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[PATHFINDER] Paranormal Protection Agency (OOC)


First Post
Alright, I believe my character is done. Like I've said, I haven't played Pathfinder before, so I probably made some mistakes. Let me know and I'll correct them. I changed my mind a little bit and went Half-Elf instead of Elf, but the gist of it is the same.

[sblock=Velastri Kiirnodel]
Name: Velastri Kiirnodel
Player: Dragonwriter

Race: Half-Elf
Class: Ranger 5/Wizard 2/Arcane Archer 1 (+1 HP on all Ranger and Wizard levels)
Level: 8
XPs: 55,000 current/75,000 next level

Patron God: Corellon Larethian (if using that pantheon)
Alignment: Neutral Good
Str: 12
Dex: 24 (18 +2 levels +4 item)
Con: 14
Int: 20 (16+2 race +2 item)
Wis: 14
Cha: 10
HP: 95 (=50+12+10+16+7)
AC: 22 (+6 Dex, +0 Size, +5 Armor, +0 Shield, +1 Dodge)
Init: +7 (+2 in an urban environment)
Speed: 30 feet
BAB: +7/+2
Mel: +8
Rng: +14
Fort: +7 (=4+0+1+2)
Refl: +12 (=4+0+1+7)
Will: +6 (=1+3+0+2) (+2 against enchantment, immune to sleep effects)
Special Abilities
Race: Low-light vision, Adaptability (bonus Skill Focus feat), Elf blood, Elven immunities, Keen Senses, Multitalented (Ranger and Wizard)

Class: Ranger: Favored Enemy: Undead +4 and Aberration +2, Track, Wild Empathy +5, Combat Style (archery), Favored Terrain: Urban +2, Hunter’s Bond (Companions), Spells
Wizard: Arcane Bond (Familiar: Raven), Arcane School (Evocation, prohibited: Enchantment and Illusion), Cantrips
Arcane Archer: Enhance Arrows (magic)

Feats: Skill Focus (Stealth) (bonus), Point Blank Shot, Precise Shot (bonus), Rapid Shot, Endurance (bonus), Deadly Aim, Scribe Scroll (bonus), Weapon Focus (composite longbow)
Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic, Undercommon, Infernal, Celestial

Trained or Untrained: +X (=Rank + Stat Mod + Class Skill + Other)
Climb +9 (=5+1+3+0)
Handle Animal +8 (=5+0+3+0)
Heal +10 (=5+2+3+0)
Intimidate +8 (=5+0+3+0)
Knowledge (arcana) +10 (=3+4+3+0)
Knowledge (dungeoneering) +10 (=3+4+3+0)
Knowledge (engineering) +8 (=1+4+3+0)
Knowledge (geography) +10 (=3+4+3+0) +2 in an urban environment
Knowledge (history) +8 (=1+4+3+0)
Knowledge (local) +10 (=3+4+3+0)
Knowledge (nature) +10 (=3+4+3+0)
Knowledge (nobility) +8 (=1+4+3+0)
Knowledge (planes) +8 (=1+4+3+0)
Knowledge (religion) +10 (=3+4+3+0)
Perception +15 (=8+2+3+2) +2 in an urban environment
Spellcraft +9 (=2+4+3+0)
Stealth +19 (=8+5+3+3) +2 in an urban environment
Survival +13 (=8+2+3+0) +2 to find/follow tracks, +2 in an urban environment
Swim +6 (=2+1+3+0)

Bonus: Appraise +18 (=+8+4+3+3)
Magic Items (location, weight): +1 mithral chain shirt (2,100 GP, chest, 12.5 lbs.), +1 Ghost Touch Distance Comp. Longbow (+1 STR) (18,500 GP, weapon, 3 lbs.), Ring of Sustenance (2,500 GP, right middle finger), Belt of Incredible Dexterity +4 (16,000, belt), Headband of Vast Intelligence +2 (Skill: Appraise) (4,000, head), Handy Haversack (2,000 GP, back, 5 lbs.), 3 potions of Cure Moderate Wounds (CL 3, 900 GP, haversack), 5 potions of Cure Light Wounds (CL 1, 250 GP, haversack), Efficient Quiver (1,800 GP, back, 2 lbs.), Cloak of Resistance +1 (1,000 GP, back/shoulders, 1 lb.), 2 bottles of silversheen (500 GP, haversack))

