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[PATHFINDER] Paranormal Protection Agency (OOC)


First Post
Actually, regardless of a yes to the playtest classes, I'm looking at a Monk/Paladin. Not even sure if it will work, but I like the changes that have been made to both under PF, couldn't decide between them, so let's see how well (or more likely badly!) they combine. Probably just go 4/4. Oh, and I lke the fact that none of the other PCs seem to be optimised all to hell so I think this has got the makings of a really neat group.

Glasseye, your original idea had monk in it. I'm not stepping on your toes with this am I? I'm looking at a mobility monk - the Spring Attack chain - so even if you are thinking about monk, maybe we can still have different areas of expertise.

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I've been working on a Monk 5 / Shadowdancer 3 (done except for equipment actually; just need to get her posted). Shadowdancer prereq's include Dodge and Mobility so I was planning on taking the whole Spring Attack chain myself :lol:. I was originally considering ranged but couldn't work it to my satisfaction with the Shadowdancer so I scrapped it for Spring Attack (especially since I was nearly there because of SD anyway).

However, it won't bother me any if you want to continue working up your concept complete with Spring Attack. I have mine primarily to help the rogue set up sneak attack or flanking with anybody else.


First Post
Hey GlassEye

I've been going over various options and have two or three alternatives. The Mobility chain makes a lot of sense for a Shadowdancer type and working with the rogue will be great to see so go for i!

I agree there is nothing stopping us both doing it, but I like to try and let everybody have their 'thing' so I'll go for something else.

I'm just off to tweak a few things and start work on my background. Look forward to seeing your build.


First Post
Recruitment Closed


I've not had a moment to descry the nature of the recent postings. Regardless, as quick review looked to have had a few additional requests for this game. As such - recruitment is closed.

I'll be posting the group roster in approximately 12 hours though I'm leaning towards a smaller party to empower the various PC's with effectiveness in action. I've found that too large a group can diminish the feeling of involvement.


Playtested items: I'm not in the habit of playtesting via PbP and wont be making an exception this time out, either.

- MD



First Post
Okey dokey, here's the nonsense that's been rolling round inside my head for a couple of days.

I present Miss Helena Blackwell

Name: Helena Blackwell
Player: grufflehead

Race: Female Human
Class: Monk/Paladin (favoured class, extra skill pt)
Level: 4/4
XPs: 55,000 current/75,000 next level

Patron God:
Alignment: Lawful Good
Str: 20 (16 base + 2 levels + 2 belt)
Dex: 14 (12 base + 2 belt)
Con: 14 (12 base + 2 belt)
Int: 10
Wis: 20 (16 base + 2 racial bonus + 2 headband)
Cha: 20 (18 base + 2 headband)
HP: 88 (4 x 8 + 4 x 10 + 8 x 2)
AC: 22 (2 Dex + 5 Wis + 2 Monk + 1 Dodge + 1 armour + 1 deflection)
Touch AC: 21
Flat-footed: 20
Init: +2
Speed: 40 feet
BAB: +7 (+8 when using flurry of blows or monk maneuvres)
Mel: +14/+9 (+13/+13/+8 flurry of blows),
Damage: D10 + 6
Rng: +8
CMB: +13/+15 Grapple (10 + 8 BAB + 5 Str (+2 feat))
CMD: +30/+32 vs Grapple (10 + 7 BAB + 5 Str + 2 Dex + 5 Wis + 1 Monk (+2 feat))
Fort: +16 (+ 4 monk + 4 paladin + 2 Con + 1 Cloak + 5 Divine Grace)
Refl: +15 (+ 4 monk + 1 paladin + 2 Dex + 1 Cloak + 5 Divine Grace + 2 feat)
Will: +19 (+21) (+ 4 monk + 4 paladin + 5 Wis + 1 Cloak + 5 Divine Grace (+2 vs enchantments))
Special Abilities
Race: Bonus Feat, Bonus skill points

