of impacting her soundly, it exploded right on impact, releasing gas all around her. Wasp coughed, once, twice, and tried to shake herself out of the effect, but to no avail. She felt herself falling to the ground, her wings, arms and legs not responding. Red Hawk eyed up his second shot on Wasp . . . but didn’t fire.

Iron Man, scanned the surroundings, noting the Quinjet hovering in the air several hundred feet up. IT would be an impressive display to gain control of it, but his HUD indicated that its shielding was just too good at this range. Scanning the battlefield, there were numerous armored forms on the ground . . . including two quite impressive specimens in Titanium Man and Crimson Dynamo. At random, he tried Dynamo, and while he was successful in accessing the armor, noted that it was completely drained of power.

Captain America said:
"Is this how the Commie's taught ya how to fight, Steve? The big hero attacks from the front while the troops attack from the rear? Yeah, you still got it, old man. As long as you got someone to finish me off for ya!"
“Is it not the American way to use all the tools at your disposal, Jack?” Comrade Russia . . . Steve Rogers taunted as he followed up with devastating upper cut (c). The Comrade’s shield was really taking its toll, opening up a wicked slice in Jack’s shoulder. The pain screamed within his arm, jarring him from reality a moment or two.

Colossus paused in his attack on Captain America, apparently looking for the best opportunity to strike . . . .

Carol gathered up Laynia up and hustled over behind a fire truck, putting her back against it. Laynia was light in her arms, much lighter than Carol would have thought looking at her . . .

Wonder Man said:
"Commie pinko bastards!" and charges Colossus "Hey, say hello to my big FIST!"
As Wonder Man charged forward to strike the metallic female, Colossus, everything seemed to slow. The woman was in one instant looking on at the conflict between Comrade Russia and Captain America and the next she was swinging an uppercut that looked to connect that the same time Wonder Man would hit her. (d) (e)

The impact between the two seemed to send a wave of force emanating from them and they collided. After blinking back the impact, Wonder Man lay on the ground at Colossus’s feet . . . unmoving.

Captain America recovered from the assault and delivered a solid strike to Comrade Russia's chin.(f) This time, the reaction was more pronounced, snapping his head back.

Things were not looking good . . . when the air shimmered not fifteen feet from the group attacking Captain America. From within the shimmer stepped Beast, Sandman, Vision . . . and Ultron.

“It appears we arrived in the nick of time,” Ultron commented. “What does that make us?”

(a) Wasp’s ranged Dazzle attack. Roll of 17 + 21 ranged attack -4 attacking in melee for a total of 34, hitting. Reflex save vs. DC 18 is a total of 22, no effect.

(b) Red Hawk’s action rapid shot, accurate attack for 5. (Rolls of 15 + 18 ranged attack -2 rapid +5 for accurate for a total of 36 for the first attack, hitting. Damage save vs. 20s is roll of 2 (Hero Point, assuming) to a 20 + 4, no damage. Poison Save Fort DC 18, Roll of 3 (Hero point, assuming) to a 10 + 4, failed - - paralysis.)

(c) Comrade Russia’s taunt check roll of 7 +15 for a total of 22, vs. Cap’s Sense Motive of Roll of 16 +8 is 24, successful - resisted. Comrade’s attack (Roll of 19 + 13 melee -5 power attack for total of 27, hitting once. Damage save vs. 33 Lethal is Roll of 14 +14 – 1 hit for a total of 27, one lethal hit and stunned.

(d) Colossus’s attack (Roll of 18 +17 -5 power attack) for a total of 30, hitting. Damage save vs. 37s is Roll of 13 +17 – 5 hits for a total of 25, failing by 12, stun hit and unconscious.

(e) Wonder Man’s Attack (Roll of 16 + 8) for a total of 24, hitting. Damage save vs. 34s is Roll of 12 +19 for a total of 31, one stun hit.

(f) Cap’s taunt check roll of 18 +3 for a total of 21, vs. Russia’s Sense Motive of Roll of 11 +8 is 19, successful – no dodge bonus. Attack roll of 13 +11 - 5) for a totals of 19 vs. defense of 16, hitting. No Deflection as Comrade did not save a 1/2 action to deflect. Damage save vs. 29s is (Roll of 8 (villain pointed to) 10 + 18 – 1 hits for a total of 27, stun hit.