Other Equipment:
Weapons: +1 Ghost Touch Distance Composite Longbow (+1 Str bonus) +16/+11 ranged or +14/+14/+9 ranged Rapid Shot, (1d8+2 piercing damage, x3 crit, 220 ft. range, 3 lbs.), Dagger +8/+3 melee (1d4+1, 19-20/x2 crit, 10 ft. range)

Armor, Clothes: +1 Mithral Chain Shirt (+5 AC, +6 Max Dex, 0 ACP, 10% ASF, 30 ft. speed, 12.5 lbs.), wooden holy symbol (around neck), spell component pouch (on belt), Traveler’s Outfit

Container: Handy Haversack main pocket

Contents: bedroll, silk rope (50 ft.), 3 empty sacks, 2 spellbooks (1 empty, other has 73 pages open), small steel mirror,

Container: Handy Haversack right pocket

Contents: 3 potions of CMW, 5 potions of CLW, 3 flasks of acid, 2 tanglefoot bags, 2 thunderstones, 4 pieces of chalk, 3 vials of ink, 2 ink pens, 5 sheets of paper, 2 bottles of silversheen

Container: Handy Haversack left pocket

Contents: coinage

Container: Efficient Quiver

Contents: 60 arrows

PP: 13
GP: 22
SP: 13
CP: 6
Gems/Other: 0
Light: 0-43 lbs.
Medium: 44-86 lbs.
Heavy: 87-130 lbs.
Current: ~25 lbs.
Name Merrix Race Raven Type Animal
HD 1(/8) Hp 47 Spd 10 ft, fly 40 (average) AC 15
Atk bite +11 Dam 1d3-4
SA SQ low-light vision AL N
Saves: F: 4/ R: 7/ W: 6
Str 2 Dex 15 Con 8 Int 6 Wis 15 Cha 7
Skills & Feats: Fly +5, Perception +6, Skill Focus (Perception), Weapon Finesse
Able to speak Common

Magic (Ranger Spells Prepared)
Caster Level: 1
Spells per day: 2
Lvl 1 Spells (DC 13): resist energy, longstrider
Magic (Wizard Spells Prepared)
Caster Level: 2
Spells per day: 3/3+1
Lvl 0 Spells (DC 15): detect magic, acid splash, dancing lights
Lvl 1 Spells (DC 16): shield, ray of enfeeblement, grease, burning hands (evocation)
Spellbook Contains:
Lvl 0 Spells: resistance, acid splash, detect magic, detect poison, read magic, dancing lights, flare, light, ray of frost, bleed, disrupt undead, touch of fatigue, mage hand, mending, message, open/close, arcane mark, prestidigitation
Lvl 1 Spells: shield, grease, detect undead, true strike, burning hands, magic missile, enlarge person, expeditious retreat, ray of enfeeblement
Description (include Age, gender, height, weight, physical description):

Velastri is a very young-looking half-elf, despite his reasonable (for a half-elf) age of 34. He stands a moderate 5’8” and weighs about 140 pounds. He is slightly muscular, but certainly not bulging. His bright green eyes always seem to survey any room he walks into, observing small details and making mental notes of just about everything he sees at all times. He keeps his light brown hair short, so it doesn’t get in his eyes on a search. His skin is of a pale hue, sometimes making him a little more visible in the shadows. He favors his father’s elf nature a bit more than his human side, showing in his distinctly almond-shaped eyes and slightly pointed ears.

His demeanor is generally quiet, though curious. He could certainly be called blunt, which is often why he tries to leave delicate matters of words in the hands of those more capable. Velastri also seems to be able to just slip into shadows, and never leaves any foot trail behind himself in the city.