1 Blind Fighting
1 Dodge (Monk Bonus)
1 Weapon Focus:Unarmed (Human Bonus)
2 Improved Grapple (Monk Bonus)
3 Lightning Reflexes
5 Extra Mercy (cure sickened with Lay on Hands)
7 Endurance
Languages: Common

Diplomacy + 16 (8 ranks + 3 class skill + 5 Cha)
Intimidate + 9 (1 ranks + 3 class skill + 5 Cha)
Sense Motive + 16 (8 ranks + 3 class skill + 5 Wis)
Perception + 14 (6 ranks + 3 class skill + 5 Wis)
Profession (child psychologist) + 9 (1 rank + 3 class skill + 5 Wis)
Handle Animal + 9 (1 rank + 3 class skill + 5 Cha)
Heal + 18 (8 ranks + 3 class skill + 5 Wis + 2 kit)
Climb + 9 (1 ranks + 3 class skill + 5 Str)
Swim + 9 (1 ranks + 3 class skill + 5 Str)
Perform (harpsichord) + 9 (1 rank + 3 class skill + 5 Cha)

Class Abilities:
Aura of Good
Detect Evil 60' at will
Smite Evil 2/day - swift action, against evil foes add CHA bonus
to hit, paladin level to damage (double damage vs evil outsiders,
evil dragons and undead), attack bypasses DR, CHA deflection bonus
to AC vs target of smite until opponent dead
Divine Grace - + CHA bonus to saves
Lay on Hands 7/day - heals 2D6 and removes shaken and sickened conditions
Aura of Courage - immune to fear, allies within 10' gain +4
to saves
Divine Health - immune to disease
Channel Positive Energy - 2D6 positive energy burst in 30'R,
uses 2 x Lay on Hands
AC bonus - add Wis bonus to AC and CMD. +1 at 4th level.
Flurry of Blows - flurry of Blows as full-attack action, uses full BAB
May use disarm, sunder and trip maneuvers in place of unarmed attack.
Unarmed Strike - may do lethal or nonlethal with fists (even when grappling).
Stunning Fist 6/day - DC 19 Fort save, may cause fatigued condition instead.
Evasion - successful Reflex save vs. attack equals no damage.
Fast Movement (+10 ft. to speed)
Maneuver Training - use monk level instead of BAB for CMB.
Still Mind +2 save vs. enchantment spells and effects.
Ki Pool (7 Ki points) - as long as one point remains in pool, ki strike
allows unarmed attacks to be treated as magic weapons for overcoming DR.
One ki point cost (swift action):
-- +1 attack at highest bonus when using flurry of blows, or
-- +20 feet to speed for one round, or
-- +4 AC (dodge) for one round, or
-- +20 Acrobatics (jump) for one round.
Slow Fall - when within reach of wall, treats falls as if 20 feet less.

Magic Items
Amulet of Mighty Fists (adds Bane:Undead to unarmed strikes) - 5,000
Monk's Robe (unarmed damage and AC as if +5 levels, 1 extra use
per day of Stunning Fist) - 13,000
Belt of Physical Perfection (+2 - Str, Dex and Con) - 16,000
Headband of Mental Prowess (+2 - Wis and Cha) - 10,000
Cloak of Resistance + 1 - 1,000
Pearl of Power (1st level) - 1,000
Ring of Protection + 1 - 2,000
Bracers of Armour + 1 - 1,000
Potions - Mage Armour x 2 - 100
- Protection from Evil - 50
- Enlarge Person - 50
- Jump - 50
- Magic Weapon - 50
- Remove Fear - 50
- Sanctuary - 50
- Comprehend Languages - 50
- Speak with Animals - 50
Scrolls - Bless Weapon x 4 - 100

1 x 1st level - Lesser Restoration
Other Equipment:
Antitoxin x 2 - 100
Healer's Kit - 50
Holy Water x 2 - 50
Misc kit (backpack, tinderbox etc) - 100

GP: 100
Light: 0 - 133
Medium: 134 - 266
Heavy: 267 - 400


I'll post a fuller background tomorrow (assuming I get home safely!) but in essence:

Helena Blackwell is a middle aged human woman who spends her days working with orphans and other disturbed children in whichever campaign city we start in. While her own past is shrouded in mystery (there are some skeletons in her own closet) she has been employed for the past few years at an orphanage/sanitarium in town.

