Sale [Palladium] G.M.s Day Sale on now


Huge SALE! The GM’s Day Sale is largest sale of the year! Huge 30% discount on most Palladium PDF titles and thousands of downloadable titles from participating publishers. This is a great way to try new settings and build your PDF library. And it’s not just one day, you have till March 15 to enjoy this sale, but don’t wait, order today. ... _id=246835

In conjunction with the DriveThru event, Palladium is offering its own G.M.s (and players) sale on a wide range of select titles. ALL Weapons and Castles titles, select Game Master and adventure titles, including several hardcovers and Rifter® issues. ... Items.html

ALL Palladium Weapons & Castles Series Titles:
  • Weapons & Armor – 700 real world ancient weapons – swords, battle axes, knives, war hammers, maces, morning stars, pole arms, spears, staves, and more – and 30 suits of armor thru the ages. For use with any game system – historically accurate. Cat. No. 401.
  • Weapons & Castles – 20+ real world, ancient bow weapons, slings, siege weapons, and 15 castles with floor plans. For use with any game system – historically accurate. Cat. No. 402.
  • Weapons & Assassins – Notorious assassins throughout history, their weapons and tricks of the trade; the Order of Assassins, Ninja, and more. For use with any game system – historically accurate. Cat. No. 403.
  • Weapons, Armor & Castles of the Orient – 31 types of weapons and many variants, Samurai armor, 15 other suits of armors, plus helmets, 8 castle floor plans and one city. For use with any game system – historically accurate. Cat. No. 404.
  • Exotic Weapons – Real world blow pipes, tiger claws, battle axes, chakram throwing rings, throwing sticks, African throwing irons, katar, kris, war clubs, swords, pole arms, Lantern Shield, whips, and more. 104 weapons from around the globe. For use with any game system – historically accurate. Cat. No. 409.
  • European Castles – 40+ real world castles and floor plans from across Europe. Each a template to making your own castles. For use with any game system – historically accurate. Cat. No. 410.
  • Compendium of Modern Weapons – Your guide to 20th Century armaments. 450+ weapons from around the world, listed by country and type. 106 small arms – pistols and revolvers, 92 military grade rifles, 68 submachine-guns, 43 anti-tank weapons, 38 hand grenades & pyrotechnic devices, 28 machine-guns, 13 shotguns, plus flamethrowers, anti-aircraft weapons, body armor, EOD, riot control gear, tanks, and more. For use with any game system – historically accurate. Cat. No. 415.
“Original” Palladium Fantasy RPG® Commemorative “Bonus” Foil Hardcover (1st Edition rules) – It is the original 1st Edition Rules RPG including Tombs of Gersidi™ and the first Fantasy sourcebook: The Arms of Nargash-Tor™. The cover is a classy crimson foil image, imprinted on black faux leatherette to replicate the original red and black RPG fans love. 320 pages – $55 retail – Cat. No. 449HC.
Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition Hardcover – A fantasy setting like no other, rich in history and inviting adventure. Not only are you able to play iconic fantasy heroes, but also characters such as the Mind Mage, Druid, Diabolist, Summoner and an array of nonhuman characters from Elves and Dwarves to Wolfen, Changelings, Kobolds, Orcs, Ogres, and many others. 25+ Occupational Character Classes (O.C.C.s), 14+ inhuman player races (more in sourcebooks), 300+ magic spells, 60 magical wards, 50 magic circles, 70+ psychic powers, dozens of magic items, potions, and so much more. 336 pages – Cat. No. 450HC.
Palladium Fantasy RPG®, 2nd Edition (Softcover) – A fantasy setting like no other, rich in history and inviting adventure. Human and nonhuman characters, 25+ O.C.C.s, 14+ inhuman player races (more in sourcebooks), 300+ magic spells, 60 magical wards, 50 magic circles, 70+ psychic powers, dozens of magic items, potions, and so much more. 336 pages – Cat. No. 450.
Dragons & Gods (Fantasy) – 40 gods, deific powers, 20 demonic lords, 14 dragons, plus Elementals, Rune Weapons and much more. The perfect companion for the Garden of the Gods sourcebook. 232 pages – Cat. No. 451.
Garden of the Gods (Fantasy) – A place of miracles, dreams and purpose. 45 forgotten gods, 212 blessings, 101 magic artifacts, 5 Old Ones Rune Weapons, 50+ curses and dark magic, 100+ random quests and encounters, and each god offers adventure hooks. Cat. No. 475.
Monsters & Animals™ (Fantasy) – 120+ monsters, 200+ animals, all described, statted and accompanied by maps showing exactly where they can be found in the world. Plus G.M. tips and conversion notes for Mega-Damage settings. Suitable for Palladium Fantasy®, Rifts® and Phase World® (as alien creatures), Heroes Unlimited™ and other settings. 240 pages – Cat. No. 454.
Heroes Unlimited™ RPG – Create any type of comic book hero you can imagine – psychics, super-powered aliens, mutants, super soldiers, Mega-Heroes, mages, immortals, cyborgs, robots, power armor, weapon masters, and more. 101 super abilities plus a multitude of sub-powers, 72 psychic powers, 100+ magic spells, plus enchanted weapons and objects, robots, weapons and more. 352 pages – Cat. No. 500.
Heroes Unlimited™ RPG, 2nd Edition Hardcover – Create any type of comic book hero you can imagine and more; same as the softcover in a sturdy, attractive hardcover. A complete RPG – Cat. No. 500HC.