He generally wears a plain light-colored shirt underneath a fine set of mithral chain links, his only protection apart from his nimble movements. A well-used pack hangs on his back, along with a well-crafted quiver, wrapped in leather with a design of a storm of arrows along it. A small, ordinary dagger adorns his belt, which itself has a buckle shaped like a lithe cat. Most often, he has a beautiful composite bow slung over one shoulder, able to jump to his hand at any time in an instant. Sometimes, the bow seems to have parts of it fade away, only to return the next second you look at it.
Velastri, as a half-elf, was always of two worlds. His father was an elf hunter of some skill, by the name of Erranii Kiirnodel, while his mother was a human (called Lyra) with a little magical knowledge. As a child, he was usually somewhat quiet, as he still is, but would always watch (and help as best he could) each parent go about their daily business, his mother keeping their unusual house as clean as she could (between her own notes and books, and his father’s hunting trophies, it was usually a mess), and his when his father returned home from each hunt, little Velastri would help to skin the animal and dress it for cooking or storage. In their little forest-surrounded home, it was pleasant and stayed that way for some time.

As Velastri grew, he began to accompany his father on hunting trips, learning the same skills. He showed great skill with bows and had keen eyes and ears. Even as a boy, he was quick in both mind and body. However, even his quickness wasn’t enough when, at the age of 18, one of the hunts went badly. Velastri and his father had been hunting a wild boar through the woods. It had been wounded by a few arrows from the two and was charging recklessly through the forest. Erranii was faster, more at home in the undergrowth, and while it was usually a boon, this time it cost him. Velastri’s father broke out into a clearing and found the remains of the boar, the beast having been set upon and shredded by a pack of ghouls, and the undead now turned their attention to the elf man. Erranii fought well, but was badly injured by the time Velastri arrived. The son cried out in fear, but soon regained his nerve (and at his father’s urgings and calls for help) and began shooting the undead abominations. Together, father and son killed the things, though Erranii was to be scarred for life. The ghouls had managed to swarm him and chewed off one hand, broken a leg and mauled him all over. He would never hunt again, would have to find a less-physical life, for Velastri couldn’t hunt to feed three.

So the family packed up their belongings and money and moved to a far larger city (staying with the family of Lyra’s brother), where Erranii could get some work, even as a cripple, for the older elf had been strong nonetheless. Eventually, with Lyra caretaking her husband and finding employment as a librarian for a good-sized magic school in the city, Erranii doing whatever odd-jobs he could get, and Velastri helping with both, they could afford their own small house in the city. But even while all this happened, Velastri felt a hatred in his heart and a desire to find and destroy all the undead monstrosities in the world…

Since then, he left home and took to the road, working as a mercenary archer and adventurer, always pursuing business to deal with destroying undead and unnatural things. He studied the ways of magic, and was quite talented with it, his inquisitive and keen mind grasping the way it worked (and even bonding with an unusual raven, which he named Merrix), but he always preferred archery anyways. However, he has recently learned how one complements the other and puts it to good use. He regularly sends money home to help his parents out, writing them letters and telling of what he’s doing, where he is, and such things. He leaves out the worst details of his work, though, as he often searches for things that send others fleeing. And then he found out about the Paranormal Protection Agency, something that seemed perfect for his talents at destroying the unnatural…

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First Post
Looks good Dragonwriter. I'll have to await Monday for a complete review. Due to the holiday, I'll be offline until then. Otherwise, I hope to get this game underway with I/C posts (and thread, etc), next week.


Thanks again for everyone's interest. I believe I have the minimum number of PC's needed to move forward:

Glasseye (tentative?)
Shayuri (tentative?)

That I have 2 as tentative means they account for a slot until they bow-out. This leaves 2 slots (Max) remaining and available.


First Post
If you can cope with another, I've been waiting to try out Pathfinder for ages (ordered the book from Amazon and it only arrived in the week before Xmas...).

At the moment my internet access is sporadic - I'm using mobile at my folks' place but they are in a low signal area so it drops off a lot. Weather permitting I should be back at my own place by the 3rd/4th where that isn't an issue.

I see Dragonwriter's nice Arcane Archer, and a halfling rogue and a sorcerer from other players. Looks like we are short of a bit of fight power - not my normal role but I'm sure I can come up with something ;)

I notice you say nothing beyond pfsrd at the start (good - I thought excessive splattery was one of the reasons 3.5 got out of hand...). Can I check that you don't want a character using any of the Advanced Player's Guide classes that are in open playtest on the Paizo boards at the moment (there are 6 new base classes, free pdf downloads on the site)?

