Just when it comes to the room situation, I think you're reading too much into this. When working at conventions, I've seen or experienced companies putting one, two, or even four people in a room. A one person per room policy isn't that strange or an admission of fault if this is the route they took to prevent future problems, especially if they also decided this was a way to prevent any sexual harassment or worse in rooms.
But... that's not at all what prompted the change.
The timeline is this. Crystal Fraiser (an openly out trans woman) and another collegue (a cis woman) of hers wanted to go to a con and share a room. They both wanted this and consented to it.
It was not allowed by HR or management (I am unsure why), without explaination. Both women objected, and (I again stress) said they
both wanted to share a room and were okay with the arrangement. But the company wouldn't meet this arrangement. Because of this, I believe Fraiser was unable or was too uncomfortable with the situation to attend the con.
Then, after this was brought up after Sara Marie's firing and the troubles at Paizo began, Paizo explained they had changed the policy to one person per room,
seemingly in response to this, without further explaination
And now they've announced that people who
do want to pair up can do so at future cons.
So... sexual harassment or worse never came into it.
If that was what management was thinking of when a cis woman and a trans woman,
and I stress again, wanted to pair up in one room in a con together... then that sounds absolutely transphobic to me.
Maybe I am reading too much into it, but their reasons just don't make sense to me considering the situation that prompted this.