Paridon Book II: A Taste For Power (Closed)


First Post
Gis meets with Sir Skyler Martell.

"Sir Martell, I'm glad to finally meet you. I've been working on the Gnomish New Year case, and Lord Abbott Gaston D'Marosso has agreed to be the magistrate for the case. He spoke quite highly of you, and your recommendations couldn't be more solid. We're glad to have you aboard.

I must feel fit to warn you, this position can be quite dangerous. Torhan was a model constable, and he will be missed. You will replace him. It will do the Rose Company good to have a noble in their ranks. A certain member has been known to be impulsive. But quite clearly, the Rose Company is the place to be.

Do you have any questions for me?"

"Ah, Chief Gis. It is a pleasure to meet you indeed. My father has spoken very highly of you in the past." The young warrior offers Gis an easy smile. "It doesn't happen often, so I made note, and remembered your name."

Brushing a stray piece of hair from his dark eyes, he turns serious. "I'll be honest with you...I love Paridon, but this city has become something of a pit. Their is too much vileness, too much corruption, and most of it right beneath the noses of the citizens. Yet they go on about their daily lives, completely oblivious to it. And the nobles...well, don't get me started on the shortcomings of the nobility." The young man shakes his head. "I have made a vow, upon my honor, upon my very life, to protect and defend those less fortunate, those that are weaker, than I am. I hope that among the Rose Company that I shall get the chance to do that. To contribute in my own way toward making Paridon a better place."

The young man smiles again at his new boss. "As far as questions go, what authority does Rose Company carry? I am familiar with the laws of the city and the limits of the authority of the basic constabulary, but I am taken to understand that Rose Company receives...ah, well, special considerations due to the general nature of their investigations."

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I plan on living forever. Or die trying.
Gis meets with Eugene Brasspin.

I'm glad you sought us out, your previous dealings with gnomes will come in handy. The Rose Company's present case deals with the Clocktower district, and we are presently holding a few locals who might not have cases built against them.

Tell me, how do you see your role in the Company? How are you going to support our efforts?"

"I'm sorry to hear that there are gnomes in the prison. They are usualy peaceful people, altough among them there is a family that has shadowy dealings and hands in most of dirty business in the city. I hear their manor recently burned and that every last one of them was killed. Pitty that.

I'm here because I want to make Paridon safer for innocent people. My parents have shop in the city and it's hard to think that they are at the receiving end of gang rackets and such.

I am very good at getting information from different people and for listening to the pulse of the city. If something needs to be found by listening on the streets, I'll be one of those informed about it. Also, I have some small skill in searching for clues, but I'm sure there are others that are better at it. I just make everything easier due to my roots."

[sblock=For InVinoVeritas]
I'd like to create a base for leadership feat next level. I think of followers as first levels thieves as informants, young nobles that were discretely sobered and removed from embarassing or dangerous situations in the gutters (Aristocrats) as contacts in high society and parents (expert and adept) as contacts in merchant area (altough this is less then optimal as they are 'barbarians' - outsiders), but still, they could also provide some alchemy as needed.

I would ask you to consider some herbal concoctions that they make in the alchemy shop. These could be true potions and such, but without instant benefits of magical potions. Or there could be unpleasant side effects.

For example: they could create healing salve that will ease pain of the burns and quicken the healing of burns (healing normal 1d8+1 for potion), BUT only for burn damage and with FORT save needed or either half effect of healing or somethink like ugly scarring or nausea or some such side effect.

Essentialy, these would be non-magical potions, but some of them would be almost poisonous and would require good stamina to weather them out (something that wasn't much of the problem in hardy barbarian people of thier former tribe, but is decidedly unpleasant in city dwellers). But, they are affordable, discreet and make some potions that are otherwise hard to get.

Will this be IC thread or we will start another thread after introductions? Is there RG thread and where did main story thread go after page 43 which ends suddenly after death of Aladavas automaton?
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First Post
IVV hasn't formally announced that recruitment is closed, but I would quess that it is. It appears he has already picked the PCs. There weren't many open spots, and there was a glut of interest.


It's not officially closed, yet.

However, it's quite crowded.

The "IC job interview" postings are part of the process, as I'm trying to make sure that the whole crew works well together. I'll start the actual IC thread soon.


Rhiannon blinked at the mention of her presence on the gang rosters and her expression masked a cold stare she gave for being compared to the thugs and criminals she both hunted(as of late), and was once prey to.

"I'm afraid your rosters are inaccurate, Mr. Gis, I am not a member of any gang... though perhaps the Irregulars you mentioned were one of those who have been trying to kill me of late. They don't take kindly to having their men in hiding located. As for why I'm here? I want to know if I ever have a child that she will not be beaten every day of her life growing out when she goes out to play. I want to know I don't need my husband teaching my daughter how to kill before she comes of age to even consider marriage," Her stoic, calm expression broke for a moment, a pair of tears welling in her eyes as she paused, before reclaiming her composure. "I will make this city safe for children or I'll die trying, Mr. Gis. Learning a few skills to do that better are always good... but that's a means to the end..."