If they are not allowed, no problem, but as the playtest is still active it might be an opportunity to see how one of the new classes plays. Inquisitor might go well with a paladin...

And thanks for offering to run.
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First Post
You've piqued my interest. I'll take a look at the current character prospects, and I can have a character ready later tonight. Sound good?

Think I'd enjoy a chance to try out an Exorcist of sorts, conducting elaborate rituals, driving out spirits, the whole kit. Room for a Mystic Theurge?
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First Post
New player

I'd be interested as well, if you have room.
I'm new to PBP, but I've been around the table for 7 years.
If you have a spot open, I'm thinking I would like to try a dwarven druid or fighter. Ill post one tonight.
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First Post
Work in progress

Name: Shard
Player: Shayuri

Race: Human
Class: Sorceror (Celestial)
Level: 8
XPs: 55,000 current/75,000 next level

Patron God:
Alignment: Neutral Good
Str: 8
Dex: 16
Con: 16
Int: 12
Wis: 14
Cha: 22 (+2 racial, +2 levelup)
HP: 8d6+24
AC: 14 (+3 Dex, +0 Size, +0 Armor, +0 Shield, +1 Dodge)
Init: +3
Speed: 30 feet
BAB: +4
Mel: +3
Rng: +7
Fort: +5 (=2+3)
Refl: +5 (=2+3)
Will: +8 (=6+2)
Special Abilities
Race: Bonus Feat, Bonus skill points

Class: Celestial Sorceror
Holy Light - +7 ranged touch, 30', 10/day, 1d4+4 dmg to evil, heal to good
Celestial Resistances: Acid 5, Cold 5
Bloodline Arcana: Summons get 1/2 lvl DR/evil (DR 4/evil)
Bloodline Feats: Dodge
Bonus Spells: Bless, Resist Energy, Magic Circle vs Evil
Race Bonus: Point Blank Shot
Class Bonus: Dodge
1 Precise Shot
3 Spell Focus: Conjuration
5 Augment Summons
7 Empower Spell
Trained or Untrained: +X (=Rank + Stat Mod + Class Skill + Other)
Fly +9 (3 + 3 + 3)
Intimidate +18 (8 + 7 + 3)
Knowledge: Arcana +12 (8 + 1 + 3)
Spellcraft +12 (8 + 1 + 3)
Use Magic Device +15 (5 + 7 + 3
Sorceror Caster Level 8, base DC 17+lvl
1 - 6/6, 2 - 6/6, 3 - 5/5, 4 - 3/3
0 - Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Message, Mending, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1 - Shield, Magic Missile, Identify, True Strike, Unseen Servant, Bless
2 - Resist Energy, Alter Self, Invisibility, Glitterdust
3 - Magic Circle vs Evil, Fireball, Suggestion
4 - Summon Monster IV

Magic Items

Other Equipment:

PP: 13
GP: 22
SP: 13
CP: 6
Gems/Other: 0
Light: 0-43 lbs.
Medium: 44-86 lbs.
Heavy: 87-130 lbs.
Current: ~25 lbs.
Description (include Age, gender, height, weight, physical description):



Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Working on Airard, Halfling Rogue 8. I've got him stated out and equipped, just need to put together a background. Hopefully I'll have him posted later today.


Recruiting is closed now huh? Dang it. I'll throw my name in for an alt if you ever need one or if someone bows out. I'll be more than happy to play any "spot" that isn't filled.

Good luck and have fun everyone!


First Post
Fighter build.

Here is a dwarven fighter if there is still room in the party. Randell is a defensive (I know its not optimum) fighter who specializes in protecting others. He is very aware that teamwork is the best way to defeat any challenge. He can hold his own in a slug fest, but he shines in holding the hordes at bay while is allies decimate them from behind is broad back and shield.

I'll get a background edited in tomarrow.

