Paragon Paths: Deepwood Sniper and Master Thrower


Maybe you can replace Master's Shift with this:

Tumbling Toss(16th level): As a standard action you may shift your speed and at anytime during your shift you make a single At-will attack with a light thrown weapon or sling.

This new power still keeps the mobility theme and ties in the old master thrower, while keeping the 11th level ability and the 16th level ability distinctly different. Just my two cents for what it's worth.
Not a bad idea, but I would make it a "basic attack", not an at-will. This ability is, in effect, basically an At-Will power, so I wouldn't allow it to compound with another at-will.

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Basic Action Games
The only problem is that in 3.5 not all master throwers were lithe & used light weapons. My Master Thrower had a high STR, Brutal Throw Feat (now unecessary in 4.0 as heavy thrown weapons add STR to hit anyway), and chucked harpoons (d10 dmg) at his enemies. Perhaps a build choice between light and heavy thrown weapons?


First Post
Through and Through Deepwood Sniper Attack 20
You strike with near immortal accuracy and power, passing your arrow through the target, leaving a gaping wound.
Daily * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Ranged
Target: One Creature
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 3 [W] + Dexterity modifier and the target takes ongoing 10 damage.
Miss: Half damage, and no ongoing damage

Shouldn't that be "ongoing 10 damage (save ends)" ?

Two with One Blow Master Thrower Attack 11
An precision strike that hits two enemies with a well timed ricochet

Just a grammer nit-pick... A precision, not an precision.

Palm Shot Master Thrower Utility 12
With nimble fingers and agility, you palm two weapons into your hands, for twice the damage.
Daily * Martial, Weapon
Minor Action Personal
You must you a sling or light thrown weapon.

Again, grammer. "You must you..." should be "you must use..."

Other than that, very cool indeed.


Daily * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Close
Burst 3
Target: Each creature in burst you can see.
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 3 [W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.

I'm guessing you actually want this to be a close BLAST 3, not a burst, which hits everyone within 3 squares of the user of this power... It seems more reasonable (and useful) to fill an area in front of the user, than to completely surround the user.
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I like both classes they have solid flavor and well balanced. If anything I think you errored on the underpowered side. For example I think Shrapnel Storm is significantly underpowered. If you compare it to Blinding Barrage a comparable first level rogue daily, it's extremely underpowered. Don't forget this is rogue class, the game designers have given that class larger [w] multipliers because it uses a smaller die. I would up the damage to 4[w] and add a minor condition like slow.

My only other comment is that Master's Shift and Master's Action are a bit repetitive, perfectly balanced but a bit boring. Maybe you can replace Master's Shift with this:

Tumbling Toss(16th level): As a standard action you may shift your speed and at anytime during your shift you make a single At-will attack with a light thrown weapon or sling.

This new power still keeps the mobility theme and ties in the old master thrower, while keeping the 11th level ability and the 16th level ability distinctly different. Just my two cents for what it's worth.

1. Yes, I had thought about that. Because I hadn't playtested it yet, I had no way to guage the powers effectiveness. Actually, rather than more damage, I think I might add a slow effect to targets hit.

2. The problem with Tumbling Toss is that Shifting your speed at-will is too over powered. Even without an attack in it, it's a bit to much. As it stands, with these two powers, you get a larger benifet from burning an action point right away, and the action shift is lingering effect for the encounter, and is a once every 2 encounter power.

The only problem is that in 3.5 not all master throwers were lithe & used light weapons. My Master Thrower had a high STR, Brutal Throw Feat (now unecessary in 4.0 as heavy thrown weapons add STR to hit anyway), and chucked harpoons (d10 dmg) at his enemies. Perhaps a build choice between light and heavy thrown weapons?

I'd thought about that, however, Paragon Paths seem very specific, and it doesn't lead much room to work with multiple builds. Instead, what might be a better option would be to make another path, off either a two-weapon ranger, or fighter that specialized in heavy thrown weapons (javelins, throwing hammers, and handaxes). Those classes better optomize strength, and usually don't follow the lithe character of this thrower.

Shouldn't that be "ongoing 10 damage (save ends)" ?

Just a grammer nit-pick... A precision, not an precision.

Again, grammer. "You must you..." should be "you must use..."

Other than that, very cool indeed.


Thanks for those, *edits accordingly*

Daily * Martial, Weapon
Standard Action Close
Burst 3
Target: Each creature in burst you can see.
Attack: Dexterity vs. AC
Hit: 3 [W] + Dexterity modifier damage.
Miss: Half damage.

I'm guessing you actually want this to be a close BLAST 3, not a burst, which hits everyone within 3 squares of the user of this power... It seems more reasonable (and useful) to fill an area in front of the user, than to completely surround the user.

No, I had the idea of Burst for a reason. I was envisioning a twirling character covering all sides of him, and preventing anything from getting closer. It was more like an emergancy (I'm surrounded) maneouver, and the rogues didn't have any burst attacks, so I thought it'd be nice.

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