Paizo Paizo Leadership Team Update


Not your screen monkey (he/him) 🇺🇦🇵🇸🏳️‍⚧️
Why would they establish a union and then violate one of the core tenets of working with an employee union within a month?
That one's really easy to understand potential reasons - particularly since the union is new and they're not used to working with it or notifying it before they send out public-facing, management statements.
It's a new thing at Paizo. There will be mistakes.

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If the USA is culturally similiar when it comes to that practice, that would point to the somewhat damning conclusion that the policy put into place after Crystral's reporting of the incident was somewhat transphobic in the least; rather than recognising that consenting adults, regardless of gender, should be able to share a room, they decided to put everyone in single rooms, to 'seemingly' avoid a similar incident from occuring.
I would certainly advise my employer that allowing employees to get separate rooms on business trips was best practice. You avoid having the employer make decisions about who can or cannot share rooms, a blanket policy like this is less likely to be discriminatory, you mitigate the risks of inappropriate behavior or misunderstandings, and quite frankly I expect most employees would prefer some privacy while on a trip. But expectations vary and in some industries it might be very common for people to share rooms.

Why would they establish a union and then violate one of the core tenets of working with an employee union within a month?
I don't work with a union. Is it a requirement that management consult the union prior to making a statement?

I would certainly advise my employer that allowing employees to get separate rooms on business trips was best practice. You avoid having the employer make decisions about who can or cannot share rooms, a blanket policy like this is less likely to be discriminatory, you mitigate the risks of inappropriate behavior or misunderstandings, and quite frankly I expect most employees would prefer some privacy while on a trip. But expectations vary and in some industries it might be very common for people to share rooms.
Yeah; I agree. It's just the particular circumstances that make the whole suspect and sad, and how Fraiser was treated afterwards.


I read that too. Depressing. Hard to support Paizo at this point, really.

I think the worst thing is the confirmation that Paizo don't clean their offices. That is literally disgusting. Putting their staff at health risk to save a few $ on a cleaner is also morally disgusting. If they couldn't afford daily cleaning like a normal company, they could at least hire in a weekly clean.


I don't believe in the no-win scenario
I think the worst thing is the confirmation that Paizo don't clean their offices. That is literally disgusting. Putting their staff at health risk to save a few $ on a cleaner is also morally disgusting. If they couldn't afford daily cleaning like a normal company, they could at least hire in a weekly clean.
I thought they did clean the office? It was just vacuuming that hurt the janitors back.


I don't work with a union. Is it a requirement that management consult the union prior to making a statement?

Not for everything, but for stuff that involves employee surveys and movements in HR policies that affect members of the union, yeah, you send those through the union reps. Collective bargaining power is more than just salaries, wages, and benefits.

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