As well as dealing with the mental ailments of the children she is quite adept at physical treatment also, but recently one case has had her perplexed - a young girl who has been suffering from peculiar nightmares. Unable to draw out the child's fears, Helena has been researching the issue and thinks the child may be suffering from, if not 'possession' in the classic sense, some malady of the spirit.

She has become aware of the Paranormal Protection Agency and hopes to solicit their aid in this case. Perhaps she might join up with them in the hopes of meeting someone with more experience in matters supernatural? She may look like a prim middle aged spinster (yes, I know from her stats she can bench press a horse and cart - I'm considering it 'technique and leverage' rather than Incredible Hulk-like muscle power!), but in her younger years she was no stranger to adventure herself, so any newfound companions may find that looks can be deceptive...
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Maidhc O Casain

Na Bith Mo Riocht Tá!
Airard Teimhnin (Halfling Rogue 08)

Name Pronunciation: AIR ard TEV nin

IC Posting Conventions:
"Color & Quotes" = Speech
Color & Italics = Thoughts

  Name: Airard Teimhnin            Age: 25
 Class: Rogue                   Height: 3'
  Race: Halfling                Weight: 33 lbs
  Size: Small                     Hair: Black
Gender: Male                      Eyes: Emerald
 Align: Neutral Good              Skin: Olive
 Deity: Panthiest

Str: 14 +1      Level:  08             XP:  55000/75000
Dex: 22 +6        BAB: +06/+01         HP:  72
Con: 12 +1        CMB: +11            ACP: -00
Int: 18 +4        CMD: +26        Dmg Red:  0/anything
Wis: 14 +2      Speed:  20'     Spell Res:  None
Cha: 10 +0       Init: +06     Spell Save:  NA

                Total  Base   Mod  Misc   Special
Fort:             4     2     +1    +1    Halfling Luck (+1 All Saves)
Ref:             13     6     +6    +1    Fearless (+2 Saves vs. Fear)
Will:             5     2     +2    +1    +2 Reflex Saves vs. Traps

    AC:     Total  Base  Armor  Shld   Dex  Size   Def   Nat  CExp
              27    10     +7    +0    +6   +1     +1    +0    +2

            Touch AC: 20    Flatfooted AC: 19    AC vs. Traps: +2

Weapon                  Attack    Damage*    Critical     Special
Achrann (Spiked Chain)  +12/+07   1d6+4          20/x2     +2 TH/+2d6 Damage
Sling (+1)              +14/+09   1d3+3          20/x2     Range: 80'
Short Sword             +11/+06   1d4+2       19-20/x2     
Dagger (Thrown)         +11/+06   1d3+2       19-20/x2     Range: 10'

                                 *Sneak Attack: +4d6

Languages: Common, Abyssal, Aklo, Aquan, Auran, Common, Dwarven, Elven
           Goblin, Halfling, Ignan, Infernal, Orc, Terran, Undercommon

Halfling Traits:
    * +2 DEX, +2 CHA, -2 STR
    * Small (+1 AC, +1 Attack, -1  CMB/CMD, +4 Stealth)
    * Slow (Base Speed 20')
    * Keen Senses (+2 Perception)
    * Sure Footed (+2 Acrobatics & Climb)
    * Halfling Luck (+1 all Saving Throws)
    * Fearless (+2 Saves vs. Fear)
    * Weapon Familiarity (Prof. w/ Slings; 'Halfling' weapons are Martial)
    * Favored Class (Rogue)

