Paizo Pathfinder (AP & Modules) Monster Index


Extradimensional Explorer
Ok, seems like there might be interest in a Paizo bestiary here, esp. since they seem to be using their own conversions of some classic monsters. I'm getting Pathfinder at least through the first AP, but not Gamemastery, so help filling in the blanks will be needed. I'll try to follow Shade's format from the Dungeon index.

Edit: Just to be clear, I'm only putting in the new monsters/conversions, not anything reprinted from an OGC source.
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Extradimensional Explorer
Pathfinder index

Pathfinder Monster Index

Adventure Paths
1 - Goblin Dog, Goblin Snake, Giant Gecko, Sinspawn, Attic Whisperer, Sandpoint Devil
2 - Carrionstorm, Boggard, Lyrakien, Faceless Stalker (Ugothol), Revenant, Lamia Matriarch
3 - Smoke Haunt, Totenmaske, Skull Ripper, Argorth, Mother of Oblivion, Ogrekin (template)
4 - Deathweb, Redcap, Hound of Tindalos, Taiga Giant, Scanderig (Forgefiend), Shining Child of Thassilon, Runeslave (template)
5 - Ercinee, Marsh Giant, Witchfire, Shemhazian Demon, Night Monarch (& Star Monarch variant), Yethazmari
6 - Crag Spider, Denizen of Leng, Kuchrima, Harridan, Hungerer, Rune Giant, Wendigo
7 - Carrion Golem, Devilfish, Dream Spider, Soulbound Doll, Raktavarna, Reefclaw
8 - Daemon (Leukodaemon), Daughter of Urgathoa, Giant Fly, Giant Maggot, Lawgiver, Nosferatu (template)
9 - Achaekek (The Mantis God), Beatific One, Rajput Ambari, Rakshasa Maharajah, Sikari, Macaque Swarm
10 - Bonestorm, Cinder Wolf, Havero, Red Reaver
11 - Chained Spirit, Danse Macabre, Gug, The Prince in Chains, Umbral Dragon
12 - Akaruzug, Belier Devil (Bdellavritra), Contract Devil (Phistophilus), Mobogo
13 - Darklands Sentinel, Fungal Crawler, Monstrous Cockroach, Flesh-Eating Cockroach Swarm, Swamp Barracuda
14 - Akata, Siren, Witchwyrd, Moonflower, Thais
15 - Blast Shadow, Forest Drake, Cutlass Spider, Maftet
16 - Deep Crow, Omox Demon, Ghonhatine, Irnakurse, Mothman
17 - Banshee, Leucrotta, Mandragora, Menotherian, Treerazer (Lord of the Blasted Tarn)
18 - Black-blooded (template), Charda, Shaitan Genie, Xacarba
19 - Chupacabra, Div (Doru), Gremlin (Jinkin), Gremlin (Pugwampi), Gremlin (Vexgit), Peryton
20 - Buraq, Edimmu, Div (Pairaka), Sunlord Thalachos, Unchosen Gnoll
21 - Div (Shir), Emkrah, Hadhayosh, Rukh, Juvenile Rukh, Tophet
22 - Coeurl, Div (Ghawwas), Miengu, Protean (Imentesh), Protean (Naunet), Wyrmskull (template)
23 - Black Jinni, Div (Sepid), Get of Iblis, Nephilim
24 -Ahriman( Lord of the Divs), Gandareva Azi, Sruvara Azi, Zahhak Azi, Brass Golem, Simurgh, Xotani the Firebleeder
25 - Gremlin (Haniver), Rot Grub Swarm, Giant Rot Grub, Shadowgarm, Strix, Torble, Torble Swarm, Devil (Ukobach)
26 - Devil (Salikotal), Graveknight, Hand of the Inheritor, Stymphalides (& Giant Stymphalides)
27 - Aspidochelone, Devil (Chortov), Idol (Bone), Idol (Jade), Idol (Wood), Idol (Stone), Lar, Royal Naga
28 - Asura (Adhukait), Cerberi (& Malbolgian Cerberi), Cabal Devil (Uniila), Spartolos
29 - Basileus, Calikang, Possession Devil (Gidim, Greater & Lesser), Ghorazagh, Nihiloi, Vrykolakas
30 - Ravener Behemoth, Devil (Advodaza), Ebon Acolytus, Hell Gigas, Kyton (Ephialtes), Vouivre
31 - Carbuncle, ,Drekavac, Elk, River Elk, Megaloceros, Tatzlwyrm, Thawn, Thylacine, Brush Thylacine
32 - Ceratioidi, The Grim White Stag, Hodag, Rorkoun, Trollhound
33 - Blodeuwedd, Clawbat, Great Cyclops, Peluda, Stygira
34 - Ahuizotl, Bog Strider, Calathgar, Fungus Leshy, Nuckelavee
35 - First Blade, Irlgaunt, Verdurous Ooze, Warsworn
36 - Ankou, Dweomercat, Grodair, Skrik Nettle, Zomok
37 - Eurypterid (Ochre), Eurypterid (Common), Eurypterid (Bluetip), Eurypterid (Spiny), Eurypterid (Spitting), Ningyo, Undead Ningyo, Pterosaur (Rhamphorhynchus), Pterosaur (Dimorphodon), Pterosaur (Quetzalcoatlus), Giant Sea Urchin (Hunter), Giant Sea Urchin (Spear), Giant Sea Urchin (Glass), Tuyewera
38 - Adaro, Biloko, Bloodhaze Mosquito Swarm, Chemosit, Personification of Fury