Gis smiles broadly. "That's the passion I like to see. You'll do well with the group. Welcome to the Constabulary, and welcome to the Rose Company."


Cliff hikes up his pants and throws out his chest in pride as Gis mentions his home turf. "Aye, I used to be a brawler at the Lil Diversion, and I met me too many o' the hard working soldiers of this city to remember any names. We 'ad brawls every couple o' nights, and boy did they get messy" Cliff chuckles as he remembers some of his favorite brawls.

Cliff listens to Gis as he finishes his second question. "Oh, that be a toughy sir. This city be a fine place to live, and the people 'ere be very friendly." Cliff runs his hands through his beard as he contemplates the insightful question that was thrown his way. "Well sir, I would have to say I love the people o' this city more than a little. In a way, they 'elped raise me, since I was a tot. That be the reason I spend me nights on the streets, protecting those I see, who need protecting, and aye, I do love the job o' smacking them around." Cliff takes a moment to laugh at his own comment.

"I guess sir, that I be running out o' options. Street cleaning can only go so far, before those roughians decide to get a party going to run me through. I need both knowledge of the streets, and a bit o' help to put them dogs in their place. Sir... You have both."

Cliff slams his hands on the table in a passion. "I can take thier hits, and I can take their insults, but sir... I canno' allow them to hurt the people o' this city!"

Cliff takes a moment to collect himself before going on. "Sir, I need this job..."

Gis smirks. "You'll need discipline to survive in a job like this. The Rose Company has faced things that they could not merely 'smack.' Still, I appreciate your honesty, and your courage.

I'm letting you join the team. Keep a watchful eye out on the others, and on yourself. Don't lose yourself in too much. I can indeed show you many things you are capable of. However, you must be ready to learn. In this job, you may learn far sooner than you expect."


"Ah, Chief Gis. It is a pleasure to meet you indeed. My father has spoken very highly of you in the past." The young warrior offers Gis an easy smile. "It doesn't happen often, so I made note, and remembered your name."

Brushing a stray piece of hair from his dark eyes, he turns serious. "I'll be honest with you...I love Paridon, but this city has become something of a pit. Their is too much vileness, too much corruption, and most of it right beneath the noses of the citizens. Yet they go on about their daily lives, completely oblivious to it. And the nobles...well, don't get me started on the shortcomings of the nobility." The young man shakes his head. "I have made a vow, upon my honor, upon my very life, to protect and defend those less fortunate, those that are weaker, than I am. I hope that among the Rose Company that I shall get the chance to do that. To contribute in my own way toward making Paridon a better place."

The young man smiles again at his new boss. "As far as questions go, what authority does Rose Company carry? I am familiar with the laws of the city and the limits of the authority of the basic constabulary, but I am taken to understand that Rose Company receives...ah, well, special considerations due to the general nature of their investigations."

"The Rose Company is like any other branch of Paridon's police," Gis begins. "It has the power to make arrests, search homes and businesses for evidence of criminal activity, question citizens under suspicion, bring witnesses under protective custody, all that."

Gis stops a moment, seemingly lost in thought. He lets the unanswered hang in the air a moment.

"But, yes, there is more. The resources of Paridon are at your disposal. We are well equipped with a number of esoteric equipment that you may find useful, including firearms, a number of magical items, and other devices. Enforcers and Infiltrators are available as backup, should you need them. Don't be too greedy, but the nobles have watched out for the Company, and made available a host of items that, to be sure, I don't fully understand myself."

Gis inhales and grins. He stands up, pulls a decanter from a cabinet, and pours himself a glass of something brown and heady.

"As for behaviors, well... many people fear the police, and there are rumors of some very unsavory things that we will do in the name of justice. Without going into too much detail... remember we stand in the name of justice, and the Paridonese way. That is all. Welcome to the Rose Company, Sir Martell."

Gis downs the glass.


"I'm sorry to hear that there are gnomes in the prison. They are usualy peaceful people, altough among them there is a family that has shadowy dealings and hands in most of dirty business in the city. I hear their manor recently burned and that every last one of them was killed. Pitty that.

I'm here because I want to make Paridon safer for innocent people. My parents have shop in the city and it's hard to think that they are at the receiving end of gang rackets and such.

I am very good at getting information from different people and for listening to the pulse of the city. If something needs to be found by listening on the streets, I'll be one of those informed about it. Also, I have some small skill in searching for clues, but I'm sure there are others that are better at it. I just make everything easier due to my roots."

Will this be IC thread or we will start another thread after introductions? Is there RG thread and where did main story thread go after page 43 which ends suddenly after death of Aladavas automaton?

The IC thread will begin within a week, with a brand new thread.

(As for various alchemical substances and opportunities for Leadership, don't worry, you'll have plenty.)

Gis nods. "Very good, that is just the initiative we'll need for investigation. Welcome to the Rose Company."

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