[sblock]Name: Randell
Player: BoB101

Race: Dwarf
Class: Fighter
Level: 8
XPs: 55,000 current/75,000 next level

Patron God:
Alignment: Neutral Good
Str: 18
Dex: 14
Con: 20 (+2 racial, +2 levelup, +2 item)
Int: 14
Wis: 14 (+2 racial)
Cha: 10 (-2 racial)
HP: 8d10+40 (con) + 8 (toughness) = 128 maxed
AC: 32 (+2 Dex, +0 Size, +10 Armor, +8 Shield, +1 deflection, +1 natural armor)
DR 3/- from dwarven plate
25% chance of negating crits and sneak attacks (light fortification)
Init: +1
Speed: 20 feet
BAB: +8/+3
Mel: +13/+8 (8BAB+4Str.+-2 tower sheild +1weapon focus (flails) +1 weapon training (Flails) + 1 Flail)
CMB: + 12 (8 BAB +4 Str)
CMB Trip:+18 (8BAB+4Str +1 weapon training (Flails), +4 greater trip,.+-2 tower sheild +1weapon focus (flails) +1 weapon training (Flails) + 1 Flail)
CMD: + 24 (8 BaB +4 Str +2 Dex + 10) (+4 dwarven stability)
Rng: +9
Fort: +13 (=6 base+5 con+2 item) (+2 against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities)
Refl: +6 (=2 base+2 ref +2 item) (+2 against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities)
Will: +6 (=2 base+2 wis+2 item) (+2 against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities) (+2 vs. Fear, fighter bravery)
Special Abilities
Slow and Steady,
Darkvision: 60 feet,
+4 dodge bonus to AC against giant subtype,
+2 racial bonus on Appraise skill checks made to determine the price of nonmagical goods that contain precious metals or gemstones.
+1 bonus on attack rolls against orc and goblinoid subtypes.
+2 racial bonus on saving throws against poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
+4 racial bonus to their Combat Maneuver Defense when resisting a bull rush or trip attempt while standing on the ground.
+2 bonus on Perception checks to potentially notice unusual stonework, such as traps and hidden doors located in stone walls or floors. They receive a check to notice such features whenever they pass within 10 feet of them, whether or not they are actively looking.
Dwarves are proficient with battleaxes, heavy picks, and warhammers, and treat any weapon with the word “dwarven” in its name as a martial weapon.
Languages: Dwarves begin play speaking Common and Dwarven. Dwarves with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following: Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Orc, Terran, and Undercommon.

Class: Fighter
Bravery +2
Armor training 2 (+2 to max dex of armor, -2 to armor check pen.)
Weapon Training (+1 to attack, damage, and CMC for Flails)
Bonus Feats: weapon focus (Flail), step up, shield focus, greater shield focus, Combat expertise

Class Bonus: weapons focus (Flail), step up, shield focus, greater shield focus, Combat expertise
1 toughness
3 Improved Trip (+2 trip)
5 Weapon specialization (+2 damage to flails)
7 Greater Trip (+2 Trip, attack of opportunity)
Common, dwarven, gnome, Orc

Appraise +6 = INT 2+4+0
Climb* +11 = STR 4+4+3
Craft +9 = INT 2+4+3
Disguise +0 = CHA 0+0+0
Handle Animal +6 = CHA 0+3+3
Heal +2 = WIS 2+0+0
Intimidate +5 = CHA 0+2+3
K (Dungeoneering) +11 = INT 2+6+3
K (Engineering) +9 = INT 2+4+3
Perception +5 = WIS 2+3+0
Survival +7 = WIS 2+2+3
Armor check pen. = -14 with shield, -4 without shield
Magic Items
+1 Dwarven plate w/ light fortification 21500
+2 Tower shield = 180 + 4000 = 4180
+1 Flail 2158
handy haversack 2000
ring of protection +1 2000
Amulet of natural armor +1 2000
Belt of mighty constitution +2 4000
Cloak of resistance +2 4000
Potion of cure serious
Potion of cure light X2
Potion of bulls strength
Potion of cure mod.
Potion of enlarge person X3
Potion of Expeditious Retreat x2
Potion of Disguise Self
Potion of protection from arrows
Potion of mirror image
Potion of levitate X2
Heavy crossbow w/20 bolts
Ring of sustanance
Smoke stick X2