Pathfinder Chronicles/Pathfinder Campaign Setting
Classic Monsters Revisited - Bugbear, Gnoll, Goblin, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Lizardfolk, Minotaur, Minotaur Elder, Ogre, Degenerate Ogre, Orc, Troll
Into the Darklands - Morlock, Serpentfolk, Seugathi, Urdefhan, Vemerak
Dark Markets (A Guide to Katapesh) - Aluum, Dhabba, Sand Eel, Ghul
The Great Beyond (A Guide to the Multiverse) - Astradaemon, Axiomite, Lurker in Light, Protean (Keketar), Vulpinal
Dungeon Denizens Revisited - Xenarth, Failed-apotheosis Mimic, Plaguebearer Otyugh, Seige Owlbear, Mottled Worm, Rust Lord
Book of the Damned v1 - Apostate Devil (Deimavigga), Heresy Devil (Ayngavhaul), Lesser Host Devil (Gaav), Greater Host Devil (Magaav), Warmonger Devil (Levaloch)
Heart of the Jungle - Angazhani (High Girallon), Giant Botfly, Botfly Swarm, Hippopotamus, Tobongo (Mwangi Treant)
City of Strangers - Caulborn

Pathfinder Companion
Qadira, Gateway to the East - Half-janni (template), Suli, Zhyen

Other Sources
Kobold Quarterly 7- Asakka, Deathtrap Ooze, Sandwalker, Torthune
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Extradimensional Explorer
Pathfinder Modules Index

Pathfinder Modules Monster Index

Dungeon Series
D0 - Tatzlwyrm
D1 - Forged Spurned, Slurk
D2 - Granule Construct Swarm, Nightmare Bats
D3 - Chatterer Swarm, Son of Perdition
D1.5 - Azlanti Chariot Beetle
D4 - Festrog

Wilderness Series
W1 - Flame Drake, Roseblood Sprite
W2 - Fell Flotsam, Mosquito Swarm
W3 - Hoary Muntjac, Snowdrifter

Urban Series
U1 - Shadowy Lurker, Painted Creation (template)
U2 - Croaker, Gutdragging Lurcher

Journey Series
J1 - Osiron Mummy (template)
J2 - Arcanaton, Tongue of Rebuke, Wings of Protection, Rime Elemental (variant water elemental), Draconic Mohrg
J3 - Dehrii, Shoggoth
J4 - Ghalshoaton
J5 - Meladaemon

Event Series
E1 - Cold Rider, Frosty Chiseler, Unholy Mount, Dark Ice Fey (template)
E2 - Bloodless Vessel, Necropyre (template)

Teasure Chest Series
TC1 - Wooden Protector

Last Baron Series
LB1 - Crepitus
LB2 - Sea-sworn (template)

RPG Superstar Series
S1 - Guiltgorger Giant

Unnumbered (by name)
Crypt of the Everflame - no monsters :(
Carrion Hill - Spawn of Yog-Sothoth
Masks of the Living God - Mask Golem
Realm of the Fellnight Queen - no monsters :(
City of Golden Death - Terror (template), Golden Guardian
From Shore to Sea - no monsters :(
Curse of the Riven Sky - no monsters :(
The Witchwar Legacy - Abyss Gigas, Gnarled (template)
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Here are the Gamemastery monsters, to date:

D0 Tatzlwyrm
D1 Forged Spurned, Slurk
W1 Flame Drake, Roseblood Sprite
D2 Granule Construct Swarm, Nightmare Bats
U1 Shadowy Lurker, Painted Creation (template)
J1 Osiron Mummy (template)
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Extradimensional Explorer
Thanks, Shroomy! Though when I saw you posted, I was worried that they're shipping Pathfinder #5 before I get my #4 in the mail! (Which is odd, since it's a couple weeks slower than the other 3 issues...)

Voidrunner's Codex

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