Heroes Unlimited™ G.M. Guide – 10 full adventures, 25+ NPCs, 70+ magic spells, tips on making and running adventures, Quick Roll Villains, rampage rules, world hot spots, vigilantes, anti-heroes, the law, alignment guidelines, G.M. Tips, and more. 224 pages – Cat. No. 516.
Nightbane® RPG – Join the secret war against a demonic invasion most people do not even know has taken place. The demonic Nightlords, their evil Dopplegangers and other demon minions are quietly taking over the world, starting with the most powerful nations. The only wrinkle is you must turn into your monstrous supernatural form – your Morphus – to call upon your superhuman and magical powers. Oh, and the government is controlled by the Nightlords, and their shape-changing demonic minions hunt the Nightbane. 240 pages – Cat. No. 730.
Nightbane® RPG “Bonus” Hardcover – All the same great stuff with the Nightbane, Nightlords, secret demonic invasion, PLUS 60 pages of “bonus” material gathered from The Rifter®. 304 pages – Cat. No. 730HC.
Nightbane®: Dark Designs™ sourcebook – A guide to creating the Nightbane and a sourcebook for players and Game Masters alike. 18 new and comprehensive Morphus Tables. 60 new Common Talents, 38 new Elite Talents, Transformation Transition Table and more. 160 pages – Cat. No. 736.
After the Bomb® RPG – Create any anthropomorphic mutant animal from a turtle to an elephant. Use the mutants as modern world heroes, or in the AtB post-apocalypse setting, Rifts®, or just about any setting. 224 pages – Cat. No. 503.
After the Bomb® RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – Create any mutant animal from a turtle to an elephant, plus 72 pages of bonus material (the original AtB sourcebook and Yucatan Adventures). 296 pages – Cat. No. 503HC.
Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG – 40+ styles of martial arts, mystic abilities, spies and gadgets. 176 pages – Cat. No. 525.
Ninjas & Superspies™ RPG “Bonus” Edition Hardcover – 40+ styles of martial arts, mystic abilities, spies and gadgets, plus 44 pages of bonus material from The Rifter®. 224 pages – Cat. No. 525HC.
Rifts® Ultimate Edition RPG – Everything you need to start playing. 376 pages – Cat. No. 800HC.
Rifts® Game Master Guide – 500+ weapons, 290 pieces of equipment, 180+ vehicles, 100+ suits of body armor. 80+ suits of power armor, 300+ skills, character and D-Bee index, dozens of maps, and more. 352 pages – Cat. No. 845.
Rifts® Game Master Guide Hardcover – 500+ weapons, 290 pieces of equipment, 180+ vehicles, body armor, power armor and more, same as the softcover in a sturdy, attractive hardcover. 352 pages – Cat. No. 845HC.
Rifts® Book of Magic – Nearly 1,000 magic spells, 400 magic weapons and devices from across Rifts Earth, plus magic tattoos, herbs, stones, automatons, Iron Juggernauts, Rune Weapons, Bio-Wizard weapons, talismans, and more. 352 pages – Cat. No. 848.
Rifts® Book of Magic Hardcover – Nearly 1,000 magic spells and all the same magic as the softcover in a sturdy, attractive hardcover. 352 pages – Cat. No. 848HC.
Rifts® Adventure Guide – 150+ adventure ideas, Game Master and player tips from Kevin Siembieda, Erick Wujcik, and Bill Coffin, adventure creation, how to use alignments, tricks of running a large group, G.M. tools, overview and info about the CS Chi-Town ‘Burbs. Tables for creating towns, merc companies, and traveling shows and more. 192 pages – Cat. No. 849.
Rifts® Adventure Guide Hardcover – 150+ adventure ideas and more, same as the softcover in a sturdy, attractive hardcover. 192 pages – Cat. No. 849HC.
Rifts® Primer & Adventures – 2 full adventures, 20 adventure hooks, 101 adventures table, and more. 128 pages – Cat. No. 824.
Rifts® Index Volume One – 40 pages of adventures, 25 Hook, Line & Sinker™ adventures, 5 full adventures involving the Coalition States, and NPCs. Plus an index for Rifts® World Books 1-6, Sourcebooks 1 and 3, Rifts® Conversion Books 1 & 2, Rifts® Mercenaries, Dimension Books 1 and 2, and the original Rifts® RPG. Back after being unavailable for nearly 20 years. 128 pages – Cat. No. 823.
Rifts® Index Volume Two – 50 pages of adventures, 20+ Hook, Line and Sinker adventures, two full adventures, NPCs, and more. Plus an index for 17 Rifts® titles. 128 pages – Cat. No. 831.
Wormwood™, Rifts® Dimension Book One – A bizarre world of fantasy and horror. Humans are ruled by demonic beings and dark magic, but there are those who fight against the reigning evil. 30+ horrific monsters, 17 wild O.C.C.s including the Holy Terror, Apok, and Wormspeaker, plus symbiotic magic, symbiotes, crystal magic and more. Based on concepts and art by comic book legends Timothy Truman (Conan, Grimjack) and Flint Henry. Art by Truman, Henry, and others. Written by Kevin Siembieda. Epic. 160 pages – Cat. No. 809.
The Rifter® #14 – With fun Fantasy, Rifts® and other source material.
The Rifter® #73 – With fun Fantasy, Rifts® and other source material.
The Rifter® #82 – With fun Fantasy, Rifts® and other source material, and a tribute to Eric Wujcik.
The Rifter® #83 – With fun Fantasy, Rifts® and other source material.
The Rifter® #84 – With fun Fantasy, Rifts® and other source material.
The Rifter® #85 – With fun Fantasy, Rifts® and other source material.

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