OOC: Summary Hp’s spent (Binary 5, Cap 1, Falcon 1, Wasp 2, Wonder man 1) Damage levels (Cap 2 lethal/2 stun stunned, Carol Danvers 2 lethal/2 stun, Falcon 2 lethal hit/dying, Iron Man 2 lethal, Wonder Man 6 stun unconscious, Wasp - paralyzed). And now . . . actions? Initiatives: (<paused> Falcon, Wasp, Red Hawk, Beast, Black Widow, Iron Man, Vision, Titanium Man, ‘Ultron’, Comrade Russia, Colossus, Sandman, Binary, Wonder Man, Cap, Darkstar, Crimson Dynamo). Also, Villain points used – 8 (Crimson Dynamo – drained, Darkstar 1L/3s unconscious, Comrade 2s, Titanium Man - drained).

OOC: GM backroom. Colossus’s bluff check to pretend not to notice Wonder Man coming was Roll of 18 +9 = 27.


First Post
HP: 4/5; Status: Paralyzed

It's an old, familiar feeling.

She lays on her back, still and quiet, mentally struggling against the paralysis that grips her. She's all too acquainted with the sensation of being gassed into submission; an unfortunate side-effect of her marriage. Only this time it's not a neurotic scientist trying to maintain dominance over his mate, but instead a Communist assassin with murder on the brain. Wasp is only dimly aware that Red Hawk is holding a shot, something the Clint Barton she knows would probably never do. This version is so much...older than 'her' Hawkeye, much like everyone else she's met.

God, how she wants to throw up. Her mucous membranes and soft tissues are crying agony right now, and it's all she can do to keep her breathing steady and strong. She half-expects to see Hank looming over her, leering and taunting, berating her because "all you can do is get smaller, Jan," but he doesn't. This is not a hallucination, or a dream. This is real, this is happening. And if she doesn't find her way out of this fog, she's not going to make it back home...all it would take is one misstep--or a deliberate stomp--from any one of her allies or enemies and it's all over.

'Move. Move something. Move anything. C'mon, do it. Do it, Jan. You had to let Hank win, because you had to face him the next day. You don't have that luxury now. You have to win today.'

OOC: Trying to shake off the paralysis, her Will save is +9. Hero Point re-roll if necessary.

Karl Green

First Post
Wonderman, OUT :(

Damn I knew I should have spend a HP on the stun hits, oh well. Spending a HERO Point to make 'wake-up' check (CON +Reg =DC10)

Arani Korden

First Post
Beast, 3/5 HP, Unhurt

Keia said:

“It appears we arrived in the nick of time,”
Vision IV commented. “What does that make us?”

"It makes us the blooming Avengers, that's what it makes us. And it's time for some Avenging."

Hank scanned the battlefield. Simon?

"We'd better leave Comrade Russia to Jack, but I think he'd do a lot better without the metal lady pounding on him. I can't even dent her, even with my big stick, so I'll take Red Hawk."

The Beast literally leapt into action, jumping in the direction of the archer. as he passed, he stuck out one foot and attempted to grab Red Hawk's bow.

"Mind if I borrow this?

ooc: Disarm attempt, and I'll try and get my full 2 points worth out of the Extra Limbs feat while I'm at it.


First Post
Iron Man, 6/6 HP, 2 L, -2 Armor

Baxter Building

Whatever took out those other suits would have fried me too! Good thing I have a distinctive knack for timing.

As the three others show up a smile graces Stark's face, reinforcements!

Iron Man comes flying forward to line up the perfect shot on the 'metal babe'. "Metal is out this year, didn't you know sweetheart? Pink is definatly the in thing."

OOC:Feats-Rapid Shot, Point Blank Shot, Aerial Combat(+1 to attack), Precise Shot
Attacks: Energy Blast +9/+9 attack, +11 dmg
HP for a damage save roll below 10


First Post
Vision health: unhurt 6/6 hp

Vision smirks slightly as he watches Ironman do a strafing run on the female Colossus, calculating the distance between the two of them he phases through the ground and comes up (hopefully) behind her.