Other Equipment:
5 sq yd Canvas, Silk rope, masterwoork tools, caltrups, trail rations x4 ,

PP: 207
GP: 1
SP: 5
CP: 0
Gems/Other: 0
Light: 0-100 lbs.
Medium: 101-200 lbs.
Heavy: 201-300 lbs.
Current: ~ lbs.
Description (include Age, gender, height, weight, physical description):


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My rolls:
4d6.minroll(2).takeHighest(3)=11, 4d6.minroll(2).takeHighest(3)=15, 4d6.minroll(2).takeHighest(3)=10, 4d6.minroll(2).takeHighest(3)=16, 4d6.minroll(2).takeHighest(3)=15, 4d6.minroll(2).takeHighest(3)=16

Turns out to be 83 points. Coulda been a lot worse. ;) The rest is a work in progress.

Note: gear isn't calculated into stats yet, need normal non-magical equipments, and need history (which is in my head...).

*Gear is now calculated into her stats.

[sblock]Korva of Clan Keduhl, the Stonefist

LN female dwarf monk 5, shadowdancer 3
Favored Class monk; XP 55,000
Init +3; Senses Darkvision 90 ft., Perception +15
AC 22, touch 20, flat-footed 22 (+2 armor, +3 Dex, +4 Wis, +2 spc., +1 dodge)
hp 96 (8d8+32)
Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +9
Defensive Abilities +2 saves vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities; +2 saves vs, enchantment spells and effects; immunity to disease, +4 AC (dodge) vs. giant subtype, +4 AC (dodge) vs. AoO caused by movement.
Speed 30 ft.
Melee unarmed strike +10 (1d10+5/x2) or
Melee quarterstaff +10 (1d6+5/x2)
+1 Ghost Touch Quarterstaff [Melee +11 (1d6+6/x2)] or
Melee handaxe +10 (1d6+5/x3) or
Melee flurry of blows +10/+10 (dmg. by weapon) or
Ranged shuriken +8 (1d2+5/x2) or
Ranged flurry of blows (shuriken) +8/+8 (1d2+5/x2)
Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks flurry of blows, stunning fist, scorpion style, +3 additional attacks of opportunity, +1 to hit orc and goblin subtypes,
Str 20, Dex 16, Con 18, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 9
Base Atk +5; CMB +12 (+14 to grapple); CMD 28 (30 to avoid grapple; 32 to resist bull rush & trip while on the ground)
Feats Improved Unarmed Strike, Combat Reflexes, Dodge, Stunning Fist, Improved Grapple, Mobility, Scorpion Style (DC 18), Spring Attack
Skills (Ranks) Acrobatics +14 (jump +15) (8), Climb +11 (3), Craft (cloth) +0 (0), Craft (weapons) +8 (5), Perception +15 (8), Perform (dance) +4 (2), Perform (wind) +3 (1), Sense Motive +15 (8), Stealth +14 (8)
Languages Common, Dwarven
Ability Score modifiers: +2 Con, +2 Wis, -2 Chr
Medium sized
Slow and Steady
: Base speed 20 ft., not modified by encumbrance.
Darkvision: 60 ft. range
Defensive Training: +4 AC (dodge) vs. giant subtype
Greed: +2 Appraise to determine cost of nonmagical goods with metal/gems.
Hatred: +1 to hit orc and goblin subtypes.
Hardy: +2 saves vs. poison, spells, and spell-like abilities.
Stability: +4 CMD when resisting bull rush and trip while on the ground.
Stonecunning: +2 Perception to notice unusual stonework. Auto-check within 10 ft.
Weapon Familiarity: Proficient with battleaxe, heavy picks, and warhammers. ‘Dwarven’ weapons considered martial weapons.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Proficient with club, crossbow, dagger, handaxe, javelin, kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, shortspear, short sword, shuriken, siangham, sling and spear. NOT proficient with armor or shield.
AC bonus (Ex): Add Wis bonus to AC and CMD. +1 AC at 4th level [+2 w/robe].
Flurry of Blows (Ex): Flurry of Blows as full-attack action. May use disarm, sunder and trip maneuvers in place of unarmed attack.
Unarmed Strike: Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat; 1d8 damage [1d10 w/robe]; lethal or nonlethal (even when grappling).
Bonus feat: Combat Reflexes (1), Dodge (2).
Stunning Fist (Ex): Stunning Fist as bonus feat. May cause fatigued condition instead.
Usable 5/day [+1 w/robe]. DC 18 (Fort)
Evasion (Ex): Successful save vs. half-damage area-effect attack equals no damage.
Fast Movement (Ex): +10 ft. to speed
Maneuver Training (Ex): Use monk level instead of BAB for CMB.
Still Mind (Ex): +2 save vs. enchantment spells and effects.
Ki Pool (Su): 6 Ki points; as long as one point remains in pool, ki strike allows unarmed attacks to be treated as magic weapons for overcoming DR.
One ki point cost (swift action):
-- +1 attack at highest bonus when using flurry of blows, or
-- +20 feet to speed for one round, or
-- +4 AC (dodge) for one round, or
-- +20 Acrobatics (jump) for one round.
Slow Fall (Ex): When within reach of wall, treats falls as if 20 feet less.
High Jump (Ex): Adds monk level to Acrobatics (jump) checks. Always considered to have running start.
Purity of Body (Ex): Immunity to all diseases, including supernatural and magical.

Hide in Plain Sight (Su): Can Stealth while observed (must be within 10 feet of dim light)
Evasion (Ex): Successful save vs. half-damage area-effect attack equals no damage.
Darkvision (Ex): +30 feet range.
Uncanny Dodge (Ex): Cannot be caught flat-footed.
Rogue Talent: Stand Up: Stand up from prone as a free action.
Shadow Illusion (Sp): As silent image spell (CL 3) 1/day.
Summon Shadow (Su): Summons a shadow companion (LN, cannot create spawn).

Weapons: +1 Ghost Touch Quarterstaff (8,600gp, weapon, 4 lbs.)
[Melee +11 (1d6+6/x2)];
Adamantine handaxe (3,006gp, weapon, 3 lbs.)
[Melee +11 (1d6+5/x3) ignores hardness less than 20];
5 shurikens (1gp, head: in hair, .5 lbs.)
Armor/Clothes: Monk’s Robe (13,000gp, body, 1 lb.) [AC & unarmed dmg. at +5 levels; +1 stunning attack/day]; Belt of Giant Strength +4 (16,000gp, belt, 1 lb.); Bracers of Armor +2 (4,000gp, wrists, 1 lb.)
Other Magic/Gear: Pipes of Sounding (1,800gp, --, 3 lbs.) [equivalent to ghost sound when played]; Handy Haversack (2,000gp, --, 5 lbs.); Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds (x3) (900gp) [heals 2d8+3]
Monies: 694 gold
Baggage: 21.5 lbs. (light load up to 76 lbs.)

Str 20 (15 +1 level, +4 magic)
Dex 16
Con 18 (15 +2 racial, +1 level)
Int 10
Wis 18 (16 +2 racial)
Chr 9 (11 -2 racial)
1: Improved Grapple
3: Mobility
4: +1 Str
5: Scorpion Style
7: Spring Attack
8: +1 Con[/sblock]

Pyoter Padfoot
LN Medium undead (incorporeal)
Init +2; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8

AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+2 deflection, +2 Dex, +1 dodge)
hp 48 (half Korva’s total)
Fort +5, Ref +8, Will +6
Defensive Abilities incorporeal, channel resistance +2, +4 Will saves made to halve damage from channeled positive energy, cannot be turned or commanded
Immune undead traits

Speed fly 40 ft. (good)
Melee incorporeal touch +7 (1d6 Strength damage)

Str —, Dex 14, Con —, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 15
Base Atk +5; CMB +7; CMD 17
Feats Dodge, Skill Focus (Perception)
Skills Fly +11, Perception +8, Stealth +8 (+12 in dim light,
+4 in bright light); Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth in dim light
(–4 in bright light)

Strength Damage (Su) A shadow's touch deals 1d6 points of
Strength damage to a living creature. This is a negative
energy effect. A creature dies if this Strength damage equals
or exceeds its actual Strength score.[/sblock]


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