Overhaul: Woe Chinua


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Hey people,

I’ve finally found a strategic focus for my character Woe Chinua, and would like to use his overhaul to achieve it. It basically amounts to switching around two of his initial abilities and replacing a feat.

So, switch initial Con & Wis from 14 & 12 to 12 & 14, and replace Toughness with Polearm Momentum. That’s it.


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*picks jaw up off of the floor* Woe...having a ...strategic focus? I thought his Wis was like a 6 ;)

Uh, so yeah in seriousness Yes if this is a proposal


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Nah, though it was very tempting, just for the sake of upgrading to greatspear.

("What happened to your spear, Woe?" - "It got bigger!")

Despite the name, Polearm Momentum works for normal spears as well. He'll be less about taking it to the chin and more about controlling the battlefield.


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Mikara's parents met with Tonk's parents and arranged the whole thing. Sorry, there's nothing our character can do to stop it.

Voidrunner's Codex

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