Level Up (A5E) Parrying Counter --- multiple attacks on multiple misses?


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Parry Counter says "If the creature misses with one or more attacks against you before the start of your next turn, you can make a melee weapon attack against it.". If the foe misses twice, do I get to attack twice or must once?

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well, the reaction is used at the end of your turn, not when the attack is made.
I thought I worded that right. For Parrying Counter to work, the PC has to specify a reaction where they'll attack an opponent who attacks them and misses. Their reaction can occur on their turn or someone else's turn.

I thought I worded that right. For Parrying Counter to work, the PC has to specify a reaction where they'll attack an opponent who attacks them and misses. Their reaction can occur on their turn or someone else's turn.
Not really. The maneuver specifically says

" At the end of your turn, you can use your reaction to gain an expertise die to your AC against one creature you can see within reach. This increase to your AC only applies to the chosen creature and ends at the start of your next turn.

If the creature misses with one or more attacks against you before the start of your next turn, you can make a melee weapon attack against it."

So it's a reaction that you must take at the end of your turn, and it gives you bonus AC against one creature until the start of your next turn. If that creature attacks you and misses before that, you can make one attack against it. The reaction is spent immediately at the end of your turn though, so it locks you out of making opportunity attacks to other creatures for instance

Voidrunner's Codex

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