Without pausing Vision plunges his arms into her body and partially solidifies them.


I aim to misbehave
Madison and 43rd Street
Early afternoon

Battle Before the Baxter Building – Second Half, round four, continued

Falcon lay unmoving under Redwing . . . and it seemed as though Redwing was actually sinking into Falcon’s chest.

Wasp struggled to move as the paralysis inducing poison gas filtered through her system. Memories, painful memories flashed through her mind fueling her struggle to move.(a) Janet struggled under the influence and felt her extremities start to react to the impulses her brain was sending.

Red Hawk held his attack on Wasp . . . and didn’t fire for some reason. Instead, it seemed that he marked her location and and scanned the field. Seeing the trio arrive with ‘the Unit,’ he ignored them and fired twice at Iron Man.(b) Red Hawk pulled back hard on his bow and let loose, the first arrow flying true. The arrow impacted off of a thigh plate . . . very near a critical area . . . sending cracks in the armor, and no small amount of pain to Iron Man.

Beast tumbled through the air, avoiding all sorts of attacks from Comrade Russia and Colossus to hop over Red Hawk. Looking at the ground at Colossus’s feet did appear to be one Simon Williams. As he passed, he stuck out one foot and attempted to grab Red Hawk's bow.

Beast said:
"Mind if I borrow this?”
“Hank?!?” Red Hawk called out in Clint Barton’s voice.(c) As the bow is smartly snatched from his grasp, Red Hawk replied, “Apparently you may.”

Iron Man said:
Iron Man comes flying forward to line up the perfect shot on the 'metal babe'. COLOR=Sienna]"Metal is out this year, didn't you know sweetheart? Pink is definitely the in thing."[/COLOR]
"Yes, but it's all the rage in outerwear . . . I see you're in fashion as well," Colossus replied.

Iron Man adjusted in the air and turned his attention on the female metallic form, firing his repulsors twice.(d) Both shots seemed to glance off the reflective form, causing no reaction in the female.

(a) Poison gas attacks have a duration of one minute until the first check (which is what this attack was built for), but paralysis is a rd-to-rd check. I’ll compromise and make it two consecutive checks and she’s free. First check Roll of 1 (Hero pointed to 10) + 9 = 19 made the first check.

(b) Red Hawk’s action rapid shot, power attack for 5. (Rolls of 20 natural + 18 ranged attack -2 rapid -5 power for a total of 31 for the first attack, hitting. Damage save vs. 35s is roll of 6 (Hero pointed to 16 + 12 -2 damage, is 26, and one stun hit, stunned. Second Attack is a 6 + 18 ranged attack -2 rapid -5 power for a total of 17, just missing – aerial was still to defense at that time.

(c) Beast’s disarm opposed attack roll of 20(natural) + 8 +5 for natural twenty vs. Red Hawk’s roll of 5 (Hero Pointed to 10 +10 or 20. Red Hawk is disarmed and Beast is holding the bow.

(d) Iron Man’s attack (Rolls of 9 and 16 + 9 ranged attack -2 rapid +1 aerial +1 pbs for totals of 18 and 25, hitting once. Damage save vs. 26s is a total of 31, no damage.

OOC: Summary Hp’s spent (Binary 5, Cap 1, Falcon 1, Iron Man 2, Wasp 3, Wonder man 1) Damage levels (Cap 2 lethal/2 stun stunned, Carol Danvers 2 lethal/2 stun, Falcon 2 lethal hit/dying, Iron Man 2 lethal/1 stun , Wonder Man 6 stun unconscious, Wasp - paralyzed). And now . . . actions? Initiatives: (Falcon, Wasp, Red Hawk, Beast, Black Widow, Iron Man, <paused> Vision, Titanium Man, ‘Ultron’, Comrade Russia, Colossus, Sandman, Binary, Wonder Man, Cap, Darkstar, Crimson Dynamo). Also, Villain points used – 9 (Crimson Dynamo – drained, Darkstar 1L/3s unconscious, Comrade 2s, Titanium Man - drained).

OOC: GM backroom. Spent hero point for Iron Man to remove stunned effect. .

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