Paizo Pathfinder (AP & Modules) Monster Index


J2: arcanaton, tongue of rebuke, wings of protection, rime elemental (variant water elemental), draconic mohrg (this appears to be a unique creature as no OGL reference is given; also there is no full write-up for adding a mohrg template to a dragon).

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Extradimensional Explorer
Thanks, Shroomy. Will add those tonight when I download the pathfinder 5 pdf. Still waiting for my physical copy of #4. Maybe I ought to email....


freyar said:
Thanks, Shroomy. Will add those tonight when I download the pathfinder 5 pdf. Still waiting for my physical copy of #4. Maybe I ought to email....

Yeah, I would email. I'm not a subscriber and I got my copy from the FLGS last week.

Voidrunner's Codex

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