Rogue Abilities:
    * Proficiencies: Simple Weapons, Hand Crossbow, Rapier, Sap, Shortbow,
                     Short Sword; Light Armor
    * Sneak Attack (+4d6 Damage vs. No Dex AC Adj/Flanked)
    * Trapfinding (+4 Perception/Disable Device Checks vs. Traps)
    * Evasion (No Damage if saves vs. ½ Damage)
    * Trap Sense (+2 Reflex Saves vs. Traps, +2 AC vs. Traps)
    * Improved Uncanny Dodge (Cannot be caught Flat Footed, Cannot be Flanked)
    * Rogue Talents:
      *  Ledge Walker (Walk on narrow surfaces at full speed; Not Flat Footed
                       on Narrow Surfaces)
      *  Trap Spotter (Immediate Perception Check to Detect Trap when passes
                       w/in 10')
      *  Combat Trick (Combat Expertise)
      *  Finesse Rogue (Weapon Finesse)

    * Agile Maneuvers (Use DEX rather than STR for CMB)
    * Exotic Weapon Proficiency (Spiked Chain)
    * Improved Trip
      * Greater Trip 

Skill Points: 104 (08/Lvl + 04/Lvl INT + 1/Lvl FC)

Skills                Total   Rank     CS   Ability  Misc
Acrobatics              24      8       3      6     2(R), 5(E)
Appraise                11      4       3      4     
Bluff                   07      4       3      0     
Climb                   15      8       3      2      
Craft                   04                     4      
Diplomacy               11      8       3      0     
Disable Device          17      8       3      6     4*, 2(E)*
Disguise                00                     0     
Escape Artist           22      8       3      6     5(E)
Fly                     08                     6     
Handle Animal                                  0     
Heal                    02                     2     
Intimidate              00                     0     
Knowledge (Abberation)  08      4              4     
Knowledge (Arcana)      05      1              4
Knowledge (Dngnrng)     09      2       3      4     
Knowledge (Engineering)                        4     
Knowledge (Geography)                          4     
Knowledge (History)     06      2              4     
Knowledge (Local)       08      1       3      4     
Knowledge (Nature)                             4     
Knowledge (Nobility)                           4     
Knowledge (The Planes)                         4     
Knowledge (Religion)    06      2              4     
Knowledge (Undead)      08      4              4     
Linguistics             15      8       3      4     
Perception              15      8       3      2     2(R), 4*
Perform                 00                     0     
Profession (      )                            2     
Ride                    06                     6       
Sense Motive            13      8       3      2     
Sleight of Hand         13      4       3      6     
Spellcraft                                     4
Stealth                 26      8       3      6     4(S), 5(E)
Survival                06      4              2     
Swim                    02                     2     
Use Magic Device                               0

                        *Conditional Bonus not always in effect

PP: 00     GP: 59     SP: 03     CP: 08

Equipment                            Cost    Weight
Explorer's Outfit                                8  lb
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2      4000 gp      ½ lb
Mithril Shirt +3 (Shadow, Slick)    17600 gp     6¼ lb
Ring of Protection +1                2000 gp
Boots of Elvenkind                   2500 gp      ½ lb
Holy Symbol (Silver)                   25 gp     1  lb
Achrann                             18324 gp     5  lb
  +1 Spiked Chain, EGO: 08
  Int: 10; Wis: 12; Cha: 12
  Special Purpose:
   Destroy Abberations/Undead
  Power: Deathwatch
  Bane: Abberations/Undead
Sling +1                             2300 gp
  Bullets (50 MW)                     301 gp     5  lb
Short Sword                            10 gp     1  lb
Dagger (2)                              4 gp     2  lb
Handy Haversack                      2000 gp     2½ lb (42 lb)
  Thief's Tools (Masterwork)          100 gp     2  lb
  Climber's Kit                        80 gp     1¼ lb
  Rope (Silk, 50')                     10 gp     5  lb
  Grappling Hook                        1 gp     4  lb
  Cold Weather Outfit                   8 gp     1¾ lb
  Bedroll                               1 sp     1¼ lb
  Winter Blanket                        5 sp      ¾ lb
  Rations (10 Days)                     5 gp     2½ lb
  Waterskin (Full)                      1 gp     1  lb
  Caltrops                              2 gp     2  lb
  Manacles (MW, 2)                     50 gp     2  lb
  Spellbook (used as Journal)          15 gp     3  lb
  Paper (10)                            4 gp
  Inkpen (2)                            2 sp
  Ink (Black, 3)                       24 gp
  Spade                                 2 gp     8  lb
  Soap                                  1 gp     1  lb  
  Everburning Torch                   110 gp     1  lb
  Smokestick (5)                      100 gp      ½ lb
  Thunderstone (5)                    150 gp     1  lb
  Tanglefoot Bag (4)                  200 gp     4  lb
Beltpouch (1)                           1 gp      ¼ lb
  Flint & Steel                         1 gp
  Whetstone                             2 cp     1  lb
  Mirror (Small, Steel)                10 gp      ½ lb
  Signal Whistle                        8 sp

                                 Total Weight:  33½ lb

            Light  Medium   Heavy    Over Head  Lift    Push
Max Weight: 0-50   51-100   101-150  0-150      0-300   0-750


[sblock=Stat Block]
   HP: 72/72     AC: 27   AC(T): 20   AC(FF): 19    AC vs. Traps: +2
 Init: +06    ST(F):+04   ST(R):+13    ST(W):+05    Saves: +2 vs. Fear
                                                           +2 vs. Traps (Reflex)

  BAB: 06       CMB: 11 (Trip +4; + Archann's Bonus)  CMD: 26

Weapon                  Attack    Damage*    Critical     Special
Achrann (Spiked Chain)  +12/+07   1d6+4          20/x2     +2 TH/+2d6 Damage
Sling (+1)              +14/+09   1d3+3          20/x2     Range: 80'
Short Sword             +11/+06   1d4+2       19-20/x2     
Dagger (Thrown)         +11/+06   1d3+2       19-20/x2     Range: 10'

                                 *Sneak Attack: +4d6


Though he was born and raised in Waterdeep, Airard is not as intimately familiar with the ins and outs of the sprawling metropolis as one might suppose. He has always been a little 'out of touch' with the world around him, his mind occupied constantly by academic questions and concerns. His gift for learning and languages led naturally to a life path as a student, and then to a post as a teacher at an esteemed academy in Waterdeep. In a quest to expand his knowledge and breathe some life into his lectures - he's always interested in sparking the same level of enthusiasm for study in his students as he has himself, but unfortunately not very good at it - he began doing field work as well.

Airard's field work keeps him trim and fit. His coloring is somewhat unusual for a halfling - his jet black hair is curly and worn at the shoulders, his eyes are deep green and his skin is naturally olive brown. His preoccupation and distracted air keep him from making 'connection' with those around him, and so he is sometimes awkward in his interactions with others.

Recently, his reputation for top notch field study in the areas of the supernatural, abberations and the undead led to an invitation to join the Paranormal Protection Agency. He reluctantly concluded that he was a far better student than teacher, and decided that this would be an excellent way to support himself and his thirst for knowledge at the same time.
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First Post
Well, uh, just in case my submission is one of the ones that's in...here's an update:

[sblock=Shard]Name: Shard
Player: Shayuri
Race: Human
Class: Sorceror (Celestial)
Level: 8
XPs: 55,000 current/75,000 next level

Patron God: ??
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Str: 8
Dex: 16
Con: 16
Int: 12
Wis: 14
Cha: 24 (+2 racial, +2 levelup, +2 item)
HP: 8d6+24
AC: 17 (+3 Dex, +0 Size, +3 Armor, +0 Shield, +1 Dodge)
Init: +3
Speed: 30 feet
BAB: +4
Mel: +3
Rng: +7
Fort: +8 (=2+3+3)
Refl: +8 (=2+3+3)
Will: +11 (=6+2+3)
Special Abilities
Race: Bonus Feat, Bonus skill points
Class: Celestial Sorceror
Eschew Materials
Holy Light - +7 ranged touch, 30', 10/day, 1d4+4 dmg to evil, heal to good
Celestial Resistances: Acid 5, Cold 5
Bloodline Arcana: Summons get 1/2 lvl DR/evil (DR 4/evil)
Bloodline Feats: Dodge
Bonus Spells: Bless, Resist Energy, Magic Circle vs Evil
Race Bonus: Point Blank Shot
Class Bonus: Dodge
1 Precise Shot
3 Spell Focus: Conjuration
5 Augment Summons
7 Empower Spell
Trained or Untrained: +X (=Rank + Stat Mod + Class Skill + Other)
Bluff +10 (3 ranks + 7 cha)
Intimidate +18 (8 + 7 + 3)
Knowledge: Arcana +12 (8 + 1 + 3)
Spellcraft +12 (8 + 1 + 3)
Use Magic Device +15 (5 + 7 + 3
Sorceror Caster Level 8, base DC 17+lvl
1 - 8/8, 2 - 8/8, 3 - 7/7, 4 - 4/4
0 - Detect Magic, Dancing Lights, Disrupt Undead, Mage Hand, Message, Ghost Sound, Prestidigitation, Ray of Frost
1 - Shield, Magic Missile (4d4+4), Identify, True Strike, Unseen Servant, Bless
2 - Resist Energy, Alter Self, Scorching Ray (2 rays), Glitterdust (DC20)
3 - Magic Circle vs Evil, Fireball (8d6), Suggestion (DC20)
4 - Summon Monster IV

Magic Items
Headband of Charisma +2, 4000
Bracers of Armor +3, 9000
Cloak of Resistance +3, 9000
Handy Haversack, 2000
Boots of Striding and Springing, 5500
Ring of Invisibility, 20,000

Other Equipment:
Bedroll, 1sp
2 belt pouches, 2gp
Waterskin, 1gp

PP: 45
GP: 42
SP: 49
Gems/Other: 0
Light: 0-43 lbs.
Medium: 44-86 lbs.
Heavy: 87-130 lbs.
Current: ~25 lbs.
Pale skinned, crowned with a shock of wild white hair and with faded blue eyes, Shard is an unusual sight. She is possessed of a certain ethereal, otherworldly quality belied by her mischievous smile and seemingly confused demeanor. In the center of her forehead, there is a fragment of clear crystal about the size of a man's thumbnail. Examination bears witness that this isn't some awful injury, but that the crystal is fused with flesh and bone as if it had somehow grown from her body.

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First Post
Well, snap, looks like I might be a little bit too late. Took a bit longer than expected, Pathfinder has some interesting material to it, kept on redoing little bits and pieces. Well, here he is anyway, I'd hate for him to just sink, and I enjoyed writing him. Any items that have been altered (e.g. ornate lanterns, spell component pouch cloaks) are done purely for flavor, and I tossed some extra gold down on them. Because yes.

If you need an alternate, I'm always available. If I am called upon, I'll put in a background and description, I've got the gist of it figured out.

Happy looting to all!

Name: Nirenz
Goes By: Remedy
Player: Pathologik

Race: Half-Orc
Class: Mystic Theurge 2 / Cleric 3 / Wizard 3
Level: 8
XPs: 55,000 / 75,000

Patron God: None. He seeks to remove all that do not
belong to this world, and would seek to despoil it, by
any means necessary. He borrows power from any
divine being willing to hear his call and aid his cleansing –
fortunately, there is no shortage of such figures.
Alignment: Neutral
Str: 8
Dex: 10
Con: 14
Int: 22 (+2 level, +2 headband of mental superiority)
Wis: 22 (+2 racial, +2 headband of mental superiority)
Cha: 18 (+2 headband of mental superiority)
HP: 70 (2d6 + 3d8 + 3d6 + 16)
AC: 14 (+4 bracers of armor)
Init: +0
Speed: 30 feet
BAB: +4
Mel: +3
Rng: +4
Fort: +7 (5 class + 2 ability)
Refl: +3 (3 class)
Will: +12 (6 class + 6 ability) 
Special Abilities 

 Race: Half-Orc
 - +2 Wisdom
 - Darkvision 60 ft.
 - Intimidating - +2 Intimidate
 - Orc Blood
 - Orc Ferocity – Once per day, when brought below 0 hit
points but not killed, may function as disabled for one more
round, before falling unconscious and beginning dying as
usual, unless healed above 0.
 - Weapon Familiarity – Proficient with Falchion and Greataxe,
treat any weapon with the word “orc” in its name as martial.

Class: Mystic Theurge
- Combined Spells (1st) - A mystic theurge can prepare and
cast spells from one of his spellcasting classes using the
available slots from any of his other spellcasting classes.
Spells prepared or cast in this way take up a slot one level
higher than they originally occupied. This ability cannot be
used to cast a spell at a lower level if that spell exists on
both spell lists. This ability may be used to prepare 1st-level
spells in another class' 2nd-level spell slots.

 Class: Cleric
 - Aura – Moderate lawful aura.
 - Channel Energy – Usable 7/day, channel 2d6 positive energy
damage / healing in a 30-ft radius centered on the cleric, Will
DC 15 for half damage.
 - Domains – Glory and Knowledge.
 - Glory Domain – Touch of Glory: 9/day, touch a creature as
a standard action and give a +3 bonus on a single Charisma-based
skill check or Charisma ability check, lasting for one hour or until
a roll is made.
 - Knowledge Domain – Lore Keeper: With a successful touch
attack, you gain information as if you made the appropriate
Knowledge skill check with a result equal to 24.
 - Orisons – The cleric can prepare 4 0th-level spells per day,
which are not expended upon casting.
 - Spontaneous Casting – The cleric can channel stored spell
energy into healing spells that they did not prepare ahead of
time. The cleric can “lose” any prepared spell that is not an
orison or domain spell in order to cast any cure spell of the
same spell level or lower (a cure spell is any spell with “cure”
in its name).
 - Bonus Languages – A cleric’s bonus language options include
Celestial, Abyssal, and Infernal (the languages of good, chaotic
evil, and lawful evil outsiders, respectively). These choices are
in addition to the bonus languages available to the character
because of her race.

 Class: Wizard
 - Bonded Item – Masterwork cold iron falchion. When casting
a wizard spell without the weapon in hand, the wizard must
make a DC 20 + spell level check or lose the spell. The weapon
can be used once per day to cast any one spell that the wizard
has in their spellbook and is capable of casting, even if the
spell is not prepared. This spell is treated like any other spell
cast by the wizard, including casting time, duration, and other
effects dependent on the wizard's level. This spell cannot be
modified by metamagic feats or other abilities. The weapon
cannot be used to cast spells from the wizard's opposition
schools. If a bonded object is damaged, it is restored to full
hit points the next time the wizard prepares his spells. If the
object of an arcane bond is lost or destroyed, it can be replaced
after 1 week in a special ritual that costs 200 gp per wizard level
plus the cost of the masterwork item. This ritual takes 8 hours
to complete. Items replaced in this way do not possess any of
the additional enchantments of the previous bonded item.
 - Arcane School – Abjuration. Opposition schools Illusion
and Transmutation. Spells prepared from these schools must
use two spell slots of that level. In addition, a specialist takes
a –4 penalty on any skill checks made when crafting a magic
item that has a spell from one of these schools as a prerequisite.
Each arcane school gives the wizard a number of school powers.
In addition, specialist wizards receive an additional spell slot of
each spell level he can cast, from 1st on up. Each day, a wizard
can prepare a spell from his specialty school in that slot. This
spell must be in the wizard's spellbook. A wizard can select a
spell modified by a metamagic feat to prepare in his school slot,
but it uses up a higher-level spell slot.
 - Abjuration School – Resistance: You gain resistance 5 to an
energy type of your choice, chosen when you prepare spells.
This resistance can be changed each day.
 - Abjuration School – Protective Ward: 9/day, as a standard
action, you can create a 10-ft. radius field of protective magic
centered on you that lasts for 6 round, granting all allies in this
area (including you)  a +1 deflection bonus to AC.
 - Cantrips – The wizard can prepare 4 0th-level spells per day,
which are no expended upon casting. A wizard can prepare a
cantrip from an opposition school, but it uses up two of his
available slots.
 - Spellbooks - A wizard must study their spellbook each day to
prepare their spells. They cannot prepare any spell not recorded
in their spellbook, except for read magic, which all wizards can
prepare from memory.
Class: Scribe Scroll
1 Extend Spell
3 Arcane Armor Training
5 Brew Potion
7 Arcane Armor Mastery
Trained or Untrained: +X (Rank + Stat Mod + Class Skill + Other)
Diplomacy +13 (6 + 4 + 3)
Intimidate +18 (7 + 4 + 2 + 2)
Knowledge (arcana) +17 (8 + 6 + 3)
 Knowledge (planes) +17 (8 + 6 + 3)
 Knowledge (religion) +17 (8 + 6 + 3)
 Sense Motive +15 (6 + 6 + 3)
Spellcraft +17 (8 + 6 + 3)
Cleric Caster Level 5, base DC 16 + spell level
Spells Per Day: 0th – 4; 1st – 5+1; 2nd – 4+1; 3rd – 2+1
 Spells Prepared

 Wizard Caster Level 5, base DC 16 + spell level
Spells Per Day: 0th – 4; 1st – 5+1; 2nd – 4+1; 3rd – 2+1
 Spells Prepared

 Spells Known
 0 – acid splash, arcane mark, bleed, dancing lights, daze, detect
magic, detect poison, disrupt undead, flare, light, prestidigitation,
ray of frost, read magic, resistance, touch of fatigue
 1 – burning hands, cause fear, charm person, detect undead,
obscuring mist, protection from chaos, protection from evil,
protection from law, shield
 2 – protection from arrows, resist energy, scorching ray, see
 3 – dispel magic, magic circle against evil

Magic Items 
+3 mithral breastplate (13200g), headband of mental superiority
+2 (16000g), ring of sustenance (2500g), hand of the mage (900g),
handy haversack (2000g)

 Magic Items (In Haversack)
 Blessed book [w/ arcane mark] (12500g), 2 silversheens (500g),
1 oil of protection from chaos (50g), 2 oils of protection from
evil (100g), 1 oil of protection from law (50g), 3 oils of remove
fear (150g), 3 potions of cure light wounds (150g), 2 potions of
cure moderate wounds (600g), 1 potion of restoration (300g)

Other Equipment
 Masterwork cold iron falchion [bonded item w/ arcane mark] (450g),
explorer's outfit [w/ feathered cloak, ornate gloves, ornate boots]
(25g), iron mask [masterwork intimidate tool] (50g), silver holy symbol
[built into falchion hilt] (25g), spell component pouch [built into cloak]
(5g), scroll case (1g)

 Other Equipment (In Haversack)
 Bedroll (1s), bullseye lantern [ornate] (15g),  20 candles (2s), 5
pieces of chalk (5c), bottle of fine wine (10g), 3 empty flasks (9c),
flint and steel (1g), 2 flasks holy water (50g), hooded lantern
[ornate] (10g), 2 ounces ink (16g), 2 inkpens (2s), 5 pints oil (5s),
silk rope [50 ft.] (10g), silver ritual bell (5g), small steel mirror (10g),
10 tindertwigs (10g), trail rations [10 days] (5g), 5 empty vials (5g),
waterskin (1g), whetstone (2c), 2 wine glasses (2g)

 Other Equipment (In Scroll Case)
 5 sheets parchment (1g)

 Light warhorse (150g), riding saddle (30g)

GP: 110
SP: 16
CP: 24
Light: 0-27 lbs.
Medium: 28-53 lbs.
Heavy: 54-80 lbs.
Current: 35.5 lbs.
Description (include Age, gender, height, weight, physical description): 

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Voidrunner's Codex

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