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PA, Philadelphia area looking for group


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It looks like there is 6 of us that are looking to find a game. Maybe we can form our own, although I don't want to abandon mfrench.

We need three things:
1. A place to play. I live right next to the Walt Whitman.
2. A game to play. Is D&D the only thing people want to play?
3. A DM/GM. I have about 4 years experience in 3/3.5 D&D. In my estimation, I am about a C(average) DM.

Things that will be important:
1. What kind of game would we want? Hack 'n Slash, Deep imersive, or somewhere inbetween.
2. Time to play. weekends, 2/month, every thursday at 6:30.
3. I really don't have anything for 3. But we all know three is cool and vitally important to the integrity of a list.

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1a) I live in a dorm right now, so playing at my place would be pretty much out of the question
2a) D&D sounds good to me
3a) never run a game before

1b) Somewhere in between, leaning more towards hack & slash than super-immersive
2b) friday or saturday nights would be the best for me; i'd prefer every other week, but i could do more or less often than that
3b) yes

Hey all,

I know we have a fair amount of possible gamers here already, but I thought I'd like to toss my hat into the fray. I actually have no Live-Gaming experience, though I've played online games for the last 13 years. I'm currently living in Montgomery County and have the ability to commute anywhere in the general area.

To answer some of the questions above:
1. I would prefer not to play at my residence. My grand-mother-in-law currently resides with my wife and I, so there would be nothing but distractions and grumblings all the time.

2. Since this is my first live-gaming group, I would like to try D&D, however I'm open to most anything - Rifts, SW, Deadlands, Modern, etc.

3. I have DMed before, though all online. I'm sure the atmosphere would be very different for a live-game and I'd prefer to try it as a PC before trying it as a DM. Nonetheless, if need be, I would/could put something together as a DM I'd imagine. As a fair warning, however, I tend to favor more imersion then hack n' slash.

1a. As I mentioned before, I tend to favor the role-playing over roll-playing, but since this is my first table-top game, I'd like to give anything a try just to see what it's like.

2a. I have no clue what my schedule will be like (which is why I was hesitant to even post this up here). I just started a new job, but I would still be interested and I would make every attempt to be there. That said, my job would have to, unfortunately, come first.

3a. Long live the three!

Sorry to hop into this thread so late. I just wanted to wait a see what would be happening with my work. I hope no one minds.

Michael Tree

First Post
1. I live in Wilmington, which is probably a bit too far from the city for most people.
2. I'm okay with D&D, but I'd prefer to try something a little different, like Arcana Unearthed/Evolved, d20 Modern, or Mutants and Masterminds.
3. I've never GMed D&D3e, but I've GMed other games, and run an episodic superhero game whenever I visit friends in Toronto.

1a. I prefer deep immersive, but I'm flexible. I enjoy combat, but don't want to focus entirely on it.
2a. I play a game on Saturday afternoons, so I couldn't play then. Thursday evenings would be fine by me, and twice a month would be ideal.
3a. Naturally. :D

Hey again guys,

I'm not sure what happened to some of the people from earlier in the thread, but I wanted to pass the word that I am still interested. If anyone would like to contact me to speak further about it, please feel free to E-mail me at JRemeikas at comcast dot net. I'm sure we can work something out in terms of a game and a place to play.

Take care all!


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sorry for the delay, It took me a while to get internet in New Jersey.

As a prize for waiting....a very terrible joke

What did delaware?



1. Place to play?

Gunslinger, would it be possible for you to sign out a room in one of the buildings on campus. That would put our meeting place in a central location and would alleviate the need for anyone to clean their house.

2 and 3. Game to play/GM?

Michael Tree, over at the atomic think tank you mentioned possibly starting a mutants and masterminds game. d4 would make a fouth player.

I would be willing to run a d&d campaign if Mr. Tree decideds not to run M&M or you other folks don't want to play super heroes.

1b. Style?

on a scale of 1 to 10 with 1 being "I heart my d20!" and 10 being "I am Lord Balthezar!" most people seem to be about a 7. Did I peg that correctly?

2b. Time to play?

Bi-weekly Thursdays at 6:30-10:30. That will make a sorta late night for the commuters on a work night. However, the ride home should be smooth down 95 and out 76 at 10:30 at night. Any problems with this time slot?

3b. My poem for the number 3:
Three is cool
and bright as a jewel
and it doesn't drool.

Thats one heck of a way to take charge Gideon! I was going to suggest the same thing concerning the college campus room. Otherwise, again...wow.

I'm looking forward to something happening here.


First Post
What is a day you can play Gunslinger?

I am also changing my offer to DM to be an Arcana Unearthed campaign. Currently, I am thinking of making my own setting and not playing in the Dimond Throne.

Champions is the white wolf super hero?

Voidrunner